
Apr 27, 2006 08:57

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace / Sunday, October 2 / 4:30 pm
Location: Lakeside
Open To: Avery
Currently Involving: Jackie

Taking a break from flying... )


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jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 02:55:42 UTC
If Jackie could be more surprised, she would be. But her senses were already on full alert and the buzz in the back of her mind was blasting at maximum power. She would have drawn her wand out just to stun her friend, to drag her to the Hospital Wing, and make sure she was who she said she was... but then Avery chose that moment to explain.

And suddenly, everything seemed to make sense. Why Soren had been acting so secretly... that Jackie had no chance to even say hi to him, much less catch up on all of his summer adventures. Why her other friends were acting different and why the Slytherins were playing more pranks and hexes than they had before, bringing the Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry to a new level. And why Avery needed to speak to her here of all places.

It was a serious question, and Jackie studied Avery for a moment before replying. What she would say would shape the rest of her future, not just the rest of her days at Hogwarts. And if there was a threat in the school, she knew she could not just stand idly as her friends fought for their beliefs. She took a deep breath, and kept her tone serious and level. "Yes, I would."


averykellaway April 29 2006, 03:33:34 UTC
Avery knew Jackie would be surprised. Who was she kidding? She herself was surprised when Soren had approached her, but it wasn't like her to say no, was it? She had been waiting her whole life to do something about her mother's death, and while she knew she was still young, almost defenseless and still had a long way to go, this was as good a place as any to start.

She had to wait for a moment before responding to Jackie's reply, as if waiting for the "but.." to come. But when none came, she nodded slightly. "You're absolutely sure? I don't want you to feel like you've been forced into this, because you aren't." Of course, she left out the part that she would probably need to get Bran or Soren to obliviate her if she had objected, since Avery wouldn't be able to do it herself.

"What we need to do first, is to get you to Soren so you can sign your name on the list. It's something like an agreement, to make sure what we discuss, stays within the group."


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 03:51:49 UTC
Jackie relaxed slightly at Avery's next question. That was more like the Avery she knew... concerned about her feelings and her thoughts. She released a pent-up breath and gave her a reassuring smile. "Yes. I know what I'm getting myself into."

She never thought it would be daisies and sunshine, chocolate frogs and ice mice. She knew the grim reality of the war, ever since Charlie's brother died. They said it was dragon-related, but she doubted that (though she never voiced her opinions to Charlie, as she didn't want to add to her best friend's pain). And now, her own brother, Steven, and Kaleb... she knew they were doing something for the war, even if they didn't tell her the specifics. And she hated being in the dark. She wanted to be active, and help in any way that she could.

When Avery brought up Soren's name again, Jackie nodded. "Naturally. I wouldn't expect anything less."


averykellaway April 29 2006, 04:26:51 UTC
A smile should always receive one in return. Glad that they had finally gotten things out in the open, and that Jackie was beginning to relax, she let her shoulders drop slightly and slid down against the tree until she was seated properly on the ground.

"Well, yeah, I suppose so. We need to be careful when it comes to these things. There have been way too many attacks in these past few weeks." She sighed and looked up at Jackie. Her friend was one of the more cheerful people around, and she hoped she hadn't ruined her mood somewhat.

Deciding it was better to lighten the mood, she let a soft smile slip back onto her features. "So, how have you been? I realised other than this past week I haven't actually seen you around much."


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 04:41:14 UTC
Yup, Jackie thought to herself, this was definitely Avery. If it had been some impostor, she wouldn't have dropped her defenses that soon. She gave another encouraging smile, and sat down next to her, propping her broom against one of the sheds. She sighed. "So, I've heard. I wish someone would have told me sooner, but I had to hear it from the rumors floating and try to piece it all together myself."

She gave a wry smile. "I guess that's what I get for being cooped up in the library for the past month."

At Avery's latest question, Jackie tilted her head as if in thought. What could she say that would be as important as this? OWLs? Summer vacation? Everything seemed a bit trivial now. "I've been okay... Nothing's really new with me. Steven's still at St. Mungo's. Dad's fine. I'm kind of keeping an eye on a couple younger students, kind of like 'kid brothers' to me that have a knack for attracting trouble of their own. Charlie's... well, she's getting better..."

