
Jul 19, 2007 07:28

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Summer 06' / July 10, 2006 / 10.05 am
Location: Diagon Alley
Open To: Thatcher
Currently Involving: Esme

Let me entertain you! )

thatcher-hale, summer-06, esme-hinde

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cthatcherhale July 19 2007, 11:37:40 UTC
"Of all places, bloody Diagon?" Thatcher cooed as he slid up behind her, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he followed her to Honeydukes. "We haven't instilled loyalty for Hogsmeade into you yet? Great pity, that."

Not that he had anything against the fine workers on Diagon Alley or anything. It's just that any galleon spent here didn't go to his mates and colleagues back in the Scottish village! Surely the Floo to Hogsmeade wasn't that much longer for Esme!

Though, the best question now would have been 'If you're that fond of it, why the bloody hell are you here as he obviously wasn't shopping about in Hogsmeade either. Hopefully she'd not notice that ( ... )


esme_hinde July 19 2007, 18:48:33 UTC
((OOC: Eek, Honeydukes is in Hogsmeade isn't it? Bad me! It obviously has a Diagon branch as well >_>))

Esme couldn't help but smile as she recognised a certain Thatcher's voice behind her. She carried on regardless into the shop and only when she reached the colourful interior did she turn and poked him in the ribs with a candy cane that was flashing in neon colours. "Oh, and so what's your excuse to be caught lounging aroud suspiciously in Diagon Alley, you old fraud?" He had so let himself in for this one.

She turned away to hide a giggle at his last sentence. Broken heart, her foot - but it wouldn't do to let him know that she found him amusing now! "Oh, I don't know how you'll survive without me!" she teased, "You are looking a bit peaky..." Placing a mock-concerned look on her face, she placed a hand against his forehead as if to take his temperature. "Any withdrawal symptoms?"


cthatcherhale July 19 2007, 22:20:50 UTC
((HAHA, I DUNNO? Imagined they'd have a branch there or something, I dunno!))

"Lets not change the subject from the matter at hand," came Thatcher's cheeky reply, grinning sinfully as he grabbed her candy cane and used it as if he was attempting to reel her in. "Perhaps I just knew you'd never visit me in Hogsmeade, so I set out to run into you here? After all we've been through, Esme, and you can't even swing by the pub to tell me to sod off!"

Well, bless the saints themselves for her thinking to not let him know that he amused her! Last thing he needed was more fodder for the flames, right? The second he figured out that she enjoyed him was the second he devoted his life to said enjoyment. Very dangerous stuff there.

At her comment and touch, he put on a huge frown (complete with a set of puppy dog eyes and pitifully wrinkled forehead) as he reached up to slide her hand down to his jaw. "Surviving without you has been hard, sparrow," he admitted, even faking a little trembling lip there. "So many symptoms of withdraw, ( ... )


esme_hinde July 22 2007, 09:57:18 UTC
Oh, she knew that all right. One small gesture from her that let him know how amusing and fun she actually found him and she'd never hear the end of it!

For all her good intentions, however, Esme was nearly - but so nearly! - taken in by Thatch's pitiful puppy-dog eyes and trembling lip. Her soft heart gave a pang and for a moment she was taken in... and then she took in what he was actually saying. Her expression changed to one of exaggerated outrage and she gave him a little push. "You wretch!" she laughed, "You're the biggest old fraud I know." Laughing at herself for so nearly being taken in by his little tricks, she responded happily. "Well, in that case I am heartily glad to see you!"

Pausing to let this artful sentence sink in she turned away, but then threw in a little comment over her shoulder. "It's obvious that you need me to deflate that head of yours again, you cheeky sod!"


cthatcherhale July 23 2007, 02:25:42 UTC
He was like a puppy, really. Or perhaps a small child. Wanted praise, did tricks when requested, repeated all behaviours if it got him attention, shat on the carpet..

...well, not so much the last part. He'd not be able to keep a good room mate if he had that sort of behaviour, but still. Like a puppy.

OH, how Thatcher delighted in her taking the bait! Poor, poor apparently gullible Esme. Had he known it was that easy, he wouldn't have thrown in the cheeky comments. Unfortunately, Thatcher's style involved warming girls up to the point that their emotions rose just to let them down hard in the end. Poor Esme. He laughed and brought arms up to shield himself at her reaction. "Abuse! Abuse!! She makes me hate myself and beats me in the interim!" His grin just spread more and more as she caught her own laugh.

