Tori In Albany 10/9/07

Oct 10, 2007 01:00

Ok so I'm going to review the loverly Tori concert. I just so happened to forget my paper so I couldn't write as many details as I wanted and I dropped my pen in the middle so I kinda was distracted for two of the songs.

Ok so the Palace Theatre in Albany is a small theatre that reminds me very much of the Hippodrome in art style and architecture. Our seats were in the first section of the balcony in the exact middle a row from the back. They were approxiametely halfway across the lower level and we didn't have heads in our way.

The opener was an interesting british dude (who I sadly missed the name of) that played the guitar in a percussive style using synthesizers to create a techno sound. It was pretty cool but I was antsy to see Tori. After he was done there was another half hour of annoying stage tech bs getting set up and then finally they were ready. She was playing with full band.

Our ADP guest for the evening was the lovely Isabel. She had her hair long and flowing and was wearing a fabulous red satin jumpsuit with black tights and cute ankle height boots. She appeared (while the band was jamming) as a shadow engulfed in red light. As the lights came up on her she brandished a joint, took a puff and walked up to the Bosendorfer platform. I must admit I was a bit disappointed when I saw Isabel was to be our guest as she is my least favorite doll but she blew me away and proved my initial doubts irrelevant.

1. Yo, George: This song was of course the intro to an impressively powerful evening. With a flourish Isabel sat down and played out her theme, more powerful when backed up by a full band, and with that the show was on a roll.

2. Sweet Dreams: I recognized this song as soon as the heavy beats came in and was excited to know that while Isabel was playing we wouldn't be confined to the song choices of American Doll Posse. This song set the pace for the rest of the show and the crowd began to roar (probably from a similar relief that I was feeling). It was a nice throwback for true fans with the connection to Isabel being obvious exclusively to those who were familiar with the song.

3. Devils and Gods: I was impressed again that this song was more powerful live. The addition of a band and two extra verses improved a song I found generally incomplete, greatly. I'm not sure if the two extra verses were improv or something she's added all tour, either way it finished the song.

4. In the Springtime of His Voodoo: I was pleasently surprised to hear this song in the set. I wasn't expecting it from Isabel at all, although while I was listening I realized that the theme of patriarchy even in love would be in her jurisdiction. I love this song and hearing it live was excellent, the crowd was very into it and everyone was singing along when she got to my favorite line. "I know she's not that foxy boy" In addition, the "sweetest cherry" line was accompanied by a coy crotch cover by Isabel. A high point of the concert!

5. Tom Bigbee: Once again an unexpected Isabel choice but not as unobvious. I liked this song a lot live. It's one of those songs that improves when you feel it beating in you. It was also once again a true fans song and the crowd's attention became even more intense during it as a result.

6. Almost Rosey: The one song I wanted to hear live from Isabel, and it wasn't the highlight of her part of the set. It was moving but she played it mostly straight like the cd. The refrain however capitalized on the feeling I've always gotten when listening to the song. It took advantage of the wide arena feel that the refrain invokes and added rising lights into the audience and an increase in focus on the band. The refrain reminded me of sporting events or 70's rock concerts.

This was the end of Isabel's part of the set. She left quickly with a wave and sadly, no words. As they were waiting for Tori to re-emerge as, well, Tori, the band jammed by itself along with a recording of the Professional Widow Remix. It kept me distracted and was quite a good way to focus on the guys. By the time Tori came back the band had effortlessly flowed into the intro of the next song. When she reappeared Tori was in her Tori wig and an astonishingly glittery gold jumpsuit. It was flashy and glam although it had it's moments of blinding me in the audience.

7. Big Wheel: A fun song to hear live. Tori encouraged everyone to sing along and had a back and forth with the audience on the bridge, first prompting the auddience to clap the number of beats in the countdown and then to reply with "don't you forget" when she sang, "I am an M-I-L-F". Seeing this song live made it seem less country than the cd makes it sound.

After Big Wheel Tori said a little hello to the audience, telling them she was happy they were there. She also said she hadn't played The Palace in a while and she was happy to be back.

