Defense Against the Dark Arts - Week 005

Apr 29, 2006 16:55

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace
Location: Dungeons
Open To: Anyone taking DADA
Currently Involving: Abel

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week-005, classroom-threads

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Comments 61

FIRST YEARS your_dada_prof April 29 2006, 21:05:04 UTC
He hadn't expected much from the first years, since for most of them this was their first month of ever completing any sort of magic, let alone Defense. Their marked test papers were sitting on the first student’s desk at the front of the room. On the board, were written instructions for them to pick up their papers and sit back down quietly in their seats. From experience however, Abel knew that one thing for sure, students loved discussing their grades.

“Pick up your papers quickly now,” He said briefly to them once the first few started to trickle in.

[ooc; RH and GS all in the same class (magically!) since there are so few of you.]


Re: FIRST YEARS niamh_gannon April 30 2006, 05:27:25 UTC
Niamh entered the classroom nervously. She knew she hadn't done well on last week's test and she wasn't looking forward to finding out just how badly. The last thing she needed was to cry in Defense again.

She read the board from the doorway and silently walked to the front of the room, as though on a march to the gallows. She shuffled through the papers on the desk and found her own, but looked away as she picked it up so she wouldn't see what grade she'd received. She turned and moved solemnly to her seat in the middle of the room.

Taking her seat, she set the test paper face down on the desk and began to take out her parchment, quill and textbook, then began to arrange them neatly on the desk, careful not to disturb the test paper. Anything to delay the inevitable.


Re: FIRST YEARS tzeming April 30 2006, 07:00:21 UTC
Quite the contrary, Ming was one who liked everything spontaneous. As he strolled into the classroom, his brain suddenly clicked and he remembered that today was when they got back their test papers. He didn't put in much effort, that much he knew. After all, he was a hyperactive kid, and throw a book in his face and off to sleep he goes. Why bother studying when you have a wand?

He stepped up to the teacher's desk, greeting him with a far-too-cheerful "Good Morning, professor!" before going through the pile of papers swiftly till he one with his name scribbled haphazardly on top. His lower jaw dropped, but he quickly closed it. An A?

He shrugged, and made his way to his seat, aware that Niamh was arranging her things in a very stressed out manner. "Psst, Niamh!" he half-whispered. "What didja get?" He thought surely the girl would have done much better than him, seeing that he didn't do anything to prepare for this, whereas Niamh.. well, she studied for everything.


Re: FIRST YEARS niamh_gannon May 2 2006, 02:04:23 UTC
When Ming entered the room and then sat near her, she scowled. When he asked her what she'd scored, she flinched. She wasn't about to admit to him that she'd failed.

Putting on her haughtiest expression, she continued to organise her belongings while whispering back to him, "That's none of your business, Ming."

She placed her Defense textbook carefully on top of her test paper then busied herself with reading it so she wouldn't have to talk to the boy. She'd worry about just how terribly she'd done later. She hoped that if she didn't know how poorly she'd done, she could focus on today's lesson a little better.


SECOND YEARS your_dada_prof April 29 2006, 21:44:45 UTC
He had honestly expected the second years to perform a bit better than from what he saw. The class had a number of excellent students, at least they were excellent last year, but not all of the papers reflected that. It was also a little too early in their school career to experience senioritis. He could only hope that the students would start picking themselves up after the next few weeks, if not, well, Abel knew a number of ways to write a fancy scripted ‘F.’ Their marked test papers were sitting on the first student’s desk at the front of the room. On the board, were written instructions for them to pick up their papers and sit back down quietly in their seats.

“Test papers on the desk, pick them up and sit down quietly.” He said briefly to them once the first few started to trickle in.


Re: SECOND YEARS jacimannix April 29 2006, 23:28:04 UTC
As usual, Jaci slipped into the classroom without making a sound beyond the clip clip of her shoes on the stone floor. She'd begun walking toward her normal seat at the front of the class when the professor's voice called her attention to the board. Oh, right, last week's test. Frowing, she moved the rest of the way to the front of the room and settled her books on her desk before moving a few seats over to pick up her paper.

Flip. Flip. Flip. Quickly, she scanned the papers there and until she found her own. Despite her curiousity, she waited until returning to her seat before she opened it. The moment she saw the grade, her face fell and she let the parchment fall onto her desk. A. She'd gotten an AWith a soft sigh, she reached down and picked up the paper again and took a moment to look over the answers she'd given. She'd studied, she always studied for Defence, but it was a difficult class. She hadn't expected to only get an A, though. Nervously, she peered over the top of her paper and met Professor Faust's eye. He was granted a ( ... )


Re: SECOND YEARS bumble_bea April 30 2006, 00:03:01 UTC
Beatrice Rooks, an excellent student? Only in theory! Literally: she's always done better with theoreticals than practicals, quite possibly because she's a scaredy cat who hates practicing spells, and, oh yeah, she believes Faust is out to get her. But everyone knows that.

She inched her way into the classroom, a few minutes late, again, her face ashen. She gripped a note in her hand, the one not clutching her bag for dear life, and by all rights, the poor piece of parchment was probably completely muddled by nervous sweat.

"J'espère, j'espère, j'espère," Bea was mumbling to herself as she creeped towards the desk, eyes completely focused on the ground before her.


Re: SECOND YEARS your_dada_prof April 30 2006, 03:56:16 UTC
The little sad look from Jaci was something Abel wasn't so fond of seeing, mostly because it made him feel guilty for not giving them a grade higher. However, his tests, whether surprise or no, had never been known to be easy. Even those who received the ‘O’ and ‘E’ had to work hard for that grade. He shook his head at her, there was time for improvement, and it was only the second month into the year. There were still eight more.

