Bouquet of Freesia, PG-13

Sep 18, 2006 18:39

My first OKHC fanfic and my first general fic in a long, long time. Please r&r. Feedback is <3!

Author: wind_songs
Fic Title: Bouquet of Freesia
Rating: PG-13? not too bad at all
Pairing: Hikarux?
Summary: If you love something, let it go. Kaoru is content to let go of Hikaru and his growing affections for Haruhi. How much can one night's events change things?

He never knew it would be this hard to love someone, to the point where their happiness mattered more than his own did.

It all started innocently enough, a hug that lasted a millisecond too long, an arm around the thin shoulders that lingered too often, teasing that bordered on intimacy. The gestures were done so unconsciously that not even their owner knew what he was doing, but he did. He, who knew his counterpart better than perhaps he knew himself, had brushed off those little things at first. But when they persisted and escalated, he could no longer deny the fact that maybe, just maybe for the first time in their lives together, his twin was gravitating towards someone else. It was about then that this alien fear of loneliness wrapped its claws around his heart and squeezed.

The worst part was that he didn’t hate her. Quite the contrary in fact, he liked her almost as much as his counterpart did, liked her enough to suppress his jealousy, fear and possessiveness of his twin every time the two were together. Hell, he even pushed them on a date one time, against his own personal interest. All because he loved him, loved him so much that he was afraid the feeling would swallow him whole if he let it. And so he let him go, content to just enjoy their moments of brotherly love during club hours and sleeping on the same bed at night.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. He thought he almost had himself convinced that he fully accepted his twin’s newfound affection until one day, they were lying outside on the lawn and his counterpart asked him, “Ne, Kaoru, how do show someone that you love them?”

Kaoru felt the return of that icy claw around his heart and forcibly swallowed to push the feeling down. “Saa, I wonder.” He propped himself on his left elbow and smiled down at Hikaru, “I hear that you usually get them flowers. Or something like that.”

“Flowers? Like roses?”

“Not roses. They’re too commonly used. If it were me, I’d want flowers that I liked, that meant something.” He closed his eyes and tried to remember the name of the flowers from that time that they went to those gardens. “Like freesia. But I don’t think those are in season.”

He looked down to see a pair of surprised amber eyes staring at him, quickly replaced by the usual mischievous glint and smirk. “That’s it?”

“No. I mean, it’s different what each person does, but I mean a dinner is always nice. Then go do something that you know the person likes doing.” He shrugged. “I’m sure as long as you put that effort into it, the person will like whatever you do.” I know I would. He looked away from Hikaru so his twin wouldn’t have a chance to see the regret that plagued his eyes.

When he was composed enough to face his twin once more, Hikaru had curled up on his side and was half-way to dreamland. He genuinely smiled then, and reached over to gently run his hands through the other’s sunlit copper strands, smoothing out parts and patting down others. His motions were met with small noises of contentment, almost like the very quiet purrs of cat, from the half-asleep boy. And he was convinced once more that their relationship now was enough for him.

The next day, Hikaru informed him that he would be out a little late after club activities and suggested that Kaoru go home before him. As the two parted ways, Hikaru turned over a shoulder, “Oh, and I should be back before dinner, but if not, wait for me, k?”

The other cocked his head a little in confusion; Hikaru should know by now that he’d wait for him no matter how long it took. “Of course.” I’d wait for you forever.

Kaoru discovered once he got home and up to his twin’s room, which for all intents and purposes was as much his as it was Hikaru’s, that he didn’t feel like doing homework today. In fact, he didn’t want to do anything right now except lay on the bed they slept together on. Reaching across the nightstand, he grabbed his twin’s mp3 player and put on the headphones to pass the time.

He didn’t know when he dozed off, but he was tickled awake by a faint smell, evanescently sweet as if belonging in a memory. Slowly shaking off the last remnants of sleep, he turned to discover his twin on the other side, propped up on an elbow looking down at him. “Well, good morning sleepyhead.” Before Kaoru even had the chance to blush, his twin was off the bed and offering his hand. “Come on. Let’s eat.”

