Week 005 Potions

Apr 23, 2006 20:39

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace
Location: Dungeons
Open To: Anyone taking Potions
Currently Involving: Snape and Students

Five weeks in and the students had already gotten on his last nerve... )

week-005, severus-snape, classroom-threads

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Comments 68

1st Years hih_npc April 24 2006, 00:46:41 UTC
((You know the drill... Snape'll be sweeping through as soon as a few of you enter...))


Re: 1st Years niamh_gannon April 24 2006, 01:00:53 UTC
Niamh walked slowly into the Potions classroom, a few minutes early, and took a seat near the middle of the room. She hoped some more of the first years would show up soon, as she really didn't want to be alone in the dark, scary classroom. Potions wasn't her worst subject by any means, but it wasn't her best either. However, she might actually have enjoyed it if it weren't for Professor Snape.

She set her bag on the floor under her feet after taking out her supplies. She wanted to be prepared and would do anything to not get on the professor's worst side, or at the very least, avoid his notice.


Re: 1st Years tzeming April 26 2006, 01:32:33 UTC
Excited and jumpy, Ming almost literally bounced into the room, but had to hide his excitement when he realised that he wasn't alone as he had thought. Somehow while he was on his way to the class he must've gotten distracted and became late. Either that or Niamh was just early. As usual.

He was a little disappointed that Professor Snape had yet to arrive. After his little experiment with Julian the previous day, he had hoped to learn something from Snape. Potions was fast becoming his favourite subject. And it never bothered him that Snape was so sarcastic most of the time. He was at least interesting. Not to mention a genius.

He chose a seat which is two seats away from Niamh and set her things down lightly, so as to not disturb the tranquility that was the Potions classroom. As always, a slight nod was directed in Niamh's direction, but he didn't wait to see if the girl would respond.


Re: 1st Years niamh_gannon April 26 2006, 03:44:06 UTC
Niamh looked up when someone walked in, prepared to smile in greeting at another first year. But when she saw that it was Ming, she frowned instead. She mumbled a quiet and somewhat sullen sounding "Hello" to him as he took a seat nearby, then looked down at her textbook, intent on ignoring him as much as was polite. She had no interest in having another dreadful conversation with the boy.

She sighed, feeling a little bored as she waited for Professor Snape to come in and start class. She hated waiting for classes to start, whether she liked them or not. At least when a class was in progress, she had something to focus her attention on. She turned the page of her textbook, wondering how much longer they would have to wait.


2nd Years hih_npc April 24 2006, 00:46:50 UTC
((You know the drill... Snape'll be sweeping through as soon as a few of you enter...))


Re: 2nd Years jacimannix April 24 2006, 04:51:36 UTC
Jaci slipped quietly into the room, as per usual when she headed into the darkness that was the potions section of the dungeons. She preferred to not sit near her friends, as much as she adored them, because she didn't want to be tempted to talk or misbehave. Not in potions. She know that the only way to not get on Professor Snape's bad side (for she knew she'd probably never be on his good side) was to mind her own business and concentrate on her work.

Unbelievably, potions was one of Jaci's two favorite subjects, and she actually looked forward to it each week, probably because it seemed to come so naturally to her.

She settled down into her seat, arranging all of the necessary items around herself and stowing her school bag out of the way. Once everything was in it's place, she leaned back in her seat and placed her hands in her lap to wait.


Re: 2nd Years bumble_bea April 30 2006, 03:27:05 UTC
Beatrice was positively cheerful as she entered potions. She, too, enjoyed the class, possibly because there wasn't as much spellwork as in, say, Defence or Charms. The girl practically bounced to her seat in the front of the room, with a sad look thrown to Jaci (so not fair that the Ravenclaw wouldn't sit next to her!), and settled in.

As usual, her notebook was set out with five fountain pens of different ink colors (since she discovered that quills+Beatrice+potions=disaster in first year), and the small reference book she had made for herself was discreetly placed atop her bag next to her feet.

Bea was still grinning as she looked around the room, then back to the front. Maybe potions wasn't her best subject, but she thought she was pretty good at it, if not quite perfect. At least she was always on time for this class, with her hair tied back properly!


