Liquid confidence, anyone?

Jul 29, 2007 00:44

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Summer '06' / August 6th, 2006 / 11:10 am.
Location: St Mungos
Open To: Marcy
Currently Involving: Faolan McFinn

Oh lord.

Oh lord.

Was he actually going to do it?

Somewhere behind him, a happy voice with a pleasant Irish lilt was teasing him, asking him if she should polyjuice up and just do it for him.  Bugger.  No no, he'd do it ( Read more... )

folly-mcfinn, summer-06, marcy-hourigan

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family_mcfinn July 30 2007, 02:27:09 UTC
Marcy bloody Hourigan.

He was almost shocked to see her, that was the truth of it, despite the fact that he had, um, called down for her. It had just been so long! Well, not exactly.. he had seen her time to time, wandering about here or there, and even managed to say 'Hello' time to time as well, but wasn't sure if she even heard it or noticed that it was him if she had heard it. He was sure that she hadn't. His insecurities convinced him of such.

Anyway, after all that she did for his family during their most difficult time, he had a vast appreciation for her. She had been so kind, so caring. Didn't even get visibly annoyed when Fi insisted on singing drinking songs in hopes that it would awaken their father from his torture-induced sleep. In Faolan's eyes, she was an amazing, strong, smart, incredible woman and it was really no wonder that during his time at St Mungos, a crush had formed.

And now he was there to act upon it. Because his sister was annoying and bullied him into it.

Yes, a fifteen year old. She had amazing and terrifying powers.

"Er.." he said, choking over words for a moment as he slowly looked back to his little sister. She was now giving him a death glare while somehow managing to continue a delightful conversation with the worried mum. ", ah, not right now." His gaze turned back to her and he forced an awkward, near-hidden smile. "Managed to live a Death Eater-free life th' last couple o' months." Then there was another smile, and he cleared his throat. "I was, er.. hoping to speak with you? If yer not too busy n' whatnot.." He motioned to the floor she worked on slowly, had sort of jerking in the air with a thumb stuck out. "..I can come back later..."


marcy_hourigan July 30 2007, 23:34:16 UTC
Marcy had most definately heard Folly and seen him around but mixing business with pleasure always lead to a sticky end and Marcy hoped to beat around that bush as long as she could. Fact is, though, that she kind of has a 'thing' for Folly in return. It's not exactly something that Marcy's proud of or flaunting to other people but it's also not exactly something that Marcy can easily deny.

The corny things like 'My heart skips a beat when he enters the room' were things that Marcy could actually relate to, making it not as particularly easy as she'd like, seeing as how she'd prefer to get rid of him and her silly crush. Her Dark Mark and inner-Death Eater were telling her to Avada Kedavra his sorry, blood traitor arse but her heart was telling her to give him a chance and see what it's like to date outside of the pureblood, Death Eater circle.

Marcy had enjoyed simply doing her job. She wasn't intentionally being over-caring or nice, she just couldn't leave any inklings behind that she was possibly linked to the reason for the torture-induced sleep. Afterall, if Marcy didn't put on a mask half the time, the Dark Lord would have surely had her head by now. Marcy had, however, slightly enjoyed tending to Innis's case. It let her look at Folly nearly everyday and who wouldn't enjoy that?

When Folly said 'Death Eater-free life' Marcy couldn't help but laugh inside her head. Had he known that his father's healer was a Death Eater, surely he would have taken that back. As it was, Marcy just smiled and nodded, saying, "That's great, hopefully your life'll stay that way," knowing full well that it probably wouldn't.

Marcy giggled at Folly's motioning to the floor she worked on, seeing as how she really didn't work on any particular floor and basically took whatever was given to her. "Don't be silly! They can wait, what do you need to talk about?" If Marcy knew what Folly wanted to talk with her about she'd have surely said that there was someone on their deathbed up there waiting for her to tend to them. As it was, she happened to like looking at Folly's face much more than a 5-year-old boy with dragonpox.


family_mcfinn July 30 2007, 23:55:05 UTC

Part of him sort of hoped that she'd turn out to be busy and ask him to come back later.

Some time when Fi wasn't about and bulling her big brother around.


Yes, it was quite the situation that they had put themselves in. Had Folly known that Marcy was that girl that gave him the huge, fleshless scars that covered various parts of his body, this conversation surely would not have been happening! She wore two masks and wore them well.

Not much unlike Folly himself, actually! He was, to date, the only McFinn that ever took a step to clearly establish is alliances. The McFinns preferred to comfortably sit in the middle of the war-lines, doing work for the highest bidder, but not particularly doing anything overtly good or overtly bad. Folly, however, was a passionate man and found himself joining The Order despite his family's wishes. His membership was known by few (mainly close family and apparently Death Eaters... blast them for figuring out membership so easily) and he tried his damnedest to have people think that he was just as neutral as the rest of the cursebreakers. Sure, his act was less thrilling then Marcy's, but it was an act nonetheless.

