Apr 19, 2015 19:58
against my usual laziness, i got up in the morning and went to the beach with my sister and her friends. and i had a blast. which was surprising given the fact the beach was open to dogs -- and i have a big fear of big dogs.
there were huge dogs. and some of them frolicked over me while i was tanning, and i panicked a little? but i was able to relax and feel comfortable once i saw that the dogs were just...being playful. and that they listened to their owners. we had one huuuuge golden retriever beside us. he was at like 100 pounds -- that's a fact from his owner -- and he was the cutest thing ever. he would come over and lay next to us and he was so mellow. he's involved in therapy at children's hospitals which is almost self-explanatory. his name was magic and i was honestly sad to see him go.
but i had fun. got a lot of sun; i look like a fucking tomato. zero sunblock was applied because why not aka it was forgotten....
it was nice to venture out of my bat cave. i might be as bold as to do so again in...two weeks.