8. Sugar: I was so thrilled she played this song. She pointed (I assumed to Mark) during the "collecting hammers, he used one one me" part and she emphasized my favorite line (You're just a pussy!). It was pretty similar to the version on TVAB disc two save a pause she added before the "you know and I know, I don't know me very well".

9. Black Dove: Another song I was pleased to hear live. I relate so much to it that hearing it live was quite moving. She played the verses on piano and keyboard simultaneously and without too much band. Then during the refrains she played straight piano with the band taking over. It increased the urgency in the refrains adding a lot to the song, plus it was a signature Tori double instrument moment.

In between this and the next song Tori played a little improv which was cut off by somone yelling, "Tori" in an impatient voice. "ok ok" she said and she took the time to introduce us to her regular band of men. They started a long intro jam to the next song.

10. Cornflake Girl: This song was amazing live. The crowd loved it. She poured on the cheese, dancing through the intro, swaying on her piano bench and standing up and milking the many wonderful piano solos for all they were worth and we loved every minute of it. This also sounded similar to the version on TVAB but it had so much more of a punch live. Another high point in the evening!

11. Mother Revolution: Tori turned to her organ and once again told the audience how much she appreciated us. Then she played a slow and effective jazzy jam version of this song. I personally love this song and thought it was a good Beekeeper song to put into the flow of this set. It slowed it down but didn't forbid power chords or additional flourishes.

12. Caught a Lite Sneeze: I've seen this song live before so I wasn't too excited that she played it again. She did it justice of course and the audience liked it too. not one of the best of the night though.

Tori took an interlude to play a few purely piano selections for us. The band retreated and a sign saying T&Bo appeared above Tori and her beloved piano. First she sang us a little song about the ewf's being her friends and how she'd miss us in between tours. It was cute, as she often is.

13. Marianne: Once again I've seen this song live before so it wasn't much different although I did enjoy it.

14. Etienne: I dropped my pen at this point and it took me the whole song to recognize what Tori was playing, when I did I was in awe. Sadly I don't remember much of the song because I was distracted.

15. Famous Blue Raincoat: I was also distracted during this song since the person at the concert with me's mom was calling but I heard a bit more of the song in this one. Clinton Street, which is the street the theatre is on was mentioned in the song, which of course sent up a cheer in the crowd. I was sad that I was distracted through these two songs since they were once again so fan specific.

After this the band rejoined Tori.

16. Virginia: I liked this live more than I do on the cd. There was more passion as she sang it and the band once again added a powerful backing.

17. God: Although I said before I went that I didn't want to hear this live I'm very glad I did. It was awesome live, another song you need to feel inside you to get the full passion out of. I was not disappointed.

18. Code Red: I was glad she did this song as it is my favorite from ADP. It was engulfing in the theatre. An inescapable trap of fear and passion. I loved it.

19. Precious Things: I was surprised in a good way that this song was performed. It got the crowd going again and it was performed along with Tori's naughty "make me cum" thrust. The "peach party dress" part was devestatingly touching, slow and quiet.

20. Tear In My Hand: I was surprised again at this choice. It was a bit different than the other songs in the set but it functioned as a transition to the encore. Live this song sounded less campy and contrived and more natural. It was as though the song has matured over time as Tori becomes a better performer.

Tori and her men bowed and then returned for the encore.

21. Bouncing Off Clouds: This song started the water works for me. It's more powerful live, the nuances and contrasts between sections are more pronounced and as a result more moving. It helped that the auditorium was singing "make this easy" right along with her, like a mantra.

22. Hey Jupiter: Tori ended the show with a bang, doing the song Dakota Version style, something different for the less knowledgable fan and the ultimate version of the song to an avid fan. The whole building cheered. The song was in the slow tempo of Dakota with it's usual lyrics. It provoked a standing ovation and once again I cried. The encore in general was a high point!

Overall it was a good show, Tori seemed in a good mood and the set was impressively diverse with a few curve balls.

tori amos albany

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