Re: 2nd Years camdynbaker April 24 2006, 21:58:37 UTC
Camdyn had a strange fascination with Professor Snape. He wasn't her favourite, by any means, but he had a swagger... and an attitude, and he didn't let anyone get the better of him. She liked to change her hair colour in the middle of class to see if he'd notice.

If he did, he never said anything. She was lucky to be in Slytherin, she could assume, as he was usually more tolerant of her and her housemates than the Gryffindors.

There was onyl one Gryffindor that Camdyn really got a kick out of, and that was Fi McFinn. That girl could shoot fire out of her nose if she tried hard enough. Camdyn liked that.

She set up her cauldron and swung her feet underneath her chair. Where was that man, ahyway? Liked to make an entrance. Camdyn could respect that too.


3rd Years hih_npc April 24 2006, 00:47:06 UTC
((You know the drill... Snape'll be sweeping through as soon as a few of you enter...))


Re: 3rd Years mason_g April 24 2006, 00:53:12 UTC
Mason stood outside of the potions room laughing at a joke another of the students had just told, but as soon as the door opened, he shut up. Walking in, he took his usual seat and pulled out his book. He looked around for Snape, who seemed to be MIA. So of course, he started talking again. Duh.


Re: 3rd Years opheliaballard April 24 2006, 01:51:32 UTC
Potions wasn't her best subject, but then again, it wasn't her worst. Which wasn't saying all that much, but there you had it. Professor Snape was alright in his way, and she had it following lunch. All these factors considered, Ophelia was moderately content as she made her way to her seat and plopped herself and her bag down.

Of course he wasn't here yet. Though there was that Bird Boy and a few others. Bah. She hated waiting, but oh well. Taking out a spare piece of parchment paper and a quill, she began scribbling on it to pass the time.

((Bwahaha. ;)))


Re: 3rd Years mason_g April 24 2006, 02:09:14 UTC
Mason didn't even look up as Ophelia entered, but keep talking. He was ingaged in a rather funny story about two warlocks. He wasn't sure of the ending, so he was making it up as he went along. Where was Snape, anyways? Well, the longer he was gone, the better. "Anyways, that's how it ended. Wonder where Snape is, the bloody git."


4th Years hih_npc April 24 2006, 00:47:14 UTC
((You know the drill... Snape'll be sweeping through as soon as a few of you enter...))


Re: 4th Years averykellaway April 25 2006, 00:57:26 UTC
It was Friday already? The week went by quite fast, but on the day where she was supposed to be relaxing, she had the tightest schedule. And starting the day with Potions was certainly not the way she wanted to start the weekend.

As she plopped into her usual seat - back of the class for Potions, unlike every other class - and dragged her Potions text out of her bag. So Professor Snape had yet to enter. That doesn't mean she could slack off and wait until he came in and caught her doing nothing, which isn't something he would like, she was sure.


5th Years hih_npc April 24 2006, 00:47:22 UTC
((You know the drill... Snape'll be sweeping through as soon as a few of you enter...))


(The comment has been removed)

Re: 5th Years erikcohen April 24 2006, 01:20:09 UTC
Erik wondered if Emilia remembered what happened last time he had gone to potions. He certainly did, and it was a memory he was trying very hard to get rid of.

He didn't have a smile on his face as he entered the classroom, and he took a seat as far in the back as possible. Maybe she wouldn't turn around, and just maybe Snape wouldn't be extra hard on him for missing class the week before.

"Splendid," he mumbled and set up his cauldron.


Re: 5th Years emiliahawthorn April 24 2006, 01:59:16 UTC
Potions was about the only class for which Emilia arrived on time, it being not only her best class but also her favourite. Indeed, the swift walk between Study Hall and the Potions dungeon to ensure she would arrive on time was the most energetic she would be all week. Arriving at the classroom, she paused momentarily outside, smoothing her robes down and composing herself so as to be at her best for the Professor.

Walking into the classroom, Emilia's deportment was faultless. Her head held high and the usual near-regal expression on her face, took a seat towards the front of the classroom and prepared her things for the lesson.


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