
Aug 11, 2008 02:16

Week Name/Date/Time: “Duelly Noted” / Friday, December 1st, 2006 / 5:02 PM
Location: The Great Hall
Open To: Sunny
Currently Involving: Li

Li trudged into the Great Hall, keeping her eyes on the floor. She reached up to scratch the back of her head, pondering her thoughts very carefully. Luckily, she didn’t have to look up to know where the Hufflepuff ( Read more... )

li-zheng, week-048, sunny-charles

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sunny_charles August 11 2008, 11:19:48 UTC
From a distance Sunny Charles looked like she was doing homework. Her head was down, hair falling all around her face, and her quill quickly scratched across the page of a red book. She was actually halfway through working out her profit margin for the year so far, which explained the almost happy look on her face. She'd made a nice little bundle from Wednesday's duelling club, enough to encourage her to run the same game the next time the event was held.

Beside her sat another book entitled 'Quidditch'. The school quidditch season brought in half her yearly profit which is why she would often say quidditch was the best game ever even though she had yet to sit through one entire match. Goodness no, she didn't care for all the flying and balls, she cared for her patrons. Or, more accurately, her patron's money. This week Gryffindor were favourites, sitting at 2-1 odds compared to Ravenclaw's 5-1.

Sunny paused only in her work to take a sip of pumpkin juice.


zheng_li August 13 2008, 00:12:03 UTC

Victim number one for the evening: Sunny Charles, sixth year Slytherin!

A large grin broke out on Li's face, and she was immediately up from her seat. Ready to pounce at any given time, she began her prowl across the Great Hall, keeping her eyes focused on her target. This was going to be good! Her hand was already ready to whip out a roll of Jolly Ranchers.

"HAH!" Li cried, jumping on top of the Slytherin table, crouching in front of Sunny. She grinned like the goofball she was before retrieving her colorful Muggle candies from her pocket, offering them with shining eyes.

"Nyaaaa... D'ya want some candies?" she asked, hopping a little bit closer to one Miss Charles. "They're YUMMY!"


sunny_charles August 13 2008, 01:34:38 UTC
The cup she was holding flew into the air as Sunny jumped in fright. Pumpkin juice flew into the air and slashed on a rather burly looking 7th year who growled at Sunny and her ninja friend.

Sunny raised her eyebrow and casually closed her books. "Li, you're going to kill me before I graduate. If not by heart attacks or rotten teeth then by a brutal beating from a peer." She took a lolly despite her concern for cavities and popped it in her mouth. That was the thing about sunnt that made you slightly confused. She could ramble on for hours about the effects of smoking and how horribly cancer would kill you, but she had no problem lighting one up after all of the facts. You had to wonder if she had a death wish.

"What's up kiddo? Care to place bet for Saturday? Gryffindor is favoruite to win."


zheng_li August 13 2008, 08:02:46 UTC
Li could only grin brightly, giggling at the girl in front of her ( ... )


sunny_charles August 13 2008, 08:51:29 UTC
"Without me you wouldn't know you could die from microscopic parasites in your bloodstream," she said with a wry smile. Sunny knew how bleak she always sounded and she supposed, if she wanted to, she could stop herself. She could be happy and giggly if she tried. But it was always more fun to watch people react negatively. She did try to tone down her behaviour in front of this girl though. Li was nice. She laughed at Sunny without laughing at her, as obscure as that sounds and she had never displayed anything but positivity.

Sunny thought that took guts in a world like today's.

"Candies don't buy a bet," she said, pushing her books to the side in slight disappointment. It was always upsetting to hear she wasn't about to receive money.

"There's big interest on this match," Sunny said slowly, unsure why the girl was thisfar away from her face but unwilling to move because she couldn't be bothered. "So I might make an appearance. There'll be people wanting to place last minute bets and what sort of bookie would I be if I ( ... )


zheng_li August 13 2008, 09:40:03 UTC
That's what Li loved about Sunny the MOSTEST!! When people were happy and giggly, it made Li happy, sure. But there was something so brilliant about Sunny's bleakness and NOT-gigglyness. It kept Li wanting to talk to her! There was always something new to learn about Sunny Charles.

