Defense Against the Dark Arts - Week 005

Apr 29, 2006 16:55

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace
Location: Dungeons
Open To: Anyone taking DADA
Currently Involving: Abel

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week-005, classroom-threads

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FIFTH YEARS your_dada_prof April 29 2006, 22:08:36 UTC
“Test papers on the desk, pick them up and sit down quietly.” He said to the first few started to trickle in. By now, he knew these students would be wise enough to know to pick up their papers from the first desk in the room and sit back down, almost quietly. He didn’t mind it so much if this class talked since they did marginally better than the rest of the younger years combined. This also happened to be their O.W.L.s year as well so he only expected to see them improve. And while at it, improve their awkward behaviours.


Re: FIFTH YEARS jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 23:41:14 UTC
((Starting Gryffindor/Slytherin Class; Thursday 1pm))

Jackie walked into class, a bit surprised she was the first to arrive of all the Gryffindors. She secretly hoped for a good grade, what with all the extra help she received from Charlie and Keeley, but when she picked up her exam, only an "A" for Acceptable greeted her. With a sigh, she headed towards her seat in the middle of the room. It looked like she'd have to put extra studying in to raise her marks to "E" or even an "O".


Re: FIFTH YEARS keeley_dwyer April 30 2006, 17:43:57 UTC
Keeley hurried into class, wanting to know if they had gotten their quizes back yet. She had felt like she had done all right on the quiz, but did not know for sure. She leafed through the exams until she found hers. A smile crossed her face as she saw the large "O" written on it. She took her seat near Jack. "How did you do?" She asked.


Re: FIFTH YEARS vivica_fielding April 30 2006, 17:51:39 UTC
Vivica sat behind Keeley and Jackie. Although she wouldn't talk to them she did enjoy listening to their inane conversations. They amused her.

She picked up her own exam paper and looked at the grade. An 'O'. Vivica nodeded to herslef as if she wouldn't have expected anything less and then stared straight ahead at the back of Jackie and Keeley's heads.


Re: FIFTH YEARS erikcohen April 30 2006, 18:05:50 UTC
Erik entered the classroom hesistantly, not knowing how Faust would react to seeing him again. The last time he'd gone to class, he'd thrown a button at Emilia's head and then had a nervous breakdown. He had a feeling Faust disliked him, not only for being disruptive, but for not having proven himself thus far. He wasn't bad at defense, he just wasn't getting that chance he needed to show it.

He approached Faust's desk carefully and cleared his throat to get the professor's attention. This was awkward.

"Sir, I' I'm sure you heard about the circumstances keeping me from class last week," he said and tried not to look at his shoes.

At a time like this, Erik could only think about going home.


Re: FIFTH YEARS your_dada_prof April 30 2006, 18:29:38 UTC
Oh yes, Abel had heard a number of items concerning Erik's well being, situation at home, among a number of other items. He didn't like omitting marks, it would mean a lower weighted average at the end of the year and that was especially bad for students looking for an O.W.L.s hopeful. Allowing the boy to take the test now was also ridiculous, it wasn't a surprise and therefore an inaccurate, not to mention, unfair judgement.

"I have heard." He said simply, "I'll give you two choices, either I'll make your next surprise test worth double to count for this missed test, or you can do an five feet long essay on a Defense topic that I choose." There was also the unspoken option of neither which would get him a lovely Troll mark. So far, he hadn't given anyone a Troll yet.


Re: FIFTH YEARS jackie_zhang April 30 2006, 18:31:30 UTC
Jackie turned to Keeley and whispered. "Not as well as I would've liked. Still, I passed. It looks like I have my work cut out for me."

She dug out her book, parchment, ink, and quill and set them on the desk in front of her. Defense Against the Dark Arts was hardly her favorite class, but she was determined to raise her grade and pass her OWLs just to get into the NEWT worthy class.


Re: FIFTH YEARS p_davenport April 30 2006, 18:49:52 UTC
Phillip walked into the classroom a minute or two late. He glanced around and noticed that their test papers were waiting to be picked up. He moved with a confident stride to the front and shuffled through the dwindling stack of parchment to find his, careful not to interrupt Professor Faust and Erik with a greeting. Clearly not a conversation he wanted to get involved in, so he just nodded to both of them before moving to sit down.

He smiled to Jackie and Keeley in way of greeting before he glanced at his paper. He wasn't worried; Defense was one of his best subjects. Unsurprisingly, there was an O marked on his test. He smiled, leaned back in his seat and slowly drew his things out of his bag.