Jackie's voice trailed off. She knew Avery and Charlie didn't see eye to eye, and it wouldn't help to mention her own difficulty with Charlie and trying to help her deal with her brother Deryck's death. She turned back to her. "What about you? I heard a little about the love potion ordeal... but if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. Tell me something else. How was your summer?"


averykellaway April 29 2006, 04:58:04 UTC
"Well, it isn't something that you could make small talk about, is it?" Avery shrugged, and then proceeded to lace her fingers together. "Erik was attacked, I guess you must've heard. So were Juhi and I, but what happened to us wasn't all that.. serious." She didn't know what else to say besides that. In actual fact, she had only suffered a small bruise from the full body bind cast on her, whereas Erik landed in the hospital from his injuries. She could only hope that this was the end of it all, but that would only be wishful thinking, wouldn't it?

At the mention of the library, Avery smiled. Of course Jackie would be in the library. OWLs was not child's play, but with everything that's going on? She wasn't even sure she'd make it past this year, but chose to ignore it.

"I'm glad everything's fine. I've seen a few younger students myself, but had been somewhat distracted this past week. I wonder what they're up to." She thought about Jaci and Niamh for a moment, the two younger Claws who had been so adorable and sweet that she felt guilty for not being able to see them more. Knowing there were younger students around, she felt more determined than ever to want to do something about their situation.

"I'm glad Charlie's doing fine." Avery and Charlie weren't all that close, but they got along. "Ugh! The love potion, yes. Well, promise to keep it to yourself, though. I.. uh.. I ended up kissing another girl." She barely whispered the word kissing, as if it would come back and haunt her if she said it any louder, and shuddered.


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 12:23:34 UTC
"Yeah, I heard..." Jackie bit her lip. "But I just find it strange the Slytherins are being more... offensive in their attacks. I mean, it used to be just taunts and gibes from them. And of course, the well-laid, subtle plans of attack. We - I mean the Gryffindors - used to be the practical jokers, the ones that would try to get under their skin, and now it seems we're on the defense."

She nodded at the mention of Avery's 'kid sisters', half-missing the times when they were younger (although that wasn't too long ago) and they didn't have to worry about the war as much, leaving it in the hands of the older and hopefully wiser students. But now, she was one of those older and wiser (she chuckled at this thought) students, so now it was up to her and her friends to do what they could.

Jackie pressed her lips together, swallowing a giggle that formed when Avery spoke of the love potion. She pointed out, "Hopefully, she wasn't your worst enemy," and shuddered at the thought of Erik and Emilia snogging.


averykellaway April 29 2006, 17:35:09 UTC
What Jackie said was true, in a sense. Slytherins were known for their snide remarks, their sneers and smirks, and not this. Not purposely going around attacking others. But Avery supposed with people like Tom Riddle being their predecessors, anything was possible.

"I really don't know what's going on, but it could be possible that they're.. I don't know, trying to give us some kind of warning or something of that sort?" she suggested, knowing it was possible that some of the older Slytherin students have already been informed about the possibility of going to the other side. The thought terrified her. What were they all thinking? Except she had a vague idea what was going through their mind. Blood purity.

"Oh, ugh! No she wasn't my worst enemy. But she could be, now?" She gave a small shrug. "I don't know, Jackie. She really thought I fell in love with her, and she took me seriously. We might never be able to speak to each other again, I don't know." Mila had been missing these couple of weeks, yes, but she didn't want to know if she had been planning to get back at Avery for something she hadn't even done.


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 17:49:08 UTC
"That would make sense." Jackie nodded. She never really thought that there could be future Death Eaters walking amongst the school, but then... with the formation of the DA, there probably was a secret organization of Slytherins, or pureblood-activists, floating around too. The thought sent a chill down her spine.

"Have you tried explaining? Maybe in an owl, if you're... a bit hesitant to bring it up in person?" She asked Avery. She couldn't think anyone would ever hate Avery, as she was one of the nicest and sweetest girls in the school. Watching Avery's expression, Jackie tried to make it sound not-so-hopeless. "I'm sure after a few weeks everyone would have forgotten that it ever happened... and since most people weren't acting like themselves - and everyone knows that, it should be okay."


averykellaway April 29 2006, 18:36:40 UTC
Avery leaned back on the tree and closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the feeling of being with nature. It was relaxing and stress-free, something she felt was missing for a long time.

"Well, I did. I sent her an owl a few days after the incident. She asked Trefor to pass me a note earlier, but didn't say much except that she thought we were going to be special. I'm sorry, but I'm just not like that." And I like someone else, she wanted to add, but managed to hold it back.

"I think people are starting to forget, somewhat, what with all the happenings around school. But it's a surprise that they haven't found out who was behind all these potion ruckus."


jackie_zhang April 29 2006, 19:02:08 UTC
"Oh..." Jackie understood. Any time a love potion - or in this case, love potions are involved, someone was bound to get hurt. Even in normal non-potion romances. She sighed, a bit relieved that she didn't have to suffer through the ordeal herself, though she was a bit curious to what it felt like.

