Nov 14, 2007 02:29
so, if it isn't bad enough that most people I know are ragging on me for liking Veronica Mars, IMDB is full of reviews bashing the show and for illogical reasons.
#1 they all point to how bad the ratings are, sometimes without ever even having watched the show... ratings don't actually mean anything about a show except wether it's mainstream or not and wether it gets renewed. On a different station not so geared towards the norm, the show might have blossomed, instead an outsiders show on the CW, it's considered a failure. Also good shows don't always have good ratings... look at Survivor and other reality shows of shitness, they have great ratings but they're not good tv. Quality vs. Quantity anyone? Just because everyone's watching, doesn't mean it's good.
#2 They're all complaining that the show is too intelligent: wtf? too intelligent, well the ratings of what's popular and what's not would back up the idea that stupid shows are more popular but definitely not better.
#3 They're pointing out flaws in the PI business as if they were PI's themselves. Now either there are a shit ton of PI's that like to review on IMDB or a bunch of ignorant assholes who've never worked in law enforcement or the PI business are saying how realistic it is... hey all you PI's! My husband's cheating on meee! no one?, didn't think so.
#4 there is no real danger on the show? she was almost burned alive, raped, tatooed etc. and normally she investigates petty crimes... finding a lost dog has to be dangerous to be realistic?
The only thing more appalling than this is that Buffy has similar reviews... the most ironic part... although more than 3/4 of the reviews are negative for both shows, they both have overall ratings of 8.8 (Veronica Mars) and 8.7(Buffy) out of ten stars.