I got myself a couple of cuties that I wanted to show you guys (especially those of you who I can't see in person anytime soon T-T). But with the pictures come a funny story~
So, as mentioned recently by
lunelight, there was a trip to Kinokuniya last Saturday! The purpose of the trip on my part was to 1) see people (HI GUYS) and 2) buy my study materials for the upcoming
JLPT. Hence, we has Kinokuniya trip.
If you've ever been to Kino, you know that if you go in there for a particular reason and ANY extra pocket monies, you will be tempted to get an extra item or two as you browse around all the pretty things that aren't available outside of that heavenly place of wallet-torture.
I am no exception to this, and so my undoing this time was a vice in the form of these:
Long story short: Kinokuniya had/has these little guys. They're mystery box, udunno what you're going to get. I bought two, hoping for Takuto. Or Wako, who has Fukubuchou with her. My luck? I get BOTH versions of Sugata instead. School uniform and kendo clothes. I like Sugata. Sugata is great. But Sugata is not Takkun. And he's certainly not Wako. I traded kendo!Sugata to
wingit909 for Takkun. Then I had Takkun and Sugata. In school uniforms. I decide I need Wako. Not having the OT3 didn't feel right.
So I ran back in to try one more time. Did Chrissie voo-doo and picked another one from the box that felt like it had at least some kind of a Wako vibe in it. Sales guy was amused that I came back for a third. Was surprised that I didn't get what I wanted. We established that companies were getting smarter at making sure the blind boxes are actually blind by using uniform packaging. BUUUUUUUUU~ to the companies. Although if they didn't do that, I might be SOL because Wako and Takkun would've probably been long gone if we knew which was which. So maybe not so much BUUUUUUUUU~ Anyway.
I procured third little guy. I left the store. I opened it. It was HEAD-SAMA. FML. DO NOT WANT. But I had a deal with Shachou. Deal was this: if I get Head-sama, she trades me her Wako for him. I AM OKAY WITH THIS. I hand over Head-sama to Shachou. She is very happy to have him. I get Wako next time I see Shachou. I will be very happy to have Wako. The end.
And that's how it happened! XD We're still waiting for Wako to join us so I can have my OT3. :3 I'll be sure to take a picture of them together when she completes my triangle~
However, the more pressing question is: where can I use these adorable little guys??? I was thinking that I should put them on Renji when I get him, but Renji has to go on Renji, so what do I do? Any suggestions? And since I retired Miu-chan after I got Haruka-chan (my LG CU 720 "Shine" and my new LG Quantum, respectively), I can't use them as phone charms. Any suggestions?
Anime meme will continue (sometime) soon. ^ ^ Right now, gotta get cracking on some drawings, or clean out my IE favorites and Haine's hard drive. Dunno which one yet, though. Oh well. In any case, *something* is going to get started/worked on/done. XD
Until next time~