Title: The Actors II (Background story of Thirteen Series)
Author: himawarixxsandz
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): U-Bomb
Summary: Minhyuk wasn't always bored
A/N: block b came back. i cried and sobbed and bled and sacrificed virgins on the altar i keep in my basement with my ping pong table. college apps are still killing me i think imma be a snail instead.
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Comments 6
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And then they all came together and every character is so amazing and interesting. I too frowned upon Himchan and Jongup relationship, smiled at Daehyun and Youngjae's or Taeil and P.O, melt in adoration at U-Bomb, combination of the hottest. ç_ç And the way you describe Banghim is as great as ever, I could practically feel the magnetic ( ... )
Ugh omg I just can't my brain is a mush right now but I absolutely, absolutely love both of their characters here so, so much that I'm legit sobbing.
Why is Minhyuk the only one who gets to see kwonnie in tight fitting pants and netted shirts and smexy makeup?! Me wants too ;__; pfft this lucky bastard.
Love this :)
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