So, yes, I've been way absent as of late, mostly due to school and scholarly obligations. But I have this week "off" -- which means I don't have to grace campus with my presence, not that I won't be doing any hard work.
A long overdue thank you to those who participated in sending me thoughts/stories/musings etc. on Alias-- which I'm pretty much digging right now.
And as for Lost-- ALL I can say is that I am addicted to the Lost Experience game. Yeah. I admit it. I suck at it, but I love playing.
Veronica: Well, I'm going to post a nice long commentary on the eps I've not commented on and "Not Pictured" as soon as the finale airs.
I forgot to post this on my LJ, but a bit of 2.20 fluffy ficiness from the Cheesy Love challenge, if you can dig it (Slightly AU because I changed Alterna-Prom to a Saturday instead of a Friday, inadvertently, because I, apparently, cannot read):
"Begin" Many of you might remember how I wanted to learn to cook awhile ago, and gave me advice and tips and stuff. Now, I'm downright addicted to cooking. I made these little tiny apple turnover things last night that had caramel vanilla dipping sauce, and dude, they were delicious. So, uh, thanks for the encouragement. And now I am off iso the perfect ingredients for a good German Chocolate cake. I want it to make you want to die when you eat it. That's the way cakes should be.