"Hopefully," he answered quietly, despite doubting that they'd stay out of the DE's grasp for long as well. His gaze lifted to her again as he seriously thought this one over; so she wanted to talk now? Somewhere beneath five-o'clock shadow and a dark tan, he was absolutely reddening. "I, er.." Oh, Merlin. "...wanted to see if ye, ye know..." Pausing, his mouth slightly hung as his thumb then turned back, motioning out the door. "...wanted t' go.." FOCUS, FOLLY, FOCUS! "" He could do this, he really could! "...out, ye know..." Somewhere behind him, a nosey little sister was listening intently.. and running her palm down her face. " a... ah... ye know..." It had seriously been years since last he had done this... was it obvious? " Er."


marcy_hourigan July 31 2007, 02:50:15 UTC
Marcy didn't even know that Fi was there, nevermind badgering her older brother to ask Marcy out! If Marcy had known there was a younger sibling forcing Folly to do this, she'd likely have a hex coming her way. She would have rathered Folly be doing this on his own accord and free will rather than being pushed into doing it, even though she really didn't want him to be doing it at all.

If Folly ever showed Marcy those scars, she might have tried to heal them but seeing as how they were created by dark magic with cruel intentions it was highly unlikely they'd ever fully heal. Oh the perks of being a Death Eater and a Healer!

It was really too bad that Folly had actually chosen a side as opposed to the rest of his family. Marcy likely wouldn't have a problem with dating him then. He's a pureblooded, hot young man - who wouldn't want a peice of that? As it is, the Order is likely the only thing standing in the way but that could easily be fixed if Marcy wanted it. A couple potions here and a few spells there, and BAM! Marcy had her perfect man.

Marcy took note of the reddening but didn't pay much attention to it. Perhaps his coat was a bit too thick? When Folly started stammering and stuttering after each and every thing he tried to say though, Marcy figured something was up. She didn't know what it was until... a date?

"Oh! We- uh, well I-" poor Marcy. She didn't know whether to come out and tell the poor bloke that she wouldn't because of what she'd done or to say yes and just cut it off at one date!? "I-- er, yes!" Blinking a couple of times while her face grew redder and redder by the second, Marcy sighed. The moment after she'd sighed though, she could already picture the date 'So what do you like to do for fun, Marcy?' 'Well, you know, nice walks on the beach, reading, the occasional murder, how about you?' Ugh, this was going to be terrible.


family_mcfinn July 31 2007, 02:57:55 UTC
Well, thankfully Marcy hadn't noticed Fionnabhair wiggling in a seat way, way back behind them. It wasn't that he didn't want to ask Marcy out! Fi had just been teasing him about how she'd had more boyfriends then Folly had girlfriends, and she finally weaseled the details of his crush out of him. From there, a little Fi-persuasion and BAM, they stood there.

Had Folly known of Marcy's allegiances, he likely would have thought the same of her! But as it stood, he thought she was just brilliant and right. He likely would have even thought that she'd be as easy to change as she thought he'd be! If only one's feelings were that easy to change. If only.

SWEET MERLIN, he honestly couldn't believe that he finally did it. The words didn't want to come out, they really didn't. He had taken that as a sign: if they were meant to come out, they would have gone freely, right? but they didn't, and just as he was starting to plan his escape route, she...

...she bloody said yes.

The look of surprise on his face was too obvious to hide. "...really?" he asked, suddenly very interested and firm. He seemed to even lean forward a little. "Well, er... brilliant!" His face slowly broke with a smile, one that grew and grew and grew. "Really? That's... thank ye, Marcy, I... Merlin, that's terrific. When are ye free, then?"


marcy_hourigan July 31 2007, 04:35:53 UTC
Marcy was already regretting her decision on agreeing to go on a date with Folly. What was she suposed to tell her brother or any other Death Eaters if they saw her on a date with a member of the Order?! Sure, Marcy could make up a lie but she was already stammering and stuttering around Folly as it is and what would he say if he saw her trying to make up an excuse? Ugh, this was already disasterous.

She felt like telling Folly 'Never' and returning back to her work but she'd already told him yes and gotten him all giddy like a school girl. "Doing anything tonight?" she asked in turn. Getting it over with as soon as possible was her best bet, right?

What ever Marcy did from now on, she had to watch her back. Death Eaters were everywhere and this? This would land her with nothing but torture from the Dark Lord. Unless, of course, she could prove that perhaps it was a set-up to try and get another pureblooded family to join the Dark Lord (even though that wasn't her intentions at all).


family_mcfinn July 31 2007, 04:49:13 UTC


Any worry in him that she said yes to just be nice was immediately gone, and his look of surprise just grew. Had she been doing it out of pity? Well, she'd likely not want it to be right away, right? Right?!

