Classes are officially over. All that's left is finals week and our publication for Spanish. Que Dios nos ayude.
Sadly, there won't be any exemptions from the Spanish finals this time around. I kinda saw that coming, considering the structure (?) of FLC 3SP. I better read up on terrorism in Spanish.
Speaking of the said language... For our last class in Spanish today, we had to debate on abortion. The topic itself has beaten to death a thousand times over, I know. I guess Señor Prado thought that a few more stabs wouldn't hurt. Oh, the poor topic. Oh, poor us!
The class was divided into two. Los chicos y las chicas. (Typical.) Los chicos had to express why abortion should be legalized. Las chicas, on the other hand, had to say why they were against its legalization. I'm actually not in favor of having it legalized, but alas... No one had a say in the matter anyway. So, basically, I had three points to share:
[es] Sólo hablamos de la legalización del aborto. Si fuera legalizado, no significa que todas las chicas embarazadas van a abortar.
[en] We're just talking about the legalization of abortion. If it were made legal, it doesn't mean that all pregnant women out there will have an abortion. [Pro-choice, anyone?]
[es] Es como cuchillos. Se venden cuchillos en las tiendas, ¿verdad? Es legal venderlos. Pero puedes usarlos para matar a alguien. Entonces, abortar es así. Es tu elección. Si no quieres hacerlo, pues no lo hagas.
[en] It's like knives. They're sold on the streets, right? Selling them is legal. But you can use them to kill somebody. So, abortion is a choice. If you don't want to do it then don't. [Serious flaw here. But I said it anyway.]
[es] Las chicas tienen el derecho a sus propios cuerpos. Entonces, si quiere que no exista un feto en su útero, pues es su derecho eliminarlo.
[en] Girls have a right to their own bodies. So, if they don't want a fetus in their uterus, they can have it removed. [That sounds so cold-blooded... Even if the girl was raped, it still doesn't sound right...]
You can tell that I wasn't very enthusiastic with the forced stance. However, I do see that if ever it gets legalized, it's still a matter of choice. Just because it's legal, it doesn't mean everyone will do it. Non sequitur. But I think there's still something fundamentally wrong with it.
I miss my Playstation. I miss video gaming in general. This sem break must be the perfect opportunity to catch up, then.
I've already pre-ordered the
Collector's Edition of
Final Fantasy XII. I've been waiting for that game for almost five years! And now its arrival is upon us. I can't wait! I want to experience that "new game nostalgia" all over again, just like how I felt with Final Fantasy IX and
Kingdom Hearts II. Just a couple of weeks to go till Oct. 31...
I need incentives to buy all the new,
Seventh generation consoles: the Playstation 3, the X-Box 360, and the Nintendo Wii.
For sure I'll get the PS3. I prefer it over the rest. But it just had to be the priciest. I'll only get the 360 if a new
KOTOR title is released for it. I really want to get a Wii, though. Not just for the different gaming experience, but also for
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. A Gamecube version will be released, but Link will be left-handed, hehe. I'd rather have him right-handed. And besides... Getting the Wii version will necessitate the purchase of the Wii itself, hehe. And of course...
Super Smash Bros. Brawl!
*sigh* So many games, so many consoles... So little money...