Tribal Pagan Art- Love Magic of the Craft

Aug 03, 2008 16:39

Rating- PG for the moment, some sexual thoughts being thought (thunk if you're hick like me)
Characters- Ville Valo and My Own Character, but i must give my best friend the credit to the name. It is her cat.
Disclaimer: I own no one in this story except, Idishidae (Igh-Dish-Igh-Duh[Friends Cat], Vladimir, Nadia and the teachers of the school and any one else besides members of HIM and the 69 Eyes. This plot is my own.
Warning: Idishidae is only seventeen years old, and Ville is 31, there is a deal of multiple sex partners, heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. Please forgive me if you don't like that. Just how this idea came to me.
Summery: Idishidae is seventeen years old, she has been held back in school in some classes and one of her temporary Chorus teachers is none but himself Ville Valo. Idishidae is a Wiccan,(pertains more on the fictional side of the Wicca coven) Ville is however in a coven already, one night Idishidae loses it all. Lovers, family, maybe a chunk of her mental health.

Please tell me what you think. If you have a Mibba, you pretty much may have read this.

Just a filler, i'm sorry, Chapter 11 is written, but i thought you all deserved chapter ten at the most, i've gotten some good comments.

after eleven, you'll receive updates at the pace that i'm writing.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Just a filler that this chapter is. Sorry, the next couple chapters are fillers, until i get a good idea..

Chapter 10- Girl With Golden Eyes

Slight light trickled through the window curtains that morning.

Idishidae, sleeping soundly, not a sign of a cold in sight. While dreaming a slow living dream, the man across the hall was dreaming a nightmare, slowly candle light was fading from his late night, he bolted with a shock.

Vision cloudy, images of last night were flowing back to him, but his dream was keeping him from having, what Jesse called "A Happy."

His dream was of that boy Idishidae was kissing in the hallway just a few days ago. The other was of a girl, he had never seen, but he had a feeling it was in relation to the boy and Idishidae.

He looked at the clock. He didn't have to work today, he needed to lay down some tracks for the new album. He craved to be back in the cool accented walls of the studio. Just Him, his band mates, and the producer. The walls of the studio a deep brown sometimes a red or an deep yellow orange. The clock only red seven thirty. Even if Idishidae could go to school. She wouldn't make it.

He stood and changed out of his silk sleep pants and walked past her door. He looked in on her to see her in the same position form the night before. But for unknown reasons her hair was an unusual mess, she had not moved but her head surely tossed and turned.

He walked down the wooden steps and into the living room, the embers from the fire the night before were still burning. He yawned and stretched slightly and walked into the kitchen. Of course no one was awake, the only reason Linde was awake was because he was to come to work with him the day before. But more than seventy five percent sure, he got laid last night, and wouldn't wake before ten.

Ville slowly walked fully into the kitchen and fixed French Vanilla coffee.

The aroma was drawing, even himself in, and boy was he going to enjoy a little time writing or something other.

Slowly falling into reality, Idishidae rose from her place on the bed. She then smelled the fresh sent of Vanilla Coffee. She breathed deeply. She shivered and looked down only to see herself in a towel. She frowned at the feeling, but remembered how much Ville had helped her. When he could have just told her to do all of this. But he stayed by her side and helped keep her warm.

She stood keeping the towel around her and walked into her bathroom.

She turned the shower on, it was heated, she stripped, well what was left after she stripped and stepped in, heated water slowly poured on her skin. She sighed a deep sigh and just stood there and let the water wash her stress away.

Lathering her hair in the vanilla shampoo available and lathering soap all over herself.

She didn't even let her mind wander to her best friends.

When she lost her grandmother, she blocked it out. It was the only thing she could do. She still resented her death to this day, she was just off some where were she couldn’t see her.

Her heart told her not to do this to her two lovers and best friends, but her mind already began to do it. She knew it wasn't right, but it was the only way from losing her mind.

She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a red towel around herself and walked into her bed room.

She shivered lightly and walked to the dresser and grabbed random clothes and threw them on the bed. She dressed.

She smiled at her random choices. It was a pair of jeans that hugged her curves, but they were still baggy, she also had on a long sleeved red top. It was very plain, but she liked how it looked. She put a red barrette in her hair and walked down the stairs fallowing the sent of coffee. Of course it was in the kitchen, but still.

She walked in to see Ville pouring himself a cup of coffee.

He looked up and saw her. He smiled.


"Yes please."

He smiled and handed her his cup, she assumed.

"Thank you," she took it and smiled.

"Why are you up so early, you went to bed rather late."

She shrugged.

"Habit maybe?"

