30-Day Anime Meme Day Fifteen + Picking Up The Ball Again

Sep 18, 2011 15:47

Ahahahaha... soooo, I'm ba~ck! I really hate that I keep forgetting to post, lately. But two things have been happened, one good and one not-so-good, to influence that.

FIRST being that I had to give up my computer for two weeks to get her DVD-RW drive fixed/replaced at the beginning of last month. And OMG, that was torture. @_____@ I got more sleep, but I really missed having Haine-chan around to waste my time with and then get useful!things done. Like posting. XD

BUT! The separation came at a good time, since I have *ta-da*!.... GOTTEN MYSELF A JOB~! I was hired at a local company to be a File Fairy (aka HR Assistant) and now a Safety Compliance Assistant.

I'm so very grateful to have gotten a job, and I'm sure you guys can guess how much. ^ ^ Granted, it's a temporary position, which makes me nervous about stability when I think too much about it, but I've been working with my company for over two months, so I'm optimistic that I'll be working there at least long enough to pay my bills and save money and finally buy Renji (my PSP). :3

It's a full-time schedule, 40 hours a week, and then about 3 hours worth of commute daily, so you bet I'm tired/exhausted pretty much every evening when I get home. So that would be why I haven't updated much in the last couple of months. But I have faith that you'll forgive me. :D

Anyway, I'm continuing with doing the 30-Day Anime Meme (AND I WILL FINISH IT, DAMMIT), so on to the next day, which is....

Day 15 - Post A Cute Neko-girl

Personally, I think this one is kind of left-field... I mean, why a cat-girl of all things??? But hey, cat-girls can be really cute, and since I adore cute things, why not??? XD That being said, here's my answer:

Yes, I know that might be crossing some lines for being a pile of cutesy-ness, but you should focus on the middle one, Ichigo (who's last name I forget since it's been soooooo long since I've read the series -___-), who is the main characer in the series Tokyo Mew Mew. I think she is arguably one of the cutest character designs for a cat-girl in manga or anime EVAR. I've wanted to cosplay her work uniform from the second I laid eyes on it, and what's more is that Madison wants to dress up as Ichigo for Halloween this year. Yes, it's that bad for us me. XD

Anyway, Tokyo Mew Mew is both a manga *and* an anime, so depending on which ever type of media you prefer (if not both), and whether or not you like magical girl shoujo series, then I recommend at least reading the manga! Unfortunately, I can't recommend the anime because I've never watched it, so I don't have an opinion on it. ^ ^;;

Rest of the meme and previous responses are as follows:

Day 1 - Very first anime
Day 2 - Favorite anime you’ve watched so far
Day 3 - Your first anime crush
Day 4 - Anime you’re ashamed you enjoyed (Friends' locked, sorry.)
Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
Day 6 - Most annoying anime character
Day 7 - Favorite anime couple
Day 8 - Most epic scene ever
Day 9 - Saddest anime scene
Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime
Day 11 - Favorite mecha series
Day 12 - An ecchi picture from your favorite series
Day 13 - Cosplay of your ‘waifu’ or 'husbando’
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) anime wallpaper
Day 15 - Post a cute Neko-girl
Day 16 - Post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere
Day 18 - Something moe
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best yandere character
Day 22 - Favorite BL/yuri couple
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villian
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme

Perhaps a personal post will follow this one, but we'll see. I also have a post I'm working on concerning one of my new loves, Uta No Prince-sama, but I'm not sure when that's going to get done. ^ ^;;

Until next time~

tokyo mew mew, anime, work, updates, meme, madison, jobs, life, public post

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