
Apr 27, 2006 08:57

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace / Sunday, October 2 / 4:30 pm
Location: Lakeside
Open To: Avery
Currently Involving: Jackie

Taking a break from flying... )


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Comments 48

averykellaway April 27 2006, 16:18:56 UTC
Avery had just spent some quiet time alone by the lake, looking out into the horizons and just taking it all in. It had been fairly quiet that weekend, with only the Hogsmeade weekend to fill in the emptiness. She had made it back from the Hog's Head fairly early, after leaving the others there. The meeting was surprisingly short, and the whole time she had only been listening and mentally taking down notes so that she could get things into perspective.

Sighing, she kicked at the ground one last time, sending a small pebble flying into the lake. Time to head back to the castle, where everyone was everywhere. She turned and started to make her way back, but not before she spotted a small figure holding a broom just a little distance ahead of her. Was that Jackie?

Avery squiunted her eyes to make sure that she hadn't gotten the wrong person, and started jogging towards her. When she was near enough, a grin broke out on her face and she called out to the other girl. "Hey, Jack! Wait up!"


jackie_zhang April 27 2006, 16:30:34 UTC
Jackie halted abruptly, surprised to hear someone call her name. The lakeside had been void of students (or, at least the noticeable ones, as she figured the ones that were *cough*snogging*cough* were hiding farther away from sight). When she turned to see Avery running up to her, a smile lit her face. "Hey, Avery!"

She hadn't seen the younger girl since the Gabe's birthday party, but she wanted to mention what a good job the other had done. She thought she could praise her now, when no one else was around, as she figured Avery was a bit shy when it came to public compliments. "It was a great party yesterday! Thanks for inviting me!"


averykellaway April 27 2006, 16:38:42 UTC
Avery heaved a sigh of relief as Jacqueline stopped walking. She had been a fairly good flyer, but never a runner. She walked briskly all the way up to the other girl, all the while trying to catch her breath.

"Oh, thank you. I didn't know if I was doing it right, because well, you know, this was my first time and all," she admitted, smiling sheepishly at Jack. "But I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

She looked at Jack carefully, somehow remembering that she had briefly considered asking her about the DA. Is this a good time? she wondered. She casted a look around them, trying to figure out if they could maybe go somewhere else instead ( ... )


jackie_zhang April 27 2006, 18:18:32 UTC
Jackie forced herself not to shake her head at Avery's modesty. When would the girl be confident in herself? Or perhaps, she was... and Jackie just didn't realize her silent self-assurance. Whatever the case, she gave her friend an encouraging smile. "I think everyone enjoyed the party. You didn't have anything to worry about."

When Avery mentioned speaking to her in private, Jackie nodded. The secret area, though, took her by surprise and she widened her eyes slightly. She hadn't been to the secluded spot on the castle's grounds in a while, not since the beginning of her third year. It must be serious, if Avery didn't even suggest the girls' dormitory or the library's restricted section.

"Sure." she said, leading the way as she veered off the direct path to the castle and started making her way to its opposite entrance.


averykellaway April 29 2006, 02:33:33 UTC
"No, no, I'm not in trouble at all." Avery shook her head quickly at Jackie, feeling the need to assure her. She had to get things out in the open quickly, or risk getting hexed if Jackie decided she wasn't the Avery she knew or if she suspected her of being someone else on Polyjuice Potion. Not a nice thought, that.

She took a deep breath, intending to get everything out this time. "Harry Potter wanted to start DA again. Soren's been approached to lead it this time, and we've been told that we need to be careful, because there might be a threat."

She looked at Jackie carefully, trying to make sure she was absorbing all this. "A threat in the school. And I want to know if you'd want to be part of it."


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 02:55:42 UTC
If Jackie could be more surprised, she would be. But her senses were already on full alert and the buzz in the back of her mind was blasting at maximum power. She would have drawn her wand out just to stun her friend, to drag her to the Hospital Wing, and make sure she was who she said she was... but then Avery chose that moment to explain.

And suddenly, everything seemed to make sense. Why Soren had been acting so secretly... that Jackie had no chance to even say hi to him, much less catch up on all of his summer adventures. Why her other friends were acting different and why the Slytherins were playing more pranks and hexes than they had before, bringing the Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry to a new level. And why Avery needed to speak to her here of all places ( ... )


averykellaway April 29 2006, 03:33:34 UTC
Avery knew Jackie would be surprised. Who was she kidding? She herself was surprised when Soren had approached her, but it wasn't like her to say no, was it? She had been waiting her whole life to do something about her mother's death, and while she knew she was still young, almost defenseless and still had a long way to go, this was as good a place as any to start.

