A Little Lie To Love [TWO]

Aug 07, 2010 03:19

Title: A Little Lie To Love
Authors: hime_lian92 & flow_is_me135
Pairing: YooSu, other will come later
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Mpreg, Unbetaed
Disclaimer: We own the story not the characters.
Summary: "Because I just need a little lie to love him."

A/N: Sorry for the late chapter *bows* Flow and I were having the so-called "writers' block" and we're kinda busy these days. We still hope you enjoy it anyway :D
poster by aulxdayz


Junsu was sitting on the edge of the infirmary bed. His eyes move to right and left, sometimes he shakes his head when the dizziness suddenly come. “Songsaengnim, can you please stop moving around? You make me feel dizzy.”

Yoochun stop moving back and forth. He turned his head to face Junsu “Oh, you feel dizzy??”

Junsu nodded his head cutely.

“I’m so sorry.” Yoochun said with a pitifull expression “But I can’t. I have works to do.” Then he started to move again, back and forth from the medicine cabinet to his working table.

Junsu pouted. Really, how could a person like this attracted him like this? “You’re so mean songsaengnim.”

“Hey, I’m working, okay? Anyway-” Yoochun turn his body once more to face Junsu “-why are you here? Infirmary room is for sick people. And I see that you are actually fine.”

“It’s PE right now. And I can’t join them with this foot.” Junsu pointed to his sprained ankle.

Yoochun sighed “You could always sit on the side of the gym.”

“And get hit by the basket ball?” Or missing the chance to be with you for two full hours? “Hell no.”

“Then don’t complain.” He ended the conversation and goes back to his work.

How could he work with those medicine all the time? They are stink. They don’t feel good. Most importantly, they couldn’t talk. So it must be really boring to work with it all the time. Junsu muttered on his head.

“Whatever you are thinking, Junsu-ah, stop thinking about it.” Yoochun said, still facing the medicine cabinet.

Junsu pouted and looked away. He's wondering why this thick headed cutie in front of him still hasn’t realized his feelings for the older. Is he really that oblivious?

The door suddenly opened and both Junsu and Yoochun turned their head to it. They saw a panting Eunhyuk on the doorway.

"What's wrong, Eunhyuk?" Junsu asked.

"Coach needs you now. He say emergency." Eunhyuk said.

Junsu abruptly stood up and almost fall. Yoochun saw this and quickly came by his side and support him by the waist. Junsu blushed at the closeness between him and Yoochun.

"Be careful. You have a sprained ankle, ducky." Junsu pretended to sulk and slapped Yoochun's hand on his waist. "Oh, shut up, mouse."

Yoochun helped Junsu to walk to the door until Eunyhuk take over for him. "Walk slowly." Yoochun reminded Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk nodded and they walked away.

Yoochun leaned against the doorway and sighed. He stared at the two retreating backs and smiled sadly. If only they're not teacher and student.


“I’m what?” Junsu said to his couch after he heard what the couch wanted to say to him.

“We’re going to have a final match, and you know, you are one of our aces so we need you to play for the final.” Siwon said to him once.

“No, what did you said after that?”

Siwon lifted his eyebrows, thinking about what he said, and then he formed an O with his mouth when he remembered “I want you to do something to your ankle and heal it quickly, so I suggest you to live with Yoochun sshi for a little while. Just until your ankle is fine.” Then he beamed his satisfied smile, showing his big dimple to the whole world.

Junsu would have watch him closely if only he’s not to busy thinking about the idea of living with Yoochun. “I don’t think Yoochun songsaengnim would agree to that.” He finally said when he could finally regain his composure.

Siwon tilt his head. If only he’s not that tall and so muscular, he would already look so cute by now “Why not?”

“Songsaengnim, are you seriously asking me that?”

“It’s not like you are a woman or something, so it’s okay to live together, right?”

That’s not the only problem, I tell you. Junsu muttered on his head.

“Anyway--“ Siwon get up from his seat and walk through Junsu “I’ll go and talk to him. You wait here.” Then he leave Junsu.


“Yoochun ah!” Siwon said when he finally arrived at the infirmary, startling the doctor who is now sorted the medicine on the cabinet.

“Oh, Siwon. Why are you here? Did something happen to Junsu?” Yoochun asked.

Siwon smirked inwardly. I guessed right after all, he thought. He walked slowly towards Yoochun and raised an amused eyebrow. “You care for him too much, eh?”

Yoochun blushed and of course, this make Siwon smiled more, happy that he just hit the jackpot. “It’s not that-”

Siwon cut him to it. “Ah, I don’t want to hear anything from you.”

Yoochun pouted. If only Yoochun wasn’t a grown up man with thick muscles in his arms and broad chest, he’ll surely be mistaken for a girl with his shoulder length hair and beautiful face.

Siwon smiled. “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

“What kind of favor?” Yoochun asked.

Siwon shrugged. “Just a normal favor. You know, because you’re a doctor and all.”

Yoochun nodded. “Sure, I’m glad if I can lend a hand.”

Siwon beamed. “No taking back your words, okay?” Siwon asked, pointing his finger at Yoochun’s face. Yoochun nodded awkwardly. “Okay, here’s the thing. I need you to take care of our best player.”

“Sure. What’s wrong with him? Sick? Fever?”

Siwon shook his head. “Nope. Sprained ankle.”

Yoochun widened his eyes. “Junsu!?” Siwon nodded. “He’s your best player?! What the heck?”

“Hard to believe? Believe it now then. He’s indeed our best player. And I want him to live with you until he recovers.” Siwon grinned.

“What?! I’m okay with ‘taking care of him’ part, but I’m not okay with ‘live with me’ part.” Yoochun protested as he rubbed his throbbing head, trying to lessen the sudden ache in his head.

“Aww, I’m asking you this favor because I really need him to play. And obviously, I don’t know anyone who can take care of him until he’s fine and able to play again.” Siwon paused, lowering his tone. “And he’s living alone.”

Yoochun’s head turned when Siwon said the last part. “He’s living alone?”

Siwon nodded. “Can you imagine how hard is it for him to take care of himself when he has a sprained ankle and living by himself?”

Yoochun thought for a moment before nodding his head and sighed. “All right. I’ll take care of him. But-” Siwon bit his lips, anticipating what Yoochun was going to say next. “only until he recovers, all right?”

Siwon nodded and smiled at Yoochun. “Thanks, Yoochun ah! I’ll treat both of you something to eat later!”


“So, it settled now, right?” Siwon smile proudly when he could finally persuaded Yoochun to live with Junsu.

Yoochun scoffed. He take a brief look at Junsu who’s now hanging his head low. Is he blushing? “It’s not like I could do something else.”

Junsu lifted his head to see Yoochun with a surprised expression.

“Great.” Siwon clap his hand. “I’ll leave you both now. See you tomorrow.” He wink naughtily to Yoochun.

I’m doing a good deed aren’t I? Siwon smiling to himself and finally leaving the café. Leaving Junsu and Yoochun together.


alltl, length: chaptered, pairing: yoosu, fanfic

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