
Aug 11, 2008 14:16

Week Name/Date/Time: “Duelly Noted” / Wednesday, November 29th, 2006 / 6:55 PM
Location: The Great Hall
Open To: All!
Currently Involving: Margie

I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad )

margie-staten, week-048, kazuki-takurai, aleesha-montgomery

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almonty August 21 2008, 00:45:58 UTC
Leesh was enjoying herself far too much. The look of horror on Margie's face would be enough to keep Al giggling for days and it had served as a terrific distraction to the lousy day she had been having. She made a mental note to thank her partner in crime later for this wonderous event that was making Margie blush. Maybe Leesh and Kazuki could test the accuracy of those skill rumours, you know, for celebration and scientific purposes.

She nodded along in earnest to Kazu's explanations. "Oh yeah, a number five chipped my front tooth just last year!" She ran her tongue over the tooth that had been broken, although it had been fixed since then. The boy has apologised profusely but she had been too mad to accept any sort of 'sorry'. Which reminded her, she really must find him and tell him she had finally forgiven him. A year was long enough for him to be humiliated.

"Ok, six! Don't worry lovely, we're getting to the good stuff now. Sixes leave you feeling a bit empty. Like they're scratching just short of an itch that's been driving you mad for years, yeah? They're nice but not what you need. Sevens are good, but they like to experiment a bit, which doesn't always work out for the best. You might have several wonderful kisses but what sticks out in your mind most is the one time they got it wrong. When sevens get it wrong, they get it wrong badly." Leesh frowned, apparently recalling an unhappy memory, but she didn't care to share her past.

"Eights, ohohoho, now we're into the good stuff. Eights..." She paused and grinned, now recalling much happier times but really, it was time to wrap this thing up, Leesh wanted to know what Tom was. "Eights have you walking around with a silly grin on your face long after you kissed. Nines leave you breathless and slightly weak, as if you've used all your physical energy in just one kiss. And tens, well..."

Al grinned at Kazu.


kazuki_takurai August 21 2008, 06:18:22 UTC
Yes. Scientific purposes only.

Kazu munched on the delightful piece of fruit in his hand, keeping his focus on Aleesha. Ooh, a chipped tooth! When she mentioned it, Kazu couldn't deny the fact that he was curious to know who this boy was... But there were more important things to discuss. Like the kissing scale!

"Ooh, eights are good," Kazu said quickly to Margie. "I've kissed a few girls who I'd give an eight. Usually after a good, solid date you'll get one of those!"

He returned Leesh's grin. Ohhhh, the ten.

"A ten on the kissing scale is the biggest honor anyone can achieve. Really hard to get a ten, I think. I mean... a ten is the perfect kiss, yeah?" Kazu said with a nod of his head. "The perfect length, the perfect amount of tongue... And if you're lucky, the clothes come off."

Kazu said this as if it wasn't a big deal at all, this getting naked business. He took another pleasurable bite of his apple before deciding it was a goner, seeing as the core broke in half.

"So, who're we rating here? Paddock?" Kazu asked, raising an eyebrow.


margietheshy August 21 2008, 13:32:53 UTC
Margie couldn't even begin to utter a word. She sat there, horror stricken, especially with tales of Aleesha chipping a tooth and their personal anecdotes. How could she ever do this? And why couldn't the ground just open up and swallow her whole, leaving Aleesha and Kazu to discuss the gritty details together.

She could barely even swallow without her face heating up more.

At Kazu's question, Margie quietly nodded, looking down at her plate trying to think of anything that would get her out of this predicament. But then also thinking of what Tom was...and freaking out about what she might be. There only seemed to be something good from 8 and up, and knowing her she was probably below that. Oh blimey what if she was horrible and Tom was just putting up with her? How horrible of a girlfriend could she be?


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