Tell me you love me...

Jul 30, 2008 15:26

 thanks a lot for comments! here's the next part

Written by: me
Genre: Romance
Rating: It Changes
Pairing: Ville, OFC
Summary: What happens when you have quarrel at school?

Note: this story doesn’t exist.

Lily and Manna were walking towads Anitta's house. The snow seemed to be getting havier and havier and walking becoming harder.
"If Mika's there, we're leaving sooner" Lily said
"Calm down, I'm sure he won't be there and if he will" she stopped in front of Lily "show him you don't care 'bout him"
Lily smiled. Manna smiled back. They kept on walking.
"what are your plans for christmas?" Lily asked
"ummm... actually I'm going skiing with my family, and maybe I'll even manage to stay a week ot two when they come back" Manna grinned
"alone? you think they'll let you?" Lily asked amazed
"of course they will... they let my brother stay when he turned sixteen, I just turned sixteen too" Manna grinned
"yeah, but you turned sixteen a week ago, I don't think..."
"oh Lily stop it will ya?" she asked angrily.
Girls stopped at the small house. The lawn was already covered with snow and the door seemed to be hidden.
"where the fuck is the door?" Manna giggled
"it has to be somewhere here" Lily said "ha there it is" girls knocked. Nobody...
"may be they left?" Lily asked happily
"don't be stupid, they're just asleep" Manna banged "come on! open the door! Anitta! ANITTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" still nobody
"seee, I told you, she decided to leave today and not tomorrow" Lily grinned
"I guess you're right," Manna sighed "come on, let's go to movie or somewhere else..."
"umm.... actually I can't... got to see my dad"
"ummm... ok, see you later then" Manna said walking away...

A week later...

Manna sat on the bench. In front of her was the beautiful view of Oulunkylд under it's white cover. She closed her eyes taking the deep breath. True her school was in a beautiful place with a wonerful view but she still hated it. Around her were running children playing snowballfight. the usuall thing during the breaks. soon the bell would ring and they'd hurry into their warm classrooms.
"well well well... who have we got here..." she heard the familiar voice "long time no see eh?"
"what do you want? "Manna said with annoyed voice. Ville smiled and sat down next to her
"I want to be alone"
"then go away"
"no you go, I wanna sit here, alone. without your ugly figure bothering me" he said
"whatch your words Valo!" Manna hissed
"or what?" Ville asked lighting his cigarette.
"you don't wanna know, believe"
"oh I do, I really do"Ville laughed "what? you'll call your alcoholic uncle? or your whore aunt maybe..."
"Don't you fucking dare to call my aunt and uncle like that!" Manna stood up shouting. everyone gathered around them in a circle.
"oh come on!" Ville stood up too "you're just a stupid girl with sick parents!"
"that's not your fucking buisness. Go to your daddy's pornshop!"
"you leave my dad's shop alone!" Ville shouted angrily
"and you leave my parents alone!"
"hey guys guys! calm down!" A tall guy with straight blond hair came between them. "what got into you?!"
"you're right Linde, I've got nothing to do with whore's and alcoholic's niece" Ville said
"why you..." Manna jumped on Ville and began punching him. they were rolling together in snow hitting eachother. the children around them were shouting excitedly.
"Valo! Tuuri! stop the fight right now!" the principal shouted.they both stood up quickly. Manna straightened her hair and clothes, Ville wiping the blood from his mouth and nose " follow me! now!" The both glared at eachother following him "and you go to your classrooms! NOW!" children quickly ran away.

"THAT'S NOT THE WAY TO BEHAVE AT SCHOOL!" Mr. Toopinen was shouting, his little face getting redder and redder " WE ARE CIVILIZED PEOPLE AND DO NOT ACT LIKE ANIMALS!" Ville and Manna both sat in chairs in front of the principal. Mr. Toopinen sighed heavily and sat down. "you both will stay after classes and work here, and will come and work even during the holidays..."
"But I have planned everything, Mr. Toopinen" Manna said
"It's all your fault" Ville whispered while leaving
"Shut up!" Manna hissed.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Lily shouted
"Ye ye..." Manna sighed
"But, but you've waited for this winter for ages! he can't do that to you..."
"I know,I know but what the fuck can I do? my parents got angry and said they'd leave me here, alone"
"ALONE?" Lily shouted again. Manna nodded.
"Fuck you Valo! I hate you so much!" she said angrily

ville valo, valo/ofc

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