Intro & Master Fics List

Sep 16, 2024 22:08

Hello, everyone~!

Welcome to hime_lian92 's journal!

This journal is an open journal for everyone. I never lock any of my fics, so feel free to read. ^^
I just hope you'll leave comment after that, because they're my happiness. 
And I'll definitely heart you if you do!

Oh, and by the way, I really hope you will comment before you add me.
Because I can't add you back if you don't. I'm really really sorry. 
I love making friends, so a comment or two will be enough. =)

My name is Lian and I'm a JaeSu-shipper. I love all DBSK pairings, though there are some that I kinda hate dislike. JaeChun and MinSu. =]

I don't really like to write, because my English sucks to the core of the earth. XD
But lately, I'm so bored, have nothing to do, that's why I decided to give it a try ^^
And I'm really happy to know that there're people who read my works. And I really appreciate it.
I'm from Indonesia, so if there's anyone of you came from Indonesia, please don't hesitate to add me as your friend! But of course, you'll have to say hi in here first. =]

And for some of my readers who know me so well, I'm a fast updater.
Mostly, I update my fics everyday.
But of course, I have a life too. 
I won't be able to update when one or more of these things happen:-
1. There's no internet around.
2. Writer's block.
3. I'm not in the mood.
4. I'm busy with college assignments.
5. I'm in the middle of exams! (TT___TT)
6. My laptop is on service.
7. On vacation.
8. My roommate is "around".
I think those are all.

I'm really thankful for those who like my fics and been reading them.
I heart all of you! *hugs*
And thank you so much for coping up with my bad grammar and spelling mistakes. 
English is not my first or even a second language.

Now, onto my master fics list! ^^
The order is from the oldest to the newest. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do when I wrote them! ^^

Look at Me - JaeSu
Facebook - YunChun (U2)
Lovesick - YunJae
Forever - U2
Babo (Unforgettable) - JaeMinSu
Father's Love (extra from "Letting Go")
Name - HoSu
You and I, Forever - HoSu (prequel and sequel to Name)
Jealous Jaejoongie - JaeSu
Glass - JaeSu
Broke Up Today - JaeSu
Memory - YunJae

Aliens series - HoSu
Aliens - Teen!Yunho & Chibi!Junsu
Aliens are Here?! - Teen!Yunho & Chibi!Junsu
Aliens are not real, after all? - Teen!Yunho & Chibi!Junsu

Letting Go - JaeSu, U2
Prologue|| Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3|| Chapter 4|| Chapter 5|| Chapter 6|| Chapter 7|| Chapter 8|| Chapter 9|| Chapter 10|| Chapter 11|| Chapter 12|| Chapter 13|| Epilogue

Happiness - JaeSu(On Hiatus)
Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3|| Chapter 4|| Chapter 5

Because Of You - JaeMin
Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3|| Chapter 4|| Chapter 5|| Chapter 6|| Chapter 7|| Chapter 8|| Chapter 9|| Chapter 10

Between You and Me There's Him - YunJae
Chapter 1|| Chapter 2

A Little Lie To Love - YooSu (collaboration with flow_is_me135)
P.R.O.L.O.G.U.E|| O.N.E|| T.W.O

Comments always make me smile, so please leave a comment or two, yes? ^^
p/s : Please tell me if the link is broken or something. I'll fix them right away. :)

intro, master fics list

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