"Yes yes, I'd be floating off to space without you here to deflate it," he replied, still grinning as he slipped his hand around her elbow and reeled her back in. "And how you deflate it so skillfully, sparrow, I'm ( ... )


esme_hinde July 23 2007, 21:23:21 UTC
If Thatcher was the puppy, then Esme was one of those huge fluffy cats that are bigger than puppies and like to swipe them across the nose when the puppy gets too cheeky. Or at least, she liked to think so ( ... )


cthatcherhale July 27 2007, 02:14:59 UTC
Thatcher liked to think that he was this big, muscular sort of dog that kept the cats up in the trees. Seemed Thatcher & Esme had conflicting points of view there!

But of course Thatcher's mind frame was correct. No puppies were frightened of cats, it was just... well, it was against the very course set by Mother Nature herself! Cats were meant to be below dogs and dogs, the big and powerful brutes that they were, were meant to torture them and chase them down allies. Thatcher? He was excellent at getting pretty tabbies into said dark allies.

"Oh, subject of my inflated ego too much for you?" he asked, brow lifting in curiousity. "What shall we talk of then... yours." With that, Thatcher smirked and popped his collar thusly. "Now that, love, is a subject that'll be sure to lead us straight to the couch. To sleep. And not 'sleep' in the way I'd prefer, so I'd suggest that we not even go there ( ... )


esme_hinde July 27 2007, 23:21:19 UTC
Flashing him a dazzling smile (or at least, the smile that she liked to think of as her dazzling smile) of approval for his manners, she took the offered arm and led on out of the shop. She didn't really know where she wanted to go next, but since she was merely passing the time here it didn't really matter. It was nice not to have any set tasks to do or errands to run but she wasn't sure if he was as free. "Are you heading anywhere specific?"

"Of course it's optional!" she replied teasingly. "Everyone knows that only the very densest people choose not too, though. Being considered mature has so many advantages." She stopped for a while and appeared lost in thought. "I'm trying to think of an example of these advantages which would appeal to you... OH! Okay, so think about girls. So really, just be your normal self." She laughed at this and pinched his cheek playfully. "Girls like guys that can be mature every so often. It's a well-known fact." She turned and arched an eyebrow at him. "What is your clever answer to that, Mr Hale?"


cthatcherhale July 27 2007, 23:39:44 UTC
Oh, the smile was quite dazzling and he replied to it with one of his own. See? He could be a gentleman every now and then! He just preferred to limit those times, as to allow them to appreciate them better! Something like that. "I dunno, love, Quality Quidditch perhaps? Never hurts to look about in there." It actually was nice, not having a single errand to run! He was really just about in hopes of finding a dealer of certain forbidden, magicked Muggle items that may or may not get stuck into his motorbike. Not that he would. He hardly wanted to be on the bad side of the Ministry, but Merlin was it ever tempting.

Flying motorbike. Too cool.

"If girls like guys that can mature every now and then," he replied, giving her a once-over as he spoke, "then what, women prefer men that aren't? There has to be some opposite to consider here, love, and if I've pegged the right one, then I can at least rest assured that you, particularly, wouldn't need me acting grown up at all!" Ahh, a compliment, yeah? With that, he grinned.


esme_hinde July 29 2007, 18:16:26 UTC
Esme nodded agreement. "Sounds good to me! Might see something that'll help us bash those Slytherins into the ground at Quidditch next year." Esme was as flying-mad as ever and always ready to look in that shop. Shopping and Quidditch? Perfect combination right there. Although she preferred brooms to motorbikes.

She shook her head and him, laughing. "Oh no, no. The opposite is that boys prefer immature little girls who are willing to pamper their egos! Real women prefer a man with some real maturity." She sighed, a dreamy look stealing into her eyes. "A man who'll remember anniversaires and birthdays. One that will hug you if you look upset rather than insist that it's really sex that's the cure for everything. A guy who doesn't run a mile at the thought of something more long term than a one night stand." She looked over to Thatcher, the mischief returning to her face. "I bet you do at least one of those things, you young pup!"


cthatcherhale July 30 2007, 00:02:06 UTC
He nodded, brows raised as he did so, agreeing in the most adorable way he could muster. "And I've got to see if there is anything that could set one amazing Falcons hopeful apart from the rest. All that matters right now in the Quidditch world is that one, Frogley makes the Falcons, and two, you lot don't let your old captain down by losing your games left and right. I've a vested interest in both, you see."

