Title: Chocolate Adonis and Pretty Boy Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Derek Morgan / Spencer Reid Theme set: Gamma Rating: K - M Notes: Spoilers abound! That, and um... This really lives up to its rating... XD This is my first time writing Morgan/Reid, so I would love some feedback. I’m really hoping I don’t screw them up too much…
Title: Brothers in Arms Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester Theme set: Beta Rating: K - T Warning[s]: Yeah, Dean and Sam are brothers, and they don’t cross that line in these fifty sentences. Maybe next time?
Title: The Love of Heroes Fandom: Aaron Stone Pairing: Charlie Landers (Aaron Stone) / Emma Lau (Dark Tamara) Theme set: Beta Rating: K - T Warning[s]: A bit of bad language and a bit of suggestiveness.