"I don't think the professors are actively looking into it. They probably figured it was a student prank... or they just don't want to let us know." She picked at a blade of grass and flicked it between her fingertips. "Hopefully, it won't happen again."


averykellaway April 30 2006, 00:53:39 UTC
Avery studied Jackie's expression for a moment, curious to know what she was thinking. As far as she was concerned, relationships stuff scared her, especially after Trefor and the drama with Zoe. Well, not exactly drama, but she just didn't understand why Zoe would look at her as if she hated her, when she had never even spoken so much as 2 complete sentences in front of her.

She shook her head and turned her attention back to Jackie. "What are you thinking about?", she asked, looking carefully at her.

She sighed again and tried to occupy herself by picking on the grass beneath her. "I guess it could be a student prank. But it isn't like them to let this go so easily. Makes me wonder if maybe they do have something more important to take care of." She let her legs slip out from beneath and stretched them thoroughly, since they were beginning to feel a little numb.


jackie_zhang April 30 2006, 01:08:26 UTC
"Hmm..." Jackie looked at her, a bit distracted. "Oh! Well... nothing really... just that..."

She shifted against the tree, readjusting her skirt. "You know, I've never had a boyfriend... and I was just thinking... being curious, really... about how it would be to have one."

She blushed slightly, thinking she could never really talk to Charlie about this. At least, not seriously, as the other would probably tease her about everything. She sighed. "Of course, I'm just thinking. It'll never happen, and besides, most of the guys I know - even the ones who I'm friends with - can be... idiots sometimes."

She nodded at Avery's concern. "Well, with Aurors around, it's natural to assume the professors have other things to think about."


averykellaway April 30 2006, 01:26:18 UTC
Avery raised an eyebrow at Jackie as she stammered, which she found highly amusing. That girl was definitely thinking about something. And from her observation, there wasa high chance that it had something to do with the opposite sex.

Her next statement just confirmed her suspicion and she giggled softly. "Well, I don't anything wrong with wondering, if that's really what you're getting at." She continued to look at Jackie, as if expecting her to deny this.

"Technically I'm not a very good person to ask. Lauren might be able to answer you better, I don't know. But I've only been in but one relationship, and you know that didn't last very long. I think I was just too young." She shrugged. She was still young, but she felt as if this past few months she had grown tremendously. Mentally, of course. "And I don't think that you'll never be in a relationship, yourself. You're a nice girl, why wouldn't you be?"

She chuckled at her comment about boys being idiots. "I suppose they can be such prats sometimes, isn't it?"

At the mention of Aurors, she let her laughter die down for a while. "I guess you're right. The presence of the Aurors alone does mean something. But I haven't actually met any of them so far. Have you?"


jackie_zhang April 30 2006, 01:34:01 UTC
Jackie felt her face flush to her roots. It wasn't exactly the type of conversation she felt comfortable with, even if it was with Avery, but talking about it somehow made it less uncomfortable.

She laughed softly when the other girl brought up Lauren. "Yes, well... I don't really know Lauren that well, and I'm not sure I'd want to ask her for advice seeing as her relationships don't seem to last more than several months at a time."

Jackie smiled wryly at Avery's statement. "Me nice? I suppose in a way, but I figure you and Lexi more as relationship material than me. Guys just see me as a friend, or a sister, or like one of them."

She shrugged. "Which is fine, too. It's what I'm used to..."

Jackie looked a little surprised that Avery hadn't run across any of the aurors. "I know Kaleb, but that's because he and my brother are friends. I haven't met any of the others."


averykellaway April 30 2006, 02:04:20 UTC
"Well, what you said about Lauren is true. I haven't been seeing her around either, so, I don't know, maybe she's up to one of her games again?" Avery laughed softly. Who was she kidding? Lauren could get any guy she wanted. She was pretty and talented. Maybe that was one of the reasons Avery never felt confident when it comes to relationships, because she felt like she couldn't measure up.

She lightly poked Jackie when she spoke about Avery being girlfriend material. "Me? Are you kidding, Jack? I'm boring, not fun like you. I've never known you to be one with such low self-confidence." She thought for a moment, studying Jackie's face. "Wait.. is there something you're not telling me? Such as, a certain someone you're trying to hide from me?" Ooooh, score one for Avery, future match-maker. It was from observation that Jackie didn't sound too convincing when she tried assuring Avery. Definitely fishy.

"Oh, Steven went to Hogwarts too, right? What's he doing now?" She felt a little guilty asking that, because they never talked much about family issues before this.


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