
Apr 15, 