Like stuffing tissue up your nose when you have a runny nose! Li learned that trick from Sunny, and she employed it A LOT.

And when Sunny said she was going to be there at the game, Li had to cry out with joy, hopping up and down on that little butt of hers.

"Kyaaaa, that makes me so happy!!" she cried. "I'll save you a spot if you want, Sunny! You can sit right next to me, and we can be Quidditch mates!"

Suddenly having the strangest urge to do so, Li leaned forward and rubbed their noses together, like they were affectionate dogs, or something ridiculous like that. But she really couldn't help it! She was just so happy!!

"Awww, you made my day, Sunny!!" she giggled. "I was having such a lousy one, you know."


sunny_charles August 18 2008, 02:38:54 UTC
She was rather proud of that one, the tissue up the nose trick but that was just Sunny; weird for the sake of being weird. She'd walk around like that all the time if she didn't think people would get used to it ( ... )


zheng_li August 19 2008, 08:47:40 UTC
Li gasped with excitement, squiggling some more in her seat. She didn't even notice the glares she was receiving from the Slytherin mass. To her, the only thing that mattered at the moment was that her favoritest Slytherin of all was going to sit with her during the Quidditch game! Whee ( ... )


sunny_charles August 19 2008, 11:12:10 UTC
Sunny, who had no idea she was considered 'fun' in Li's mind, looked down at the table in self pity. The Hufflepuff might have been describing Professor Reed but she could have just as well been describing Sunny herself. Killjoy. Boring. Both words that people had used to describe her in the past. Her self confidence was so shot she immediately assumed Li was talking about her as well. After all, if the Slytherin girl had ever caught Li on the statues, she'd say exactly the same thing.

"Maybe he's just looking out for you, yeah?" Her voice was quiet and slightly sulky, although she wasn't going to bring up her concerns. She didn't want to bore the girl further with her worries. "Maybe I, I mean Reed doesn't want to see you get hurt." Well, it was kind of dangerous. She could fall and break her arm or something and maybe the break wouldn't heal and Li would forever walk around with a backwards shaped arm!

It could happen.


zheng_li August 19 2008, 23:22:39 UTC
Li caught Sunny's tone of voice, and immediately became concerned. She leaned forward and turned her head, looking into Sunny's eyes with the smallest of a pout as she spoke. She tucked a bit of hair behind her ear, not paying it mind when it fell out of place again.

Maybe it was something she said? Whatever it was, Li didn't like to see Sunny looking so sad. It made her feel sad, and not many people could do that!

"I think you're right," Li said with a sigh. "I mean... I suppose climbing onto the statues isn't the best idea in the world... And it would be bad if I fell."

She paused for a moment, resting her chin in her hand. Her eyes flickered to Sunny every now and again, wishing that the sad face would disappear! She had to bring up something that could get Sunny's spirits up.

"Hey, hey!" Li cried, clapping her hands together once. "Did anyone tell you that you would look good in purple? You would look so pretty! Personally, I don't think many people can pull off purple, especially not me ( ... )


sunny_charles August 20 2008, 06:59:44 UTC
Now how was she supposed to stay sulky with Li's cute face right in front of her own? She smiled despite herself as the girl gave a silly laugh ( ... )


zheng_li August 21 2008, 00:10:27 UTC
Li wasn't a fan of fashion either. A lot of people told her that she dressed weird, or that it looked like she got dressed in a blackout. And to be honest? She didn't really care. Li was a lot like Sunny, in the sense that she thought that there were much more important things to worry about instead of what you're wearing, or if your skirt matches your top.

And there was nothing for Sunny to worry about! Li would like Sunny whether she made an effort or not! This random conversation was testimony to that!

"Waaaaugh, orange! MY WORST ENEMY! Gah, everyone says it makes my skin look funky weird. At first I didn't believe them, but then my BROTHER said that too! Isn't that terrible?" Li pouted.

Then she stopped. Did Sunny... compliment her? Li felt her face go crimson before she looked at the table, fiddling with the fabric of her socks. What was she supposed to say to that?

"You think so? Well... I'm sure I've got to look horrible in something, right?" she said almost quietly, trying to hide her blush. "Umm, I vote orange. Or maybe ( ... )


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