Just Real Quick...

Mar 01, 2012 22:10

HI GUYS~ It's no fun being sporadic, but things have been so... so... UP IN THE AIR lately. Long story short, I have no reason except for laziness/general I-really-don't-feel-like-it for not being around. And not just here, also on my Blogspot and my Ameblo blogs. Then silly me had to go start a Wordpress blog. Call me crazy, but for someone like me with a very sporadic way of doing things, running FOUR blogs is probably not a good thing. But I've got it categorized; first things first, though.

That being said, here's what's been going on with Chrissie:

+ Still job hunting. (Waiting on prospect-things, though.)
+ Planning to go to driving school to FINALLY get my license.
+ PASSED the JLPT Level N4. (Will shoot for N3 this year or next depending on if I can study.)
+ MY BIRTHDAY WAS AWESOME. Love, food, shoes, and a pretty new dress made it so. ^ ^
+ Kind of occupied/obsessed with Gyaru fashion and Danny Choo's blog/website.
+ Struggling with drawing.
+ Waiting on my last birthday present to myself to come in to the store so I can pick it up.
+ Currently sad about having two bald patches on the sides of my head when I want long, shiny curls.
+ Didn't get the interview with the JET Program AGAIN after I spent down to my last dollars to put together the application, fml.

In any case, that's pretty much it. Since I'm not working atm, I'm trying to fill my time with being helpful at home, studying Japanese, catching up on all the anime & manga I didn't get to read/watch in high school & college, and blogging about things I like or am trying to do (like geekery, trying to find "Chrissie style", and learn Japanese). The blogging breakdown is:

Blogger = fashion, style, Gyaru influence, clothes, shoes, regular life stuff
Ameblo = practicing writing/thinking in Japanese so I can get better and not royally suck at it.
WordPress = geekery, fandom, manga, anime, dollies, cons

Which gives me clearer boundaries. I want to try and blog more often, but honestly, I don't know how to make myself do it. Ideally, I'd like to have lots of posts in the works, so I'm trying to make it work that way. Anyway, feel free to follow me on any of my blogs as you like~

That being said, public posts here will be happening less often. If you came for the fangirling/geekery posts, thank you! But in the future please visit my WordPress blog for public posts on anything to do with anime, manga, fandom, etc.

Also changed the title of this LJ back to "Hikari Sasu Basho E" and put back the pink header from Gentlemen's Alliance Cross because the title "Ribbons In The Sky" and Unicorno header got moved to the WordPress blog.

Hoping this will be an outlet so I can do some more personal reflection from time to time.

And that's it! I hope everyone has a blessed weekend! REMEMBER THAT I'M ROOTING/PRAYING FOR YOU AND LOVE YOU~

procrastination, job search, jet programme, udates, birthdays, layout, blog, public post

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