Feb 24, 2008 15:14
Life-changing decisions. Don't you just love them? Alex has made one recently. He's decided to start going to school part-time and working full-time at the Apple store, where he currently works part-time as a concierge. He loves his job and wants to become a Genius, which is the title of someone who is a full-time tech support worker at Apple. I would be great for his resume, since he wants to go into computer networking eventually, and he'd be much happier than he is now because he's always preferred working to school. He still plans on getting his degree from GMU, it'll jus take longer. So far, this sounds like a great plan, right? Better, it sounds like a fantastic plan. He's happy and he'd be doing something good for his future. So what's my problem? None, really. It sounds good to me and while he's taking a route that may be disapproved of by many, I'm not really one to care. There's just this one thing about the training needed to become a Genius. It's in Coopertino, CA. Oh yeah, and it lasts six weeks. SIX WEEKS! That seems like forever. The longest I've gone so far without seeing him has been three weeks, and by the end of that time I was ridiculously depressed and cried for an untold amount of time. I felt stupid, but I couldn't help it. To not see him for twice that...I can't even imagine. I feel so selfish, because I don't want him to go. If the training could be carried out in VA, I would be all for it. But California is across the entire nation. I wouldn't see him even if I got to come home during that time period. It hurts to much to even think about it, and yet that's the one thing that I can't seem to get off of my mind. I don;t even know if I could survive six weeks...