Abel was, however, highly amused by Beatrice’s repeated mumbling to herself. You would think the paper she held in her hand defined whether she passed his class or not.

"Hurry up now." He clapped his hands together. "Once you’ve all gotten your papers, the class will start. Today we will be covering what has been nicknamed as the ‘Doomsbug hex.’"


THIRD YEARS your_dada_prof April 29 2006, 21:45:32 UTC
Ah, his third year class. It was possibly his least favourite year out of the rest of the student body since he had the weirdest combination of students for that year. He shook his head and settled into his seat behind the teacher’s desk. For some reason this class always left him exasperated and tired. Abel decided he would just sit this entire class. Let the students themselves fumble around. On the board, were written instructions for them to pick up their papers and sit back down quietly in their seats. From experience however, and seeing who were in his class, he knew this would never happen.


Re: THIRD YEARS opheliaballard April 30 2006, 20:18:29 UTC
AN E! was Ophelia's first thought upon receiving her paper, thus boosting her giddiness levels up to a record high. This was possibly one of the greatest days EVER and now it was Defense class which was WONDERFUL and wasn't Faust LOVELY?!

Ophelia began to prance to her seat, but not before giving the professor a huge grin and squealing "I've gotten an E!" at him.

They just had to be doing something incredibly interesting. She could just telll. Leaning over, she waved her paper in the face of a Gryff boy sitting across from her and began sing-songing E E E E! at him. He chose to ignore her, which wasn't as annoying as it would have been on any other day.


Re: THIRD YEARS ealhughes May 4 2006, 02:03:09 UTC
Esrielle entered the DADA classroom and looked around hoping to spot some of her classmates, particularly Mason. However, she seemed to be the first student to enter the classroom. It was becoming a habit it seemed. She made her way to her seat and put down her bag as she read the assignment from the board. Glancing at Professor Faust, she slowly made her way to his desk and picked up her parchment upon which her paper had been written. She had put a lot of effort into the paper and hoped it had showed. Slowly unrolling it she let out a sigh of relief at seeing an O marked on her paper. She quickly made her way back to her seat and pulled her book and supplies out of bag and made sure she could quickly reach her wand.

Glancing at Ophelia making a fool of herself yet again, she began reading waiting for class to begin.

((Sorry it took me so long to move it. I'll remember you want the all the third years to interact since there aren't many of us.))


FOURTH YEARS your_dada_prof April 29 2006, 21:59:16 UTC
His fourth year classes where what Abel referred to as ‘his invisible class’ there was almost always someone who never had never once showed up like Alysha, or they appeared every other class. He sure hoped they realized that whoever skipped last week’s class didn’t get a grade for their test papers. There were no omits in his class. On the board, were written instructions for them to pick up their papers and sit back down quietly in their seats. At least for this one class he was pretty sure the students would have no trouble with following the ‘quietly’ rule.


Re: FOURTH YEARS averykellaway April 30 2006, 00:39:01 UTC
Quiet is right. Avery would have no qualms about keeping to herself or just getting her own work done. Probably why Faust didn't really see her as having potential in DADA anyway.

She sighed to herself, very quietly, as she made her way into the classroom. Sure she had done all she could for the surprise test, but with this class, she just couldn't be certain. One quick look at the board, a polite greeting to the professor and she was standing in front of a stack of papers, looking for her name.

As soon as she found it, she folded the top so that she wouldn't see her grade in front of everyone, and made her way to her usual seat, plopping down with a soft thud and slowly peered at her paper. A. She didn't know whether to be disappointed that she didn't get better, or glad she didn't fail. A blank look was all she could muster at the moment.


FIFTH YEARS your_dada_prof April 29 2006, 22:08:36 UTC
“Test papers on the desk, pick them up and sit down quietly.” He said to the first few started to trickle in. By now, he knew these students would be wise enough to know to pick up their papers from the first desk in the room and sit back down, almost quietly. He didn’t mind it so much if this class talked since they did marginally better than the rest of the younger years combined. This also happened to be their O.W.L.s year as well so he only expected to see them improve. And while at it, improve their awkward behaviours.


Re: FIFTH YEARS jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 23:41:14 UTC
((Starting Gryffindor/Slytherin Class; Thursday 1pm))

Jackie walked into class, a bit surprised she was the first to arrive of all the Gryffindors. She secretly hoped for a good grade, what with all the extra help she received from Charlie and Keeley, but when she picked up her exam, only an "A" for Acceptable greeted her. With a sigh, she headed towards her seat in the middle of the room. It looked like she'd have to put extra studying in to raise her marks to "E" or even an "O".


Re: FIFTH YEARS keeley_dwyer April 30 2006, 17:43:57 UTC
Keeley hurried into class, wanting to know if they had gotten their quizes back yet. She had felt like she had done all right on the quiz, but did not know for sure. She leafed through the exams until she found hers. A smile crossed her face as she saw the large "O" written on it. She took her seat near Jack. "How did you do?" She asked.


Re: FIFTH YEARS vivica_fielding April 30 2006, 17:51:39 UTC
Vivica sat behind Keeley and Jackie. Although she wouldn't talk to them she did enjoy listening to their inane conversations. They amused her.

She picked up her own exam paper and looked at the grade. An 'O'. Vivica nodeded to herslef as if she wouldn't have expected anything less and then stared straight ahead at the back of Jackie and Keeley's heads.


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