Title: Never Have I Ever
Length: One-shot
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: PG(?)
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, but they obviously own each other.
Summary: College life is filled with drinking and partying. There are some crushes and confessions here and there. Let's see one of these "some".
Never Have I Ever
College life was filled with parties and drunken nights. This night isn’t any exception. A group of male college students were celebrating the end of their Final Exams. They decided to go to the Purple Line. It was a bar wherein most students from their university would go to whenever they wanted to party, get wasted or just hang out.
“Let’s play “Never have I ever!”, Changmin said excitedly. He always loved playing this game. It was the perfect game to find out more blackmail material.
“Eh? How does that work?” asked one of the students, named Junsu.
“It’s a drinking game. One of us asks a question that starts with “Never have I ever”, then the ones who have done the thing drinks a shot and the ones who haven't don't have to drink.” answered Changmin.
“Okay! Let’s play. Who asks the first question?” another student asked.
“I wanna ask!” said Junsu, enthusiastically. “Never have I ever… been caught doing something forbidden?”
“Good one!” remarked Changmin. “Okay! Drink up, people!”
Almost everyone took a shot except Changmin.
“Eh? Really? Changmin, you’ve never been caught?” asked Junsu quite shocked.
“Nope. I always try to be careful.” Said Changmin with a smirk plastered on his face.
“Okay! I’ll ask next!” said a student named Jung Yunho. “Never have I ever…” he looked around at their group one by one and stopped when he saw who he was looking for. He stared intently into the other’s eyes. “Fallen in love at first sight?”
Yunho was still staring at the arts major student, Kim Jaejoong. Jaejoong blushed when Yunho spoke out his question while staring at him. It felt like it was directed only for him. He immediately looked away before taking a shot. About 3 or 4 others took a shot as well. However, Heechul was more interested at the attraction that seemed to connect the two young souls on opposite sides of the table. He noticed Yunho staring at Jaejoong when he asked the question and Jaejoong’s reaction made him want to pry in even more.
“Okay! Who wants to ask next?” said Changmin, a little impatiently. He was eager to find out more information for blackmail.
“Hmm.. I’ll ask.” Said Kim Heechul, the known Queen Diva of the bunch.
‘Ooohh.. This’ll be good.’ Changmin thought to himself.
“Never have I ever had a thing for Kim Jaejoong?” Heechul said like it was the most normal thing to ask in the world. Jaejoong paled as he heard the question. Yunho, on the other hand, immediately took a shot without thinking twice. Jaejoong’s face went from pale to absolutely red. He admits that he once had (more like still has) a teenee-tiny (more like absolutely BIG) crush on Jung Yunho, but he never thought that the other would also have a thing for him.
A few more questions and shots later, the game stopped and everyone was just partying or getting drunk or both.
Jaejoong was sitting alone in a corner trying his best to stay sober. “Hey there.” A voice that came out of nowhere startled Jaejoong. He looked up only to see a very handsome and enticing Jung Yunho.
“O-oh.. Hey.” He said with a slight nod and a small smile.
“This seat taken?” Yunho gestured to the space beside Jaejoong on the sofa.
“N-no. H-help yourself.” Jaejoong stuttered a little, and a blush was slowly creeping to his face.
“Can I ask you something?”
“W-what is it?” Jaejoong could hear his heartbeat so loud, he swore that Yunho could hear too.
“You have to answer honestly, okay?” Yunho said with a sweet smile. Jaejoong couldn’t help but inwardly flail at the sight.
“Hmmm… As long as it’s in 'never have i ever' form.”
“Haven’t you had enough of that game?”
“I guess not.” Jaejoong laughed slightly while covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Then… Never have I ever… had a thing for anyone in this room?” Jaejoong was about to stand up, but Yunho pulled him back. “Where are you going?”
“to go take a shot?” Yunho chuckled at Jaejoong’s answer. “No. no. Just sit here. You don’t have to drink.”
“Okay.. So it’s my turn ….. Never have I ever….lied about having a thing for someone?”
“Nope.” Yunho answered with a smile… or a smirk? “My turn… Never have you ever had a thing for me?”
“Well that was staright to the point.” Jaejoong said and looked elsewhere.
“so.. have you?”
“Maybe?” Jaejoong was still looking at anywhere but Yunho.
“That’s not allowed! It’s yes or no.” Yunho whined.
“Then, go get me a drink.” Yunho’s eyes widened a bit at Jaejoong’s reply. He didn’t expect the latter to actually answer directly (well he would but not that easily).
“so you have?”
“and maybe I still do.” Jaejoong mumbled.
“Nothing. My turn to ask.” Jaejoong laughed a little and asked. “Never have you ever wanted to kiss me?”
“Yes. Never have you ever wanted to kiss me?”
“Why?” Yunho asked with a slightly sad/disappointed tone.
“That’s not a yes or no question.”
“Can’t you just answer?”
“Maybe I could.”
Yunho was getting a little impatient to find out the answer.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t want to kiss these lips?” Yunho spoke through Jaejoong’s lips, almost pressing their lips together.
“Nope. I’ve always wanted you to kiss me.” And with that Yunho finally sealed their lips together (and maybe also their hearts).
A/N: My life is a mess at the moment. School is sucking out the life and the sanity that’s left in me. T__T I want to update my 3-shots, but I’ll probably do that after our final exam next, next week. -__- but for the meantime, here is a oneshot.:) I hope you like it. ^^