I spy with my little eye...

May 03, 2006 17:07

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace'/Saturday, 8 October, 2005/2:30 pm
Loctation: 7th Floor Corridor
Open to: Will Sparrow
Currently involving: Liesl, Will

I spy with my little eye... )


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liesl_jacobs May 8 2006, 05:14:46 UTC
Didn't Will know Liesl at all by now? It was her JOB to be skeptical. She turned around to tell him as much when she realized he had paused in his pursuit of her. Instead he was staring at the wall opposite the-- hang on a minute! The wall was... gone? In its place was a door Liesl was positive hadn't been there a moment ago. She squinted at it, walking over to stand beside Will who was reaching for the doorknob.

"Was that...? Are you sure you should...?" She trailed off, standing warily in place. Merlin knew the whole castle was rotten with secret passages and intrigue. But that didn't necessarily mean they were all GOOD. Or safe, for that matter. Evidently Liesl wasn't a huge risk taker.

"Listen, perhaps we should just leave it alone..." She took a step backward.


williamsparrow May 9 2006, 00:35:05 UTC
We're sorry. You attempted to distract Will from doing something impulsive and foolish. Attempt failed, needless to say. Please try again.

Not that Liesl would have time to, however, as Will had already pulled open the door. Nothing immediately devestating happened, which was always a good sign, and he poked his head in curiously, squinting in the dim light. Was that...running water? Maybe it was a hidden bathroom or something.

Of course, it wasn't. This became apparent the minute he actually stepped inside, eyes going wide as saucers as they gazed around the...indoor garden? The HELL? Well, weirder things have happened.

It certainly seemed to be the sort of place the two of them needed, though...the perfect escape from the outside world. It was absolutely breathtaking, from the little stone fountain burbling up water nearby, to the fairy lights flittering about. He thought he could see a flutterby bush and...were those mushrooms glowing? The entire room seemed to, so it was hard to say, the ethereal light filtering through the ( ... )


liesl_jacobs May 9 2006, 16:27:08 UTC
A strangled sound emitted from Liesl's throat as the door opened wider and Will peeked inside. She stood stock still right behind him, seemingly frozen to the spot. What in Merlin's name ( ... )


williamsparrow May 9 2006, 17:20:25 UTC
Will was a little less paranoid, it seemed, already stepping further in, one hand reaching out to brush a nearby bush and starting slightly when a flame bright Flutterby twittered out and just past his ear. Grinning broadly, he turned back to Liesl, who was still hovering at the door.

"Real enough for me," he answered cheerfully, watching the small creature light gently on a nearby flower bush. "Incredible...I didn't even know this room existed," he murmured in afterthought, turning to take a second look around the beautiful retreat.

'Man, Shihoko would LOVE this...' he couldn't help but think, and for the first time this week he felt unbothered by guilt or discomfort or any sort of anxiety. This place just radiated comfort, and even if he could have fought the soothing feelings it offered, like Hell he would!

"Come on...it's fine, I'm fairly sure."


liesl_jacobs May 9 2006, 19:12:42 UTC
Will looked dazzled by the room and all its intricacies. And rightly so -- the room was dazzling. Liesl swallowed nervously, edging imperceptibly closer to the entrance but not putting a toe in... yet. She watched as a flutterby bush buzzed to life at Will's touch, a little creature flitting out to greet him before zigzagging off.

She realized she wanted very much to go inside, something pulling tight within her ribcage... but she was afraid. And wasn't she afraid of everything, when it came right down to it? Isn't that why she pushed people away, why she put up walls, why she didn't trust a soul especially now in times of trouble? Liesl would never admit this was the case, but it was a viable possibility that all her defense mechanisms were motivated by fear itself. Fear of losing... what she didn't even have ( ... )


williamsparrow May 15 2006, 19:26:29 UTC
Well, you knew if it had Liesl laughing and enjoying herself, it HAD to be something special.

That, or a spectacular car wreck. One or the other.

But Will couldn't be anything but amused, watching her flit through the twinkling garden, settling himself by the stone fountain and watching the surrounding pool burble and catch the floating lights around them, sparkling with each ripple.

