Title: A Nice Bowl of Soup
himenojigoku Rating: PG-13
Pairings: ChiyuxTakeru
Warnings: Cussing?
Summary: Keru is sick.
Comments: An idea that popped into my head. Some fluff, so enjoy?XD
The chibi vocalist snuggled into his black and white checkered covers. It was Monday and he had meetings, a photo shoot, plus band practice. Did he want to move? No. So he ignored his iphone 4 and bury his head deep into the pillow. Then, SHINee's "Y.O.U" started playing.
"Hmm?" Takeru turned over and stretced his arm to the side table. Luckily he was wearing a black long sleeve. His room was freezing. "Hm hello?" Takeru said groggily. His cute brown eyes closed.
"Hey, Keru where are you?" The deep voice of SuG's bassist floated from the speaker.
"I don't know." Takeru rubbed his eyes. He had a headache and was tired. "What time is it?"
"It's almost noon. You missed the first tow meetings. Manager-san is mad."
Takeru was cussing up a stormin his mind. He tried to roll over to get out of bed. "Ack!" Takeru's back cracked and his hand dropped the phone. "Shit."
"Oi! What's wrong boo?" He could hear Chiyu say. "Do I need to come over there?" Takeru cussed again and bent down over the bed.
"Ow...I'm fine but my back aches. I thnk I caught a cold from shooting the PV." Takeru said puting the iphone to his ear.
"Maybe I should skip too. You don't sound good." Chiyu worriedly voiced. Takeru hummed.
"No. Someone needs to laugh with Yuji." The chibi started to cough.
"Uh-huh, and I just heard a cough. Time to go."
*Beep Beep
Takeru sighed and threw his phone back on the floor. His baby will come. "Fuck work today." The vocalist went straight to sleep.
30 Minutes later.......*Knock Knock
"Hmm...Come in." Takeru muttered. Chiyu opened the white door to the chibi's room. He jingled his copy of the condo's keys.
"Wakey Wakey." Chiyu whispered. He was bare of everything except for a tank top and basketball shorts.
"Grrr..." Takeru mumbled. He felt the chocolate locks of his boyfriend on his face.
"Aw, is my Keru sick?" Chiyu cooed.
"No he's going away on vacation." Takeru shifted under the covers. Wet pair of lips kissed his face.
"Hold him then, before he leaves for a few hours." Chiyu placed his blackberry and keys on the computer desk and went to the kitchen.
Chiyu flipped the lights on, casting a yellow glow over the huge kitchen. The bassist went to the black Kennmore in the corner of the room.
"I know he has some soup." He rummaged through the bottom. "There it is." Chiyu pulled out a bottle of chicken noodle soup. Takeru's boyfriend walked, then found a glass bowl, and put the soup in the microwave.
"Come on..." Chiyu tapped his foot impatiently. "Yay..."
Takeru slid the covers down to his waist. He felt hot now. "Ah shit, I actually have a cold."
"Keru I have some soup for you." Chiyu came thourgh the door with a steaming bowl. He was blowing it as he avoided basses and electric guitars.
"Ew, I don't feel like eating noodles." Takeru coughed again.
"Well, you have to get better. If you loose your voice we won't be able to record." Chiyu moved the alarm clock and pictures from the side table. He placed the bowl there.
"Uhh, I don't want to hear Moada's mouth when I do go back to work." Takeru sighed. As far as the office knew, he just flat out skipped.
"Please? For me." Chiyu used those bedroom eyes and that deep voice; Takeru practically melted.
"Okay." Takeru whispered. Chiyu grabbed the spoon and sat on the bed. Keru scooted closer.
"Say 'Ah'." Chiyu teased, holding a spoonful of shell noodles.
Takeru chomped the spoon while Chiyu gave him a kiss. The chibi swallowed. "What was that for? You're going to get a cold."
"Every bite you eat will make you feel better with my kiss." Chiyu kissed his cheek again.
"So egoistic." Takeru laughed. The kisses went on for 10 minutes until the bowl was gone. Then kisses traveled down Takeru's neck and over his face, over his chest and collar bones, and on his hands.
"I can do something else to make you feel better too." Chiyu smiled. Takeru giggled.
"Where is Chiyu now?" Shinpei scratched his head. He could of sworn he just saw him.
"Shin-san, where is Chiyu?" Masato asked as he poked his head out of the recording room.
"Dont' know." Shinpei shrugged.