most awesome meme ever

Jun 14, 2008 15:10

Ganked from 2metaldog, who supplies all my anime-related pr0n needs...

You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:

1. one weapon.
2. one song blasting on the speakers.
3. one famous person to fight alongside you.

Weapon can be real or fictional. Person can be real or fictional.

1. WEAPON - I want to dual wield some uzis. I think that should could as one weapon. I used to kick ass on House of the Living Dead (is that what it was called, butrflizrfree?), a two-player arcade game. I used to work a temp job in an office beside an arcade, so I'd go on lunch break in business casual, a skirt or whatever, and put 50 cents in for both players so I could use both guns. It was kind of awesome, fighting zombies in heels and a skirt while the little boys in the arcade looked like they didn't know whether to drool or hide.

2. ONE SONG - Something by The Decemberists, because that would amuse me to no end. Maybe The Soldiering Life. I would totally sing along.

3. ONE FAMOUS PERSON - This one is a tie. If it seems likely I'm going to die, I vote Angelina Jolie, just because, hello, drool, and maybe I'll get lucky in a broom closet or something. If it seems likely there's any chance whatsoever, I vote... oh, god. Do I choose John or Rodney? Because John could blow their heads off, but Rodney could whip up some device to... I dunno, inoculate them or something. Or close off the mall and blow it up. Then we could go eat Oreos until he was feeling sufficiently relaxed enough to confess his sekrit crush on John, which I would immediately post about on LJ (because yes, it's the end of the world and zombies are attacking and I'm trapped in a mall -- of course I'm going to have my Mac with me).

On second thought, perhaps it would make more sense to bring along someone who has had experience fighting zombies. I choose Shaun from Shaun of the Dead.

meme, zombies

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