How completely thrilling!

He'd have to move a few things around (mainly Fi, and to their parent's house as it technically WAS his week to keep an eye on her, but surely they'd make exceptions), but Merlin, was that grand! Unbelievable, even!


"A.. absolutely!" he replied, smile more subdued, but still present. "I'll pick ye up... 8 o'clock? Let me know where, yeah?" He paused as pure inspiration hit him, then quickly added, " might think to wear climbing shoes."

Clearly the McFinn blood ran strongly through him.


marcy_hourigan August 4 2007, 07:28:11 UTC

Why, in bloody hell, was Marcy agreeing to go on a date with this traitor? He was supposed to be someone she was fighting, the enemy, the-- the... the incredibly hot and irresistable man that she was supposed to just stay away from in general! Surely her grandparents were going to find a suitable man for her to marry soon, otherwise Marcy'd be stuck dating these incredibly hot and irresistable men forever. It wouldn't be so bad if they were Death Eaters though. All Marcy had to look forward to in the Death Eater circle was a bunch of older 50 year old men, Aiden who's hardly her type, and Dorian - enough said.

"8 o'clock's perfect!" Marcy said, clearly lying but hiding it behind a toothy grin. She'd be getting off at 6:30 which would leave her only an hour and a half of sleep time and sleep before meeting Folly. Perhaps some caffeine or a potion could help?

When Folly mentioned climbing shoes though, a puzzled look came over Marcy and she scratched behind her ear. "C-- climbing shoes?" she repeated, to make sure she'd heard him perfectly clear. What on Earth could they need climbing shoes for?! Obviously climbing, but Marcy would hardly call that a suitable thing to do on a date!

Ugh, Marcy couldn't help but wonder what she'd just gotten herself into.


family_mcfinn August 5 2007, 00:51:58 UTC
((OOC: It's okay! Lots of people stopped doing my thread and I was like "...NO ONE LIKES ME" XD *is dramatic*))

Well, if Folly knew of Marcy's true colors, he'd likely not want to go out with her either! But in all honestly, the very fact that Marcy felt driven to say 'yes' DESPITE what she knew was brilliant, it really was! It was all bound to end badly, but in the meanwhile? Folly would be happy even if nothing more then the first date went right. In his eyes, Marcy was just aces.

And he really was a better option then the DE counterparts.

"Oh.. okay!" he replied, still absolutely thunder-struck that it was all going so smoothly! He really expected her to turn him down or change her mind or.. Merlin, something, but this was going so well! Shocking!

This was going to be bloody brilliant, it really was.

Yes, climbing shoes were an odd request, but he'd rather her be prepared! "Yes," he replied almost timidly, brow slightly furrowing as his grin faded. "I, ah... I wouldn't want ye stumblin' about in, I dunno, yer heels or what-not, there will be a bit o' walkin'.. might not be so comfortable... or, I dunno, some sort of walkin' shoes?" Oh Merlin, he was rambling.


marcy_hourigan August 13 2007, 05:46:43 UTC
Marcy should have said no. She should have turned the poor bloke down, broken his heart, and referred him to Lizzy or one of the new intern-birds that just graduated from Hogwarts. Instead she was stuck going on a date that she partially wanted to go on but knew she shouldn't even consider.

"Okay," Marcy said, as she started to blush a bit. The rambling was rather cute in her opinion. An odd and awkward thing to find cute, but cute nonetheless. Finally jabbing her hands into the pockets in her lab coat, Marcy gave Folly one final look before she'd see him again later and started to slowly back away, backwards of course.

"Well I've got to get back to work now but I'll see you at 8! I live in London - 54 Charles Street," Marcy said as she smiled and kept slowly backing away. Waving goodbye to him, Marcy turned and started walking down the hall in search of Lizzy. Once she thought she was out of earshot (which she clearly wasn't), Marcy started calling out 'Liiiiiiiizzzzzzzzyyyyy' in a sing-song voice.


family_mcfinn August 13 2007, 06:03:52 UTC
Oh, that was just... was... blood BRILLIANT was that?!

"Okay!" he replied, face absolutely lit up as he nodded, "Yes, okay, I'll.. I'll see you then!"

He returned her wave with that goofy smile on his face and once she was gone, he spun about on his heels a little, like a drunk man that had just hit lotto. "...Merlin," he said to no one in particular, then headed for the door.

Somewhere behind him, a very annoyed girl raced after him, not so happy that he was so lost in his happiness that he nearly left her behind.


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