Because it's so much eaiser to tweet

Jun 22, 2010 17:28

  • 20:08 I'm curious to know why it is that Jono is allowed to fanboy but Matt and Cal aren't allowed to be all PDA when Matt was there #masterchef #
  • 20:10 Fail. Jono. Fail #masterchef #
  • 20:11 Fanboy Jonathan;; MUCH?!?!? #masterchef #
  • 20:12 Oh, and I'm in love with Callum. He's as cute as a button #masterchef #
  • 20:14 Oh. And regardless of who cooks it... SAIL porridge is NOT a good look #masterchef #
  • 20:15 You. Fail. Jono. #masterchef #
  • 20:16 Callum's cute... You got that? #masterchef #
  • 20:20 Also, if anyone deserves the CC, it'll be Callum #masterchef... But just cause I love him. #
  • 20:22 Callum <3 #masterchef #
  • 20:23 Also, fail Aaron... But at least you're good enough to laugh at yourself over it. #masterchef #
  • 20:25 Rejected JOANNE! #masterchef #
  • 20:27 Jono is about the fall over Niagra Falls head first screaming like a fanboy #masterchef #
  • 20:28 George unnerves me #masterchef #
  • 20:30 So, Jono's permitted to be a fanboy, but Cal's not allowed to cry openly about Matt's leaving? Double standards;; MUCH? #masterchef #
  • 20:31 Callum must win this... He must. <3 #masterchef #
  • 20:34 o.O Marion and Alivn? Oh well, at least it's not Jono... Not Callum, but still... Well done. :) #masterchef #
  • 20:36 I would like to see Callum face a CC #masterchef #
  • 20:37 Oh, and I think I just need to reitorate that... Callum's cute and I love him! <3 #masterchef #
  • 20:38 CCC tomorrow... Can Marion beat the handlebars at their own game? #masterchef #
  • 20:39 @ thunder_67au Yeah, another one. And for him to win. <3 #
  • 20:40 Jono is without a doubt, one of the most insane fanboys I've ever seen... #masterchef #
  • 20:41 @ thunder_67au I hope so... I do. :) #
  • 20:43 Night all. :) x #
  • 21:00 @ thunder_67au ... And I thought Bam Margera was bad... #
  • 07:01 The threats against Joanne are taking things way too far IMO... I don't like her, but death threats? #masterchef #
  • 15:09 No. More. Assessments. For. This. Term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot! #
  • 16:33 @ thunder_67au :-] Now, I would like to party... But I probably shouldn't. :-] #
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