
Jul 25, 2007 21:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Summer '06'/July 28th, 2006/3:59 PM
Location: Three Broomsticks
Open To: Andi
Currently Involving: Addy

I fail at interesting cut texts )

adrien-bennet, andi-white, summer-06

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andi_white July 26 2007, 03:12:37 UTC
Andi had been trying to make the best of her summer so far. Basically it was partying, home with father, partying, visiting brother, partying, looking for a place of her own, playing some quidditch, job hunting, partying...and so on. She'd been visiting with her brother when she received the owl from none other than Adrien. The girl was ecstatic! Sure, the note seemed to be scribbled down in about the time of three seconds. But what excited Andi was that he even made the effort. It wasn't something that happened often. Andi was far more used to making these things happen herself- the persuasive kind of girl she is.

Nonetheless, she made sure to add him into her schedule. On that day, she was thrilled just to be doing something out of the ordinary. It didn't hurt that she adored Adrien's company, either. She set out to her destination in one of her favourite flirty skirts and a tee. After a dilemma over what to do with her hair, she'd settled on leaving it down and finally arrived at the Three Broomsticks about two minutes after four.

Upon entering, she looked around for a blonde head and spotted it at the bar. She quickly sauntered over and took a seat next to him. "Miss me?" she asked happily, once seated.


adrienbennet July 29 2007, 23:22:15 UTC
If Adrien had known that girls still appreciated the effort, despite it taking him approximately two seconds, he would have tried this whole planning thing earlier. Even the notoriously lazy Adrien Bennet could spare a few seconds if it meant earning points with people.

He glanced over curiously as someone sat down beside him but he grinned upon realizing who it was. "Of course. I wanted to cry myself to sleep every night because I missed you so much. But I had to be strong," he told her in mock earnestness, trying to look as forlorn as he possibly could at the 'memory.'

He broke into a slow, easy smile, the gesture closer to a smirk. "Nah. The truth is I haven't thought of you at all. This has been quite a busy summer for me after all," he added, winking at her. The real truth was that he had missed her; he liked to think that they were close so it had been odd not seeing her constantly. But the truth was absolutely no fun; it was far more enjoyable to tease her, he concluded as he took a gulp of his drink. "Oh right. You want anything?"

Apparently Adrien had no manners, not thinking of getting her something earlier. Add 'ungentlemanly' to the list of things he was.


andi_white July 30 2007, 01:04:06 UTC
Grinning smugly over at him, Andi tossed her hair a bit and crossed her legs. "I thought so. That seems to happen to anyone I don't see for a duration of time," she replied as if she were speaking the most honest truth. "But it'll be okay now. I'm here," she said in a voice of mock concern, putting her hand on his shoulder.

That look transitioned into one of her trademark mock pouts. She puffed her bottom lip out in a way that only Andi could pull off, it seemed. She'd become an expert at the combination of childishness and flirtation. "Yes, I do want something. I'll have a glass of firewhiskey," she told the bartender nonchalantly.


adrienbennet July 30 2007, 01:20:54 UTC
Adrien merely scoffed at her. "You must be getting quite cocky if you believed THAT," he remarked. "Or maybe you just like me so much you NEED me to have missed you, hm?" he continued, raising an eyebrow. "I'm on to you, Miss White," he finished, waggling a finger at her and giving her a mock suspicious glare.

Her pout really was quite impressive. He had seen many others try but the affect generally made them look ridiculously or mildly ape-like. He was also fairly certain that he had gotten himself in trouble before at laughing at said attempts but that was neither here nor there. "Er, yes then." He seemed to temporarily lose his cool- or his equivalent of cool- for a moment but after a cough, he was back!

"How have you been, then?" he asked curiously, turning slightly to better face her, head tilted to one side inquisitively. "I don't think I've talked to you for awhile?" Like he would have even remembered if he had. He didn't remember such things so perhaps that WASN'T the best thing to say, lest she remember some correspondence that had completely slipped his mind and called him out on that.


andi_white July 30 2007, 04:43:02 UTC
Andi finally dropped the facade and laughed. "It's probably a bit of both, actually." The barkeep returned with her drink, and she took a small sip. "You only think you are, because I let you do so," she replied with a smirk.

The smirk only grew when he seemed to be at a loss of words for a moment. She was amused, and made this known with a glint in her eyes. She took another drink from her glass, before facing him again. "I've been just fabulous!" she replied throwing her hands up in the air as she spoke. Lucky for Adrien, he was right this time. They hadn't spoke since school let out, much to Andi's disappointment. "I KNOW! It's been far too long, I must say It's been strange not seeing your handsome face for such a long period of time."


adrienbennet August 1 2007, 01:34:36 UTC
He gave a pleased sort of 'hmph', giving her an 'I told you so' look as she sipped her drink. But then he feigned a look of indignation. "Oh, THAT's what you think, then?" he asked, sounding incredulous as he grinned widely. "No. You're only saying that because you got caught. Admit it." He laughed, shaking his head. "I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed talking to you," he confessed earnestly, looking serious for a moment.

But this was Adrien, and he rarely stayed serious for long.

The typical response to such a statement would to agree, come up with one’s own declaration of how much the other was missed or how odd it’s been, and perhaps return the compliment. But that was far too easy and far less enjoyable.

"Mmmhmm, I don't know how you managed that," he responded, putting on an arrogant air. "If I were you I don't know how I would have survived. You must have been so lost without me." He propped his chin on one hand, surveying her with a cocky half smile.


andi_white August 1 2007, 02:54:37 UTC
Rolling her eyes, Andi found herself giggling again. She managed to stop herself when Adrien made the frank confession, but still remained grinning. "That I'll drink to," she replied pleasantly, bringing the glass up to her lips and proceeding to finish it off.

Of course, Andi knew Adrien well enough at this point to know what to expect from him. She had predicted that he'd reply with some kind of joking or sarcasm, and she was quite fine with that. "Oh yes, I hardly knew what to do with myself! I'm sure it must be incredibly difficult for you when it's impossible to find a mirror." She broke out into a fit of giggles again, giving him a playful shove.


adrienbennet August 3 2007, 14:24:00 UTC
He laughed at that before raising his own glass as if to toast. "Cheers, then," he answered, before following and draining his own drink.

"I have found SOME way to manage, thank you very much," he answered curtly, trying to look annoyed by the accusation. Except the problem was that she was on to something with that comment. Ever since Blase had hexed his hair pink when he let his guard down, he had taken to randomly checking to make sure nothing had happened without his noticing. Add that to the fact that he had already been the sort of bloke who was always looking in a mirror...

It was quite a miracle that he didn't care one around with him at all times.

((sorry for the crappy reply but I'm about to leave))


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