Nov 23, 2018 17:34
Yesterday was just perfect as far as I am concerned. Of course I felt as though I was catered to all day, and that never happens, so it was quite a treat. My daughter has a huge fancy kitchen with everything you can imagine, and she is an amazing cook.
I took the dogs out in the morning and spent the rest of the day and into the evening just hanging out. Jess says my willingness to play with the kids or read to the kids helps out tremendously.
This morning I awoke early to let Pluto out and to feed him and the cat, and I decided I was not driving across town in the Black Friday traffic to go to an 8:00 a.m. PT appointment. So I called an cancelled it. I felt kind of guilty because it sounded horrible when I made the appointment, but I thought I could do it. There was a good lesson in boundaries.
So I stopped at Jessica's to take Rex late this morning, and yesterday's glow was gone. I did not know they had been embroiled in a hassle about their two puppies. Apparently, they thought they had young people lined up to stay at their house, but the people backed out. No boarding places would take them (full up). Jason's parents did not directly say (Big surprise) that they didn't want the dogs to come when the family visited, but they didn't.
So long story short, Jason took the kids and Jess stayed behind with the dogs. The kids were very unhappy, but I think it was a good decision.
Jess says she's going to spend her time going through the house and getting rid of stuff. We plan on taking the dogs for a walk tomorrow.
Today I continue to sort through stuff. Jess and I are on a similar mission.
I finished The Haunting of Hill House, and it was quite good. I got a little confused at the end and will have to read some synopsis of it to make sense. Now I gotta find something else to watch.