"Fair enough." He sat down and let his head rest in his hands.

She never pictured him to be a morning person, but the way he was clinging to his coffee kind of made up for it.

She sat down and looked out into the morning. It was a magnificent ray of colors.

She couldn't help but smile. She had a small thing for sunrise and sunset. Mostly the colors.

Midnight was her favorite.

Just two colors she could see. Midnight Blue and black.

"Magnificent isn't it?" he asked her.

She nodded and looked back at him.

"Thank you for last night." She mumbled.

"You're welcome."

She looked back to him and smiled. She noticed he looked odd… not in a rude way odd. He just looked off.

"Did you not sleep last night?" she asked.

"I did… around four in the morning. But I need to go into town and get some fags." He mumbled noticing he was out of cigarettes.

She laughed.

It was a first real laugh he had hear from her since he met her a couple days ago.

He knew it didn't seem a couple of days, but he could tell you one thing.

Knowing this girl, was like magic.

"Wanna come with me?" he asked her.

She looked up, the sun from the window was shining in her eyes. He looked at them and saw them golden, they were so green they were gold.

"I'd like that." She mumbled.

"Well get something warm on, and I don't mean a short sleeved, and a jacket, I mean like a long sleeve and a real blazer."

She giggled at him. It was what she usually wore. But she could imagine after last night Ville would want her to be warm.

He watched as she giggled. It was a choppy giggle much like his laugh.

She walked up the stairs and into he room. She browsed through her clothing in her drawer, she found a velvet black blazer her mom bought her for her birthday a year ago. She hoped it still fit. She lifted it and slid it on. Perfect, it did fit!

She walked to her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth, she hated coffee on her teeth, she always had. She walked down the stairway and saw Ville waiting by the door way.

He seemed very impatient.

She walked up to him as he opened the door.

He watched her walk down the stairs in the black blazer, he admired it, he after all he owned so many. He browsed around in his very own blazer looking for cigarettes, just incase, but yet again he found none.

He looked up when she was a few feet in front of him and opened the door, she smiled and walked out, he fallowed; closing the door behind him.

The sky wasn't the multi colors it was earlier, it was about two or three, bright orange, pink and blue. She kept looking up as they walked down the sidewalk.

He watched her closely, he noticed she took in the colors. But who wouldn't. She looked so far off. She didn't seem as upset about her friends as much.

They walked into this type of convenient store, where Ville knew he could find one of his friends and have fags. He walked in and saw his friend; Mikel, they had known each other since they were rather young.

"Ville!" the man called. "Here for your cigarettes?"

"Hello Mikel, yeah I just ran out." He smiled.

When they were younger, Ville had always wished he looked like his old friend. His friend had the classic looks, you know, tall, pale, blue eyes, gorgeous body. Ville so many times when he was a teen envied him. Ville never had many girls in school. A couple girls. He couldn’t really brag that he lost his virginity at fifteen like most girls expected. It was so much later. Mikel got the girls, Ville and Linde, were so absorbed in music, they didn't even realize half of the time there was a female species out there.

Mikel noticed the young girl walk in with Ville. She looked no younger than fifteen. Could Ville be dating some one, twice his junior? He worried about the girl, because she looked devastated, could Ville be taking over this girls life, because he is so much older than she?

He watched her walk down to the very back, browsing around the paintings Ville and a few friends had given him.

"So, uh Ville, whose the new girl in your life?" he asked.

Ville looked at him confused. He hadn't had a girlfriend for a while.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend."

"Then who is that, girl  Ville?"

"A student of mine, she's living with me and the boys, she's going through a rough time." He was slightly angry that his friend would as a thing, but he didn't know why.

"Okay," he mumbled.

He paid for his fags,

"Come on Idishidae," he called. She looked up and walked up to him her hands in her pocket.

She looked tired,

They walked out of the store together and onto the sidewalk.

Ville looked at her again. He looked at her, blue eyes yet again were shining so bright, the suns golden rays reflecting in her blue orbs.

"Girl With Golden Eyes." He mumbled the words.

He knew the title well. It was a brand of heroin… used by Nikki Sixx.

Many know the story.

Nikki Sixx, died and lived. Twice. Nikki, was "resurrected" so they say. He overdosed twice that the public knew about. And he released a book, called "The Heroin Diaries, Diary of a Shattered Rockstar." He also released a CD. And the type of heroin he used was gold, or some shit. And he called her the girl with golden eyes.

He looked at Idishidae, and saw a girl, who reminded him of Sixx's addiction, and knew. This girl with ocean blues. Could have changed his life.

ville valo

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