As Kaoru made his way downstairs, hand-led by his rather impatient twin, he couldn’t dispel the scent he smelled. Was he still dreaming? He looked at his hand held in the warm recess of the other. The warmth certainly felt real. “Hikaru? Do you smell that?”

“Smell what?”

“Never mind.” It must just be him then.

It wasn’t until they were almost at the foot of the stairs that he realized his twin was not in his school uniform, but a deep violet dress shirt and khaki slacks. Kaoru stopped in surprise, then tumbled the last few steps as Hikaru’s hand pulled him down. “Oof.”

“Ah, gomen.” A hand cupped his face and worried amber eyes searched for signs of injury.

Kaoru pushed the hand away. “I’m fine. So what’s the occasion?” He nodded towards Hikaru’s semi-formal outfit.

His answer was a slyer than usual smile from his other half, complete with matching golden eyes glinting in all their mischievousness. Kaoru did not like that look. The last time Hikaru wore this look was when they were both eight and he had led his twin to a haunted house instead of an amusement park on Halloween, when he knew that Kaoru was still afraid of the dark. He could only guess what mischief he was in for now.

As his twin opened the dining room double doors, Kaoru couldn’t stop the gasp from escaping his lips. The room itself had been cleared of its long table where they usually ate dinner. Instead, behind glass doors on the terrace, a table for two was laid out, bathed in the glow of the waning sunset. His feet started towards the setting before his mind could fully register its implications. As he got closer, he saw that the centerpiece was a vase full of snow-white lilies. He turned to his counterpart, eyes full of question, “Hikaru?”

“You like it? I just thought that we should spend more time together. We haven’t been doing that a lot lately.” He’s hiding something. Kaoru knew this as sure as he knew his own name. It couldn’t be that Hikaru was practicing on him for Haruhi?
He shook his head. It didn’t matter, as long as they were together.

The surprises did not end after dinner and dessert. His twin, using the terrace as a stepping stone, climbed onto the roof and signaled that Kaoru was to follow suit. “Hikaru, where are we going?” A hand reached out to pull him up as well.

His brother’s grinning face peeked over the edge. “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust me?”

With everything I have. “Of course, but.” He struggled internally for a second, then gave an exasperated sigh and put one foot on the terrace. He gave up logic and reason a long time ago and there was no reason to take them up again now. When they were both on the roof, the older brother led the younger across to where a blanket and pillows lay. If Kaoru wasn’t mistaken, they were right on top of their room.

“We haven’t done this in a while, ne?” Hikaru motioned for his twin to make himself comfortable on the blankets. Kaoru smiled. When he was little and couldn’t fall asleep, he’d always come up here and watch the stars, dragging his twin behind him. They’d lie down next to each other, hand in hand and name each one they found. Hikaru would inevitably fall asleep first and Kaoru would then have to wake him and get them both down to their rooms safely.

“No. We haven’t.” He looked up at the darkness that had fallen during their meal. It took his eyes a minute to adjust and a minute more to find their constellations from all those years ago. He felt a hand grasp for his and he twined their fingers together, just like they used to do.

“Oh. Before I fall asleep, these are for you.” A soft rustle and then a bouquet of white landed on his chest.

“What are-?” The smell gave the flowers away before anything else, that faintly sweet scent he had loved ever since their trip. Picking the bouquet up and smelling them to make sure they were what he thought they were, he looked over with round eyes, “Freesia? How did-? Why did-?” His eyes went even rounder when his mind began to piece together the implications. ” If it were me, I’d want flowers that I liked, that meant something. Like freesia.

“Hikaru?” It couldn’t be. He must be mistaken somehow. This has to be a dream. But if it is, please don’t let me wake up. His twin patiently waited until his other half put all the pieces together and the light bulb went off.

A pair of astonished golden eyes looked down at him, “But, I thought- Haruhi…”

“Haruhi? She’s a really good friend, the first one I’ve had, that we’ve had. But…” A hand reached up to cup his face and then move up, tangling itself in the moonlit red hair of the other and pulling the head closer until lips gently touched.

“You should know by now that no one can replace you.” The pair looked like mirror reflections under the moonlight.

And all that was left to say was, “Baka.”

This is crossposted in ouran_fic


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