Because it's so much eaiser to tweet...

Jun 23, 2010 17:44

  • 17:30 @ thunder_67au Well, for tonight at least #
  • 18:48 I shall not be livetweeting about Marion's CCC on #masterchef tonight... apparently, I can't use my brother's iPod touch or the laptop -.- #
  • 18:50 @ thunder_67au Nawww I'm sure some'll appear! #
  • 19:01 Also. WTF? I don't like Joanne, but seriously... Death threats? That's a little extreme #masterchef #
  • 19:38 @ thunder_67au It's such an overreaction to something so simple. #
  • 19:42 @ kraima Because that would both be easy and predictible... Oh, also, a tad boring. #
  • 19:43 @ thunder_67au -.- Personally, I think the people who did it need to grow up. #
  • 19:45 @ thunder_67au It is. And it gives those of us who tweet and blog about MC a bad name #
  • 19:55 @ thunder_67au Mhm. It's so silly. #
  • 20:00 I am the egg-man, They are the egg-men, I am the walrus #
  • 20:05 Okay, this is stupid. Why am I procrastinaing over writing #fanfiction? #
  • 08:01 ... FFS. Why are the avocadoes not ripe yet? Isn't four days enough? *grumble* #ihavenothingforbreakfast #
  • 08:54 . Seriously, do people have nigh better to do? #
  • 09:03 I should probably get to school. #cbf #
  • 09:16 #honestyhour I'm crazy for crying, crazy for trying, and I'm crazy for loving you... </3 #
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