Ahhh... he'd miss those days, coordinating the terrific brutal beatings of Puffs, Claws, and Snakes.

His grin returned in full effect as she went on and on about those little things that women loved to have men do for them. "My dear," he replied, patting the hand that she had resting on his arm, "I do all." Amazing thing was the fact that he was being completely honest. Thatcher might have been a scallywag, yes, but he knew how to love. "Never thought we'd see the day when Thatcher Hale would look to be your dream boat, eh?" Wink.


esme_hinde July 30 2007, 14:38:07 UTC
"Is that the team Troy's going for? The Falcons?" Esme wrinkled her nose in disgust. Her brothers supported the Falcons, which was as good a reason as any for her not to do so, in her opinion. Any opportunity to tease and annoy the little dears! "But never you fear. The Gryffindor team are going to kick some serious ass this year!"

Esme was a little thrown by the fact that he did actually do those things, but tried to recover herself. This wasn't quite going the way she'd hoped! "But you, my dear, are a flirtacious scoundrel! And that is never a desirable trait." She patted his cheek. "Sorry to disappoint you, but you're less of a dream boat and more of a little fish nipping at my toes." Uhm. That was one of those remarks that Esme regretted as soon as she said them. It had sounded much better in her head.


cthatcherhale July 30 2007, 22:24:43 UTC
"I was hoping he'd go for Chudley myself," Thatcher replied with a knowing nod and grimace in disgust himself. "Maybe he could have been the big turnaround for them, you know? They could use a bloke like him, I reckon."

Thatcher, obviously, was a Chudley fan.

Well, he was shocked as well! Fancy that, eh? She couldn't nail him on anything when it came to that respect. Thatcher was a terrific boyfriend. He'd do anything for Lexi and hey, not ask for anything in return! Grinning, he held his finger up as he made his point: "Flirtatious, yes, but do I act upon it?" Shaking his head, he answered his own question. "Sure don't, otherwise you'd have found yourself in a compromising position by now." Cue his signature cheeky grin. What she said next even caught him off-guard and he paused in his walking long enough to look at her, eyes wide and grin nearly breaking his face. "Ahh, but at least I'm nipping!"


esme_hinde July 31 2007, 12:06:02 UTC
Esme gave a mock "You and your Chudley Cannons," she sighed. "When will you see sense and admit that they're absolutely appauling and don't deserve fans?" Esme had inherited a hardcore Kestrels spirit from her father and was rather disparaging of anyone who dared to support anyone else. It did make for fun arguments though!

"Oh, I know that you don't act on it," she grinned cheekily at him. "I already tested that one, remember?" She chucked as she remembered deciding that she really had to make sure he was good enough for her friend Lexi. She was very fond of Lexi but wasn't convinced of her ability not to go for the bad guys.

Giving a melodramatic sigh and tossing her hair over one shoulder, she agreed with him. "I suppose that if you can resist me, you can resist anyone!" Merlin, she was starting to sound like Thatcher himself! It was rather fun, though. She loved bantering back and forth with him. Trying her best to look down on him, although she was actually a good deal shorter, Esme cocked an eyebrow. "Not just nipping, my ( ... )


cthatcherhale August 2 2007, 02:26:32 UTC
"Hey, I love Chudley," he said defensively, almost pouting. "And they'll get off their losing streak! You know, eventually! Keep trying till they eventually win! Perhaps one of these days the Falcons or Kestrels just won't show up for the World, right?" Honestly, Thatcher had a bit of a thing for the Kestrels as well, but he'd never admit it! Let his Cannons down? NEVER. They'd positively be crushed to hear that they've lost their only fan.

He absolutely laughed, just then remembering that one moment. "Oh yes, took everything I had," he replied with a cheesy grin. "I was, what, holding myself back completely, yeah? I have trouble remembering as I had to fake so much of that." Kidding, of course. Merlin, was Esme all over him that day! It actually took a conscience decision to not do anything that day ( ... )


esme_hinde August 4 2007, 09:18:52 UTC
Esme laughed. "Well I think Chudley supporters are kind of sweet," she said. "You know, all that hopeless optimism and stuff. Pathetic, of course..." she stole a sly glance at his reaction to being called pathetic, "... but kind of sweet as well." Esme had never really considered supporting anyone other than the Kestrels and so she did understand his loyalty, but really. The Cannons? Nnngh ( ... )


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