Re: FIFTH YEARS charlie_davis April 30 2006, 22:23:52 UTC
"Mornin' mates," Charlie grinned and strode into the classroom. Ha! She was on time! Faust wouldn't have an excuse to take off points today. After all, she was a model student. She tried to conceal a grin as she saw the O on her paper- she was tops in defense, but saw no reason to rub it in.

Flopping into a seat near her favorite Gryffindors, Charlie pulled out her books, parchment, and writing implements. Tapping her fingers on the desk, she stifled a yawn. Defense was lovely, but it was still early.


Re: FIFTH YEARS keeley_dwyer April 30 2006, 22:29:10 UTC
Keeley whispered to Jackie, "maybe it was just a bad test or something, not like you haven't been trying."

She smiled back at Phil as he walked in and took his seat. She turned back to her desk and took out patchment and her quill to get ready for class.

"Morning Charlie," she said as Chralie came in and took her seat. Keeley opened her book to the last chapter they had done, thinking it would be best to have it open for class.


Re: FIFTH YEARS vivica_fielding April 30 2006, 23:01:59 UTC
Vivica stared as Erik Cohen talked to Professor Faust. Everyone had heard about the 'circumstances' Erik referred to and Vivica was itching to see how Faust would respond.

She then wondered what it would be like to write 5 feet on something that Faust chose. She supposed he would chose some awful topic for the wretched boy to write about.

Vivca then turned her attention back to listening to Keeley and Jackie's conversation,


Re: FIFTH YEARS erikcohen May 1 2006, 00:46:37 UTC
"I'll write the essay," Erik told Faust after a moment of thinking. He knew that things were too unpredictable for him to risk having an exam worth double.

He took a seat between Phillip and Charlie and hoped class would go well this week. Especially since he didn't have to worry about that project with Emilia anymore. One dramatic incident a week was enough for him!

"I see you're a genius, I bet the claws would love to have you," Erik whispered to Phil and shook his head.

An O in defense? Erik could only dream about something like that, not that he was bad with the subject. Faust. He desperately needed to get on Faust's good side.


Re: FIFTH YEARS jackie_zhang May 1 2006, 01:57:30 UTC
Jackie smiled her hello at Phillip and turned back to Keeley, her voice still low. "Maybe I just didn't word the essay right. I've always hated writing essays, even in my favorite classes."

She looked at both Charlie and Keeley, and muffled a giggle at their 'morning' exchanges. "Um... Charlie, you missed both breakfast and lunch. It's just a little past one o'clock."

She opened her book to what would be their next lesson. Hopefully, Faust wouldn't be like Snape and change it just for the hell of it.


Re: FIFTH YEARS p_davenport May 1 2006, 04:54:37 UTC
Phillip nodded to Charlie as she entered, "Hallo!" Then he turned to Erik as he sat down. He laughed at Erik's comment, then whispered back, "Well, the hat nearly put me there, but it decided I ought to be in Gryffindor to keep an eye on you, instead."

He eyed Erik for a moment, then continued, "Good thing, too, or you'd be in real trouble. You're not going to pass your OWLs without me, from the looks of things." He had no problems admitting to his grades, though he was just as unlikely to rub them in anyone's face. He knew he was good at Defense; it hardly mattered to him whether anyone else did or not.

Phillip flipped open his textbook and thumbed through it, waiting for Professor Faust to begin the lesson. He put the book in his lap and leaned back in his chair again. He disliked desks as a general rule; they forced you to hunch over and feel uncomfortable.


Re: FIFTH YEARS your_dada_prof May 1 2006, 06:03:37 UTC
He waited until most of the chattering from the students and their grades were over before continuing. Perhaps he should have delivered the test papers back at the end of class next time rather than the start, at least anticipation would serve as an incentive to keep quiet. He leaned forward onto the desk, “The project I assigned a few weeks ago is due in two weeks. With that said, for today you are all to review the chapter on Hackle Hinds, formulate and practice a strategic defense against them. Next week you will be facing the dark creature itself.”

Abel made a quick head count over the number of students in the room. “You may either work in pairs or independently.”


Re: FIFTH YEARS emiliahawthorn May 1 2006, 18:12:37 UTC
Emilia arrived late, missing Faust's instructions. Picking up her test paper, she made her way over towards where Vivica was sitting, without so much as a glance at the result. She was past caring about how well she did in the class, much preffering offensive spells to the defensive ones they were being taught.

Sliding in next to her housemate, she settled her robes neatly and gave the girl a smile. "Afternoon, Vivica. What are we meant to do this lesson? Something terribly boring, I'm quite sure."


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