Mar 20, 2005 13:40 random quizzes. apparently i'm also going to die september 1st, 2065. I'm also 62% dateable which is average.
The results are in... thou art:
30% Wench!
That's lower than the worldwide average of 38%!
27% less wenchtastic than you - 3% equal to you - 70% wenchier than you
Of the 10,913,660 test takers so far...
54% can use a gun. - nope
48% have been in a catfight. - nope
44% have cheated in a relationship. - nope
52% forget birthdays. - oops
49% blamed a friend for farting. - nope
26% gnawed while making nice. - nope
18% wear lots of hairspray. - nope
23% stomped on someone with high heels. - nope, though it has happened to me
Women who like the taste of beer are MORE likely to cheat on their boyfriends. - beer is gross
Canadian women are MORE likely to consider themselves successful. - but they live in canada ...
Girls with tattoos DON'T LIKE authority. - dude i crush on authority figures ;-)
Girls who sleep with married men are MORE likely to forget their friends' birthdays. - well i definitely do plan on only sleeping with a married guy ... my future husband that is