Title: Thump-Thump, Thump-Thump
Team: The Geeks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters/Pairings: Sheldon/Penny
Rating/Warnings: K
Author's Notes: More fluff. This also just flew into my head and I couldn't focus on things until I got it out. Sorry about the double posting, I come bearing Sheldon's attractive hands! MMM!
“Ooh, oh, go-go, gadget-,” Penny’s magazine appeared to have sprouted wings and was attempting flight, “something!”
“Gadget legs! Gadget! Legs!” Sheldon flew from the left of their Tempur-Pedic, rummaging for his pre-packed observational tools.
Yanking the stethoscope and recording device, he tossed back the comforter and flopped down, flush with her exposed stomach.
Flattening his ear, he leaned against her concave navel, freezing against her. Penny stifled her amusement at his abruptly static posture.
His right hand snaked up, capturing her wrist. He drummed delicate, invariant rhythm on the surface above her radial artery with his fingertips.