I've been busy! Catch up post #1 - March edition

May 11, 2008 11:20

I can't believe it's been over two months since I've last made an entry. In all honesty I've barely been on the computer as of late either; thus the major source of the problem. Have had other things eating my time! Since March, what have I been doing???

I think it all started with Michael buying me Harvest Moon DS Cute... My daily ritual during the work week became: come home, fix something to eat, complete a chore or two, and then curl up in bed and play my DS. This routine has actually helped me create a regular sleep schedule. I was going to work for the longest time without getting enough sleep BECAUSE I'd stay up way too late cracking out on the computer. The best thing about curling up in bed with the DS is that I'm nice and warm and ready to go to sleep at any time... I can't resist the urge to fall asleep when I need to as opposed to when I'm in front of my monitor. This has created a minor problem of falling asleep with my lenses in occasionally, but the positive of having enough energy to get through the day! It's probably also helped me get over my illnesses too; I think I was sick five times this past season? I can happily say I haven't been sick for two months now. Small favors for the win!

Speaking of Harvest Moon Cute; it just reminds me of one of the many reasons I love my sweetie. He's so comfortable and confident in himself... he doesn't fall prey to the typical gender traps most people get caught up in. When he went to pick up this game for me at Gamestop, all the geeky wannabe "macho" clerks were ribbing him for purchasing a girly game. Of course it all just rolled off his back; he just said he was buying it for me and didn't give any excuses or become embarrassed. But the kicker was when he was checking out -- they were still talking smack (I want to speak to these losers' manager), but in all perfect seriousness demanded to the employee at the register, "I pre-ordered this game, and I want my fuzzy stuffed animal!" since the bonus for pre-ordering was a stuffed animal of your pet cat in the game. They quit bugging him after that; it took them long enough to get the message! I can just see Michael pulling out his bad-ass teacher persona while saying this to these idiots, and it just gives me the giggles. Totally pwned those immature little college boys while buying the most girly of video games - w/stuffed kitty cat - for his wife! I love Michael. <3

What else happened in March??? I think it was all a blur of work, chores, and every spare moment, Harvest Moon DS Cute. There were AX meetings, but more on that later... What an exciting life I lead! I guess most of it was resting and recovering from being sick for months, which leads to April and May being more diverse in terms of what I've personally been up to. It's so nice to have my energy back!

daily life

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