Dec 30, 2018 09:50
I am sitting by my light box drinking coffee and contemplating the day. I see the poor, beleaguered cat, Jackson, has made an appearance, as the 3 dogs are tearing around outside. Jackson and Pluto just love to hate each other.
My trip to Goodwill to get some tops was a failure, as I just grabbed stuff and brought it back to try on. Only one of the the tops fit. I am definitely not a medium, I guess. Yay. Now the Fat Lady gets to return everything.
We will have to swing by my house today to get more clothes and to get Pluto's CBD oil. I always dose him before the dog park and it makes a lot of difference in his anxiety levels. He was really a dick yesterday. He was also anxious and afraid last night and I don't know why. I wonder if being in this house reminds him of a year ago and how confused he was when I returned from the hospital smelling weird. I did not let him sleep with me for about a week because I was afraid he would hurt the incision, but that ended up being a mistake. He was very confused.
Mostly, though, it has been going very well with the dogs. They are quite a pack! Pluto is accepting Stella more and even was snuggling with her last night.
I have been doing the family's laundry while I'm here. I wonder if they ever wear anything twice. The mounds of laundry are truly impressive.
I just got a call from an old friend. We are meeting up at a dog park this afternoon. I love this woman and I have not yet me her puppy. Yay!
I did finish Vanity Fair on Amazon and ended up liking it better than I did initially. The main character, Becky, is totally out for herself, but she is kind of likeable in her manipulations. I still fail to see how this show is satire, though. It's pretty damned sad. I am trying to decide if I think it is worth looking into other versions or even-gasp-read the book.
Looking for something else to watch. Suggestions?
vanity fair,