Title: The Actors II (Background story of Thirteen Series)
Author: himawarixxsandz
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): U-Bomb
Summary: Minhyuk wasn't always bored
A/N: block b came back. i cried and sobbed and bled and sacrificed virgins on the altar i keep in my basement with my ping pong table. college apps are still killing me i think imma be a snail instead.
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And then they all came together and every character is so amazing and interesting. I too frowned upon Himchan and Jongup relationship, smiled at Daehyun and Youngjae's or Taeil and P.O, melt in adoration at U-Bomb, combination of the hottest. ç_ç And the way you describe Banghim is as great as ever, I could practically feel the magnetic attraction you described in The Crew-2. Btw I have to ask a question : I watched Ocean's Eleven trailer and there's this guy, richly dressed, eating in a garden, with sunglasses. IS THAT JAEHYO ?!!! XDDDD I know you do not really follow the story and characyers but the way you wrote him, I saw him just like that - but with a touch of his own stupidity. So yeah, I was wondering.
And about The Actors ! I love how they met. Doongsun's a funny bastard and as usual B-bomb is a hot stuff. A lifeguard bored of everything on life. Bored of living. The metaphore with his dull grey world being colored by Ukwon is amazing - and Ukwon is great because he's not just smiles, there's a darker side of his personnality, and I want him with a gun because holy shit it was so hot in the MV ç_ç Like, his facial expressions. I so want to see how they came together - with Himchan and Yongguk and all the others 'xcept the two young dorks.
And just another question - Yongguk spent 4 years in jail but thinghs ended up with Himchan 3 years before The Crew. So soomething happened when Yongguk was in jail ? They had issues over what happened in their previous con that led Yongguk to jail and it slowly brought a break-up ? Then Himchan found Jongup - ew ?
Well sorry again for commenting all four posts in this one but I'm so busy and I just wanted to thank you for this really . ♥
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