(no subject)

Jul 25, 2007 21:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Summer '06'/July 28th, 2006/3:59 PM
Location: Three Broomsticks
Open To: Andi
Currently Involving: Addy

Summer was a horribly boring affair. After spending months sitting around in some distant relative’s house doing absolutely nothing, he finally returned home only to find himself sitting around doing absolutely nothing. How ever so enjoyable. So enjoyable, in fact, that he was fairly certain that he was going to lose his mind.

So he had done the unthinkable. He had actually MADE plans! Gaspeth!

Normally he considered that a girl thing; the way he saw it, girls were the ones who actually planned things in advance and boys just went with the flow and played things by ear or just let others do the planning. But that really wasn’t turning out so well.

Or maybe he just wasn’t as cool as he had thought that he was because he really hadn’t seen that many of his friends. However distressing and disheartening THAT thought was, he’d deal with it later.

Instead, he had sent an owl to Andi, asking if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him that Friday afternoon. Only in not so many words. If he remember correctly, the note had read something like ‘Three Broomsticks Friday at 4’ and reflecting back on it, he couldn’t really remember if he had phrased it as a question.

Apparently Adrien was uncool AND sort of rude. Who knew? Certainly not all of Hogwarts. Cough. Moving on.

And surprisingly, Adrien was actually at the Three Broomsticks on time. It was fairly impressive, really, as generally he was late to absolutely everything, including things that he had planned himself. He quickly scanned the pub but Andi hadn’t seemed to arrive yet. Needless to say, he felt rather proud that he wasn’t the last to arrive- albeit the last of two- as he took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink.

adrien-bennet, andi-white, summer-06

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