She had to wait for a moment before responding to Jackie's reply, as if waiting for the "but.." to come. But when none came, she nodded slightly. "You're absolutely sure? I don't want you to feel like you've been forced into this, because you aren't." Of course, she left out the part that she would probably need to get Bran or Soren to obliviate her if she had objected, since Avery wouldn't be able to do it herself.

"What we need to do first, is to get you to Soren so you can sign your name on the list. It's something like an agreement, to make sure what we discuss, stays within the group."


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 03:51:49 UTC
Jackie relaxed slightly at Avery's next question. That was more like the Avery she knew... concerned about her feelings and her thoughts. She released a pent-up breath and gave her a reassuring smile. "Yes. I know what I'm getting myself into."

She never thought it would be daisies and sunshine, chocolate frogs and ice mice. She knew the grim reality of the war, ever since Charlie's brother died. They said it was dragon-related, but she doubted that (though she never voiced her opinions to Charlie, as she didn't want to add to her best friend's pain). And now, her own brother, Steven, and Kaleb... she knew they were doing something for the war, even if they didn't tell her the specifics. And she hated being in the dark. She wanted to be active, and help in any way that she could.

When Avery brought up Soren's name again, Jackie nodded. "Naturally. I wouldn't expect anything less."


jackie_zhang April 30 2006, 04:25:12 UTC
"Well... I don't think they don't look at you like a little sister." Jackie blew the bangs off her forehead. "I think they look at you... like someone they'd want to protect. Not that you can't protect yourself, mind you. But you seem to bring out that side of their personalities."

She smiled. "And that's not a bad thing. It's just a part of your charm."

Ah, yes. Jackie figured relationships would be complicated, especially when getting into one seemed so nerve-wracking. And it couldn't be as simple as telling someone that she liked him, as she wasn't even sure of her own feelings much less his.

When Avery wanted to pinkie promise, Jackie chuckled. Sure, she could tell her when she was sure of it herself. "All right, on one condition. You have to tell me if there is someone you like, too." She curled her pinkie around Avery's and shook ( ... )


averykellaway April 30 2006, 04:31:35 UTC
"Wow, I've never looked at it that way before," Avery admitted, smiling gratefully at her friend. She had always thought that her being so quiet and defenseless and such a demure girl made people treat as nothing more than a younger sibling, just like Bran. But to say that it was all part of her charm? Avery suddenly felt very flattered, not to mention embarrased.

"..You have to tell me if there is someone you like, too."

Well, she would, if she could come to terms with it and accept her own feelings. No, just don't think about it.

She merely grinned back when Jackie shook her pinkie, suddenly feeling very giddy, as if they were both young again, playing a prank and promising each other not to tell anyone.

"He's really like you in that sense, isn't he? Good at potions and stuff. What about you though? Thinking of putting that talent in potions of yours into good use, too?" she asked, wondering if she had thought about life after Hogwarts.


jackie_zhang April 30 2006, 04:42:01 UTC
Jackie nodded, quite sure of her thoughts about Avery. Guys would never - well, perhaps the closer word would be "rarely ever" - see her the way they saw Avery. But she couldn't change herself, be something she wasn't, so she doubted her love life would blossom into anything more than thoughts. And she was content for the most part, knowing that.

As for her brother... "He's more brainy than I am." Jackie smiled. "Which is why we were surprised he made it into Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw. But yeah, we share a few strengths - potions being one of them."

Now, Avery was the second person to ask her what she planned to do post-Hogwarts. It must be because she had those dreadful OWLs to look forward to. Jackie shrugged. "I'm thinking of becoming a healer or maybe work for the Ministry's Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Not quite sure which though. I suppose it'll all depend on how well I do on my OWLs."

She turned to the younger girl. "What about you? Do you have an idea what you want to do after graduation?"


averykellaway April 30 2006, 14:19:27 UTC
Seeing that Jackie had decided to drop the matter, Avery was a little relieved to oblige. She had no problems with girl talk, as long as she didn't have to divulge certain information about her love life, or in this case, feel uneasy because she kept thinking about... things. Or people. Just get over it already!She focused instead on what Jackie was telling her, nodding when she spoke about the two houses. "Well, he could be brainy AND courageous, and perhaps his bravery stood out more. I suppose I could say that for myself, since sometimes I do wonder how on earth did I get into Gryffindor. Don't get me wrong. I love it here, but I just feel so different sometimes, you know?" She offered a lopsided smile which meant that she was quite unsure about the situation ( ... )


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