"Amazing...wonder if Professor Sprout set this place up?" he wondered aloud, turning his head in an effort to catch sight of anything and everything he could. Didn't want to miss a thing....the way the room had just appeared, who knew if he'd be able to find it again?


liesl_jacobs May 15 2006, 23:18:05 UTC
Haha, very funny, a car wreck. Will should be a stand-up comic, really.

"Eh?" said Liesl amidst her euphoria, blinking stupidly. "Oh, Sprout! D'you think so?" It was entirely probable, and yet Sprout hardly ever made time for anything not near the ground-level greenhouses. Why would she set up such a place on the highest floor of the castle? Someone was responsible for this fairytale, certainly ( ... )


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 00:01:28 UTC
It was...whoever DID create this room certainly didn't do things halfway.

It was perfect. Nothing short of it. Distracting, comforting, enchanting...everything he needed. Likely Liesl as well, for the simple fact that he'd never seen her look like this, so unguarded and...

Happy? Yeah. Definately not a face often worn by Miss Jacobs.

"It is...all of this, it's incredible." Seeing her eyes stray out towards the deeper end of the water, he glanced at her and grinned. "Bet the water feels just as incredible. You want to test the waters, so to speak?"

Ha, yes, let her. He'd be a gentlemen and just...sit over here.


liesl_jacobs May 16 2006, 00:08:31 UTC
Hmmm, yes -- she was feeling unnaturally at peace with everything in the world just now. Was it all the room's doing? It must be enchanted in a way that was more than just pretty landscape. Unless Liesl was so easy that a pretty garden could bring her to her knees? Hardly!

Liesl blinked over at Will after his suggestion. It was the first time she'd felt uneasy in the past several minutes. But only a tad. "What, by myself?" she blanched. "I don't think so... no." Yes, let's just go bathing while Wuthering William sits and watches, yeah? "Unless of course you'd like to," she said slowly, guaging his reaction, "then I'd join you." What?! REALLY!?!

Okay so she really wanted to go swimming. >_>


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 00:19:12 UTC
Eh? What's this?

....well in THAT case...

Will brightened a little at that, grinning amiably at the girl. "Ah, well, I didn't know that you'd want me in there with you, is all. But, if that's your druthers, I haven't got any objections to it."

Ah, see there? Easy as pie to get this boy to do your bidding. Let's hope she didn't use that fact to her advantage once they got OUT of the room...


liesl_jacobs May 16 2006, 00:32:20 UTC
Bwahaha, Liesl's bidding, eeeeeee. Watch out, Williamz!

"I'd rather that than have you watching while I bathed," she replied, snorting. "I suppose we could transfigure our clothes into suits? Unless you've got one of your own here that you could Accio." Liesl didn't, of course. The only opportunity that she'd seen for swimming had been the Black Lake, and she was far too afraid of large bodies of water to touch THAT. Unlike Will.

Wait! Wasn't she supposed to be afraid of swimming, water and all? What was this room DOING to her? Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if they just waded...


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 00:37:32 UTC
"Ha, if you're fair to decent at Transfiguration," he replied with a snicker, merely tossing off the outer part of his robe, the material settling at the edge of the water.

"Me? I don't mind getting my clothes wet, so much, 'cause I DO know a good drying spell. Weighs you down a bit, but I don't think we're in any danger of drowning."

Ha. Bad things happen here? Never!

Tie? Vest? Off you come! And a rollin' of the sleeves...


liesl_jacobs May 16 2006, 00:52:52 UTC
At the mention of drowning, Liesl backpedalled frantically. This might have been a terrible idea, after all.

"Um, perhaps we shouldn't. I mean... what if the water is tainted or something?" she said feebly, looking for some kind of excuse that didn't involve confessing her fear of water. It was all her blasted parents' fault! If only they hadn't died on the water.

Well, it'd be nice if they hadn't died, period. But oh well.


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 23:20:48 UTC
"Don't be so nervous...I didn't mean anything by it," he responded calmly, kicking off his shoes and tugging off his socks, before sitting on the edge of the pool once again and turning to let his legs sink into the cool water.

Oh....heavenly. He grinned widely and slipped off the edge, sinking down to sit on the bottom of this, the shallower end of the pool, which came up to cover his shoulders and lap at his throat.

"See? No drowning possibilities on this end. Come on in...I promise, I won't let you drown."


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