the return of rurouni kenshin

Mar 25, 2015 18:47

so i've spent the last week and a half watching Rurouni Kenshin (the anime) with my boyfriend. i can't remember what made me want to even return to it -- but i did. and i have zero regrets. i'm watching it with my boyfriend and he seems to like it (bless his enthusiastic little soul). i remembered then that there was a live action coming out -- only to find out that it had been out for the past three years. if that doesn't tell you how out of sync i'm with the world and how bad my depression has gotten to me, i don't know what will.

so i jumped to watching the live action and whoops! was that a mistake. here i am, two movies into this trilogy and feverishly fangirling over takeru satoh. who told him he could be so beautiful? who told him he could be the most perfect himura kenshin possibly ever? and who told this trilogy it could be so bad ass? i'm in love with the movies, the soundtrack (let's not even talk about one ok rock because that's another rabbit hole), and now all i want to do is simply watch them over and over. i'm certain my boyfriend isn't too excited about that which is why i will attempt this rerun while he's at work. i can't get enough of this. i'm already on tumblr, plundering the takeru satoh tag because why not. and you know what?

i'm not even ashamed. not even a little bit. long live the anime. long live fan girl crushes. long live shinta.

takeru satoh, rurouni kenshin, fangirl mode:activated

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