Nautilus History

Aug 21, 2009 04:41


- Darien Fawkes arrives on August 27th. Confused, he wound up in the Western District Asylum. He ran out in a daze of confusion and disorientation, and almost got ran over by [[[Smaug | a dragon]]]. But that’s okay, because then he got his ass saved by [[[Lara Croft]]]. Welcome to Nautilus, Darien.
- Darien finds things interesting because he was originally blinded by an assassin before he arrived to Nautilus, yet now he can see. Kind of. Well. He’s hypersensitive. Close enough.
- Trying to figure out what the hell is going on, he meets [[[Leslie Vernon]]]. The two hit it off pretty well. Too bad Leslie’s a psycho trying to be a slasher legend.
- Darien finds out that his Quicksilver gland does not work. Sweet! He realizes that he can do anything he wants now without going involuntarily invisible, so he tests this out. By jumping off a bridge. Which is perfectly normal. Poor [[[Thomas]]], however, begs to differ.
- Lara wants to explore Helix. Darien is down with that. So he goes with [[[Batman]]], [[[Klonoa]]], Leslie, [[[Lilly Pendragon]]], [[[Nash Latkje]]], [[[Prowl]]], [[[Tally Youngblood]]], and [[[V]]] to scout Helix.
- Then Isis shows up, and Darien is curious. He has a chat with her, telling him that most likely the hindrance that is his Quicksilver gland will cause him problems again. Well shit.
- Darien meets [[[William Jesse]]] at the beach. Darien disagrees that Isis is God.
- What’s that? Isis glassed kids and killed some people? That is so not kosher. Darien settles on the fact that Isis is a bitch and attempts to work on invisibility. He does this by trying out yoga again. Nash finds this a little silly and they talk for awhile. Oh but hey, Darien finds out during this conversation that he can at least accomplish partial invisibility. Yay?
- Actually, this becomes quite handy when Darien and [[[Plastic Man]]] take on an Isis-induced brainwashed [[[Katherine]]] in her harpie form. This works while trying to weaken Isis and throw her out of the city.
- Then Darien gets turned into an albino labrat. Leslie keeps him in his pocket during this time, as they go to help [[[Nathan Wallace]]] to repair the chains in the Western District while the city plunged into chaos.
- Awesome. The chains have been repaired and all is well. Darien expresses his satisfaction in the form of terrible rap. And he becomes human again. In the nude. [[[Samus Aran]]] is not impressed, but Leslie approves.
- Katherine feels bad about being brainwashed. Darien tries to comfort her.
- Darien meets [[[Demyx]]] by the beach, and then he leaves to go back home shortly afterwards.
- He returns to Nautilus October 28th (towards the end of the first season, //Money For Nothing//). The good news is, he has counteragent which keeps him from going insane. The bad news is, he’s already insane. And plotting bad things.
- Fortunately, bad things got intercepted when Nash took him out in the forest, and injected Darien with a shot of counteragent, which... doesn’t seem to work once Darien reaches Stage Five Madness? Oh wait, it just takes a little while longer to take effect. Anyway, Nash drags Darien’s sorry ass to Budehuc. Good job. He makes an apology afterwards once he’s sane, and Lara agrees to keep his sanity levels in check.
- Then he goes to a rave and gets William Jesse drunk. Because corrupting the priest is such a great idea.
- Just because Darien is everyone’s bitch, the city thought it’d be a great idea to have him wake up in a candy striper nurse’s costume. A sexy one, too (couldn’t //possibly// have anything to do with something he’d said to Nash about being a sexy nurse at Repo Hospital, could it?). After much laughs (shut up, [[[Sho Minamimoto | Sho]]]), Katherine stops by and helps him out of it.
- Darien is not thankful, but attends the Thanksgiving feast. And has a toast with Katherine. Because he is totally thankful to be out of a nurse uniform.
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