Well then.

May 23, 2006 16:43

I had an interesting day today. I fainted. How about that. First time ever and I'm at work and I faint into the arms of my boss. It was really weird. It all started about ten minutes before when I suddenly got really bad cramps. Then I didn't think anything of it, knowing it was the last day of my period and I tend to get a jolt of bad cramps right before it ends, now I question it. They aren't usually THAT bad. So, after ignoring them and continuing to help this young lady pick out the correct cowboy boots I head behind the counter, time goes by and all of a sudden my vision goes blurry. I sit down, thinking that it's just going to pass by, then my boss, Joan, is going to show me something on the computer and it gets weirder: my focus goes completely on to her face, while everything else is out of focus--like what happens when you use the scope in first player games like Halo. It suddenly occurs to me that I have to go fix this problem, so I say I need to use the bathroom. At this point I'm no longer feeling. I don't feel myself turn around, I just know that I do. As I head toward the end of the cashiers' area, I can tell that I'm not really going anywhere, just dizzily side-to-side, however, I don't feel dizzy, or even that I'm losing my balance, again, I just know that I am. That knowledge makes me stop and then it tells me that I might fall over if I'm not careful. At that moment I feel Joan's hands on my back and while I don't feel myself fall, I know that I do. I'm lying on the floor, my head resting on Joan's feet, her telling Paul to call 911 and just as suddenly as everything went weird it all becomes clear again. Paul tells the person on the phone that I'm 16, in an asking way. Joan says 17, I say 18. He talks for a few seconds then turns to Joan and asks if someone should come out. I answer, "I'm fine now." So, after a few more words Paul hangs up. It was really strange, because throughout the entire episode I was actually participating in what was going on. I never fell completely unconsious. I remember absolutely everything that happened and was said. It was really, really weird. I still don't know exactly why it all happened. I think it was my dairy allergy finally catching up to me, so I'm off dairy and sugar now. *sigh* I don't actually care that much. I don't really want to repeat that experience, though I never found it scary. I was completely and utterly out of control of my body and I wasn't scared, or panicy. That's probably why things didn't end up as bad as they might've. I wasn't trying to control myself, I was just letting myself go. Letting my heart figure out what was going on. However, what confuses me is up until that sudden change in vision, I had felt no side-effects. I'm confused. Usually I'm really in touch with my body, yet this time I was given no warning. Maybe I've gone too extreme, ignoring my mind completely. You would think that your heart would be able to pick these things up. But then again, your mind is the analyzer, your heart's just the feeler. I guess I should train them to work together, to play off each other. So, yeah, any way. Today I fainted.

health, jobs, period

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