Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace/Sunday, October 2nd, 2005/ 9:45am Location: Grounds Open To: Anyone Currently Involving: Saffron Mayloski, Arisu Ryusaki, Jackie Zhang, and Scarlett Lycroft
Ari hummed softly to herself and she strode through the grounds, her clumsy gait closer to a skip than anything else. She looked horribly childish but she wasn't really bothered by that fact. It was such a beautiful day out so in her mind, that justified being silly
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Letty was out walking again. She'd been out walking a lot lately. She liked to be on her own, have time to think and walk off whatever was eating at her. She was feeling a bit chilly today and the breeze kept pushing strands of hair into her eyes. She pulled them out of the way and noticed Saffy sitting on the grass a little way ahead of her. She looked so lonely sitting there all by herself, then she watched Arisu join Safyy. Letty realised she must look a bit lonely herself, wandering about all on her own. All of a sudden she didn't want to be alone any more and walked over to Saffy and Arisu.
"How's it going?" Letty asked as she sat down next to Saffy. "What's that you've made there?"
"Uh, go ahead," Saffron stammered, quite surprised. Of course her response was late, as Ari had already sat down. Usually, she would've sat up and been more polite, but her manners had been nearly drained out of her when she only got four hours of sleep. Ari always seemed so happy, Saffron noted. She might not have been sure who 'we' was, but she didn't think too much about that. "It is rather nice out today. A contrast from yesterday." Everything seemed to be.
Just as she was beginning to calm once more, Letty arrived. She sighed a loud 'huh', shaking her head. "With you lot sneaking up on me, you're going to scare the jimmies out of me." Letty was wrong in thinking that Saffron was lonely. But now, she had two friends about; she was smiling faintly.
She held the ring up over her head, inspecting it for a moment, then handing it to Letty. "I haven't the slightest idea. The top to a very small basket, maybe?" It was nice to see that someone was interested.
"Letty!" Ari exclaimed, looking pleased at they were joined by someone else. The more the merrier, right? "Aw, we didnt' mean to sneak up on you," she told Saffront, biting back a laugh. Besides, sneaking up on someone would requite subtlety, something Ari sorely lacked. "But you'd have to be awful panicky to be afraid of us." Neither of the girls were actually terror-inducing.
"Or maybe I'm just more scary than I thought, ne?" Ari mused, looking thoughtful. "Rawr." That was her failed at attempt at a lion's roar and it ended up sounding more silly and pathetic than anything else. "Nope, no chance of that."
She titled her head curiously at Saffron passed Letty the woven ring. "Oh, it's so pretty," she announced. "Did you just make that? That's so cool! Sadly, I'm artistically challenged." Another disaproving face was made at this comment before Ari relaxed, leaning back so she was propped up on her elbows.
Jackie giggled at Letty's remark, imagining her eyes bulging out due to her hair color. She nodded with Saff's sentiment. "Dark auburn, yes. Although if you're going with green, I'm partial to a dark emerald green rather than lime. Lime might look too... stringy."
She shrugged as they talked about the metamorphagus. "I think I've seen her around, too. Never had the chance to talk to her or introduce myself."
She looked at the girls, slightly stunned. They were all pretty in their own ways, but Jackie supposed the grass was always greener on the other side. As for herself, "Can metamorphagus change their heights? If they can, then if I were one, I might change that. Gain a few centimeters
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"If I was a metamorphagus I'd change my face! If there was only one thing I could have I mean. Because, you can change your hair so easily. Just look at me? Remember my purple hair phase anyone?"
Letty looked at the others but she wasn't sure if they'd remember a couple of days back in third year when she'd come back after the Christmas holidays with purple hair. Sprout hadn't been pleased and it got transfigured back to her natural colour after a couple of days.
"Seriously though, you can't change your face easily, even if you try!" Letty pulled a funny face to prove it.
Ari couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Letty with lime green hair. Actually, the thought of anyone with lime green hair could have caused the same reaction. "On second thought, green would be amazing!" Just seeing people's reactions would be wonderful.
"Oh, I like the changing height idea," she added brightly. "I hate being short." Her lips formed a pout at this slight lie. She was alright with her height, really, though being taller would be just as nice. "I don't think there's much I'd want to change though," she finished, looking almost thoughtful. She was quite happy with the way she looked, thank you very much, and given the chance, she didn't think she would change anything.
"I remember that," she exclaimed, laughing yet again at the memory. "That was brilliant. It was a pity you had to change it back so soon after though."
Jackie did have a point. Lime green was a very difficult color to work with, and that might be a bit of problem. Usually, Saffron condemned risks of any sort, but today she was going along with it. "I suppose what ever color you fancy then, huh
( ... )
Comments 27
"How's it going?" Letty asked as she sat down next to Saffy. "What's that you've made there?"
Just as she was beginning to calm once more, Letty arrived. She sighed a loud 'huh', shaking her head. "With you lot sneaking up on me, you're going to scare the jimmies out of me." Letty was wrong in thinking that Saffron was lonely. But now, she had two friends about; she was smiling faintly.
She held the ring up over her head, inspecting it for a moment, then handing it to Letty. "I haven't the slightest idea. The top to a very small basket, maybe?" It was nice to see that someone was interested.
"Or maybe I'm just more scary than I thought, ne?" Ari mused, looking thoughtful. "Rawr." That was her failed at attempt at a lion's roar and it ended up sounding more silly and pathetic than anything else. "Nope, no chance of that."
She titled her head curiously at Saffron passed Letty the woven ring. "Oh, it's so pretty," she announced. "Did you just make that? That's so cool! Sadly, I'm artistically challenged." Another disaproving face was made at this comment before Ari relaxed, leaning back so she was propped up on her elbows.
She shrugged as they talked about the metamorphagus. "I think I've seen her around, too. Never had the chance to talk to her or introduce myself."
She looked at the girls, slightly stunned. They were all pretty in their own ways, but Jackie supposed the grass was always greener on the other side. As for herself, "Can metamorphagus change their heights? If they can, then if I were one, I might change that. Gain a few centimeters ( ... )
Letty looked at the others but she wasn't sure if they'd remember a couple of days back in third year when she'd come back after the Christmas holidays with purple hair. Sprout hadn't been pleased and it got transfigured back to her natural colour after a couple of days.
"Seriously though, you can't change your face easily, even if you try!" Letty pulled a funny face to prove it.
"Oh, I like the changing height idea," she added brightly. "I hate being short." Her lips formed a pout at this slight lie. She was alright with her height, really, though being taller would be just as nice. "I don't think there's much I'd want to change though," she finished, looking almost thoughtful. She was quite happy with the way she looked, thank you very much, and given the chance, she didn't think she would change anything.
"I remember that," she exclaimed, laughing yet again at the memory. "That was brilliant. It was a pity you had to change it back so soon after though."
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