Rampant speculation and hyped up theories on what might happen tonight!

May 09, 2006 11:15

I am a disgusting whore for spoilers:

BEWARE: this post is spoiler-ific for the VM Season 2 finale. You've been warned. And yeah, most of the spoilers come from Wanda/Kristin, who I don't trust very much, but she's been kinda right about a lot of things lately, so I'm taking what she says at face value.

Yes, I am aware that I have a spoiler abuse problem. I have no patience, and can't wait to see what happens and when. That said:

Okay, so are we all on board that Beav is the one that brought down the bus? I've thought he had something going on for months, but what kind of solidified it for me was the whole thing with the outting of all outs-- you know, from Ronniekins dreams? Maybe it was just a dream and she's not a psychic friend or Jennifer <3 Hewitt, but I was wondering...what if Beav was taking down the bus so he wouldn't be outted? It's possible, right? I mean, he wouldn't want for anyone to find that out, right?

I need to re-watch like 20 episodes today...

I went to Kristin/Wanda's lair and sucked the sweet nectar of spoilers and saw that there's going to be 2 deaths. i think the deaths are going to be Weevil (because that's shocking, and I think that Weev's is kinda played out, I mean, I know some of us love Weevil (and i do too!) but witness the resolution on most of his storylines: PCH'ers and Fitzpatricks= solved. Graduating HS= solved. Killing Felix= almost solved. That's all he's got left, right? And what purpose is he gonna serve when not in high school?

Second death= Aaron. I think that Aaron's death seems a pretty predictable happening, but who knows...maybe not, right? Now, I could be utterly delighted with the death of Duncan, but we all know that would leave little Lil'2.0 mother and fatherless, too cruel of a fate. Let's just not have so much of the Duncan. Unless he turns all zombie and kills Aaron! Yes! Can you see it? He can wear that expression...you know, the one he always wears... and come after Aaron and shoot him as he tries to kill Veronica.

But, that would totally ruin my preplanned, expected wonderfulness of the Logan rescue of Veronica. Please, please, please, Logan...rescue Veronica. I am in need of a good swoon.


Well, I guess we'll just have to see, right? I'm all kinds of nervous

lots of spoilers, speculation, nervousness, not pictured, vm, nonsense, theories

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