halfway2home rocks, for sending me the awesomest Mix tape CD eva. And a super cool postcard for Lost that fits in exactally with what I'm writing this morning. She is the coolest ever, and totally made my Weds. morning.
My one true love has been wanting a Point and shoot camera for a long time, he's been itching to get into photography. As much as he loves his digital, he wanted to take photos with an older 35 mm that he could learn more about photography with. After much searching, I found him a gently used Nikon F series from 1978 with flash and a standard lens. I wanted to get him some film and maybe a book on beginners photography-- or if there's something else that every novice photographer should have that I don't know about. I'd love ideas/inspirations/tips etc.
In other news entirely: I cut all my hair off. It felt awesome. I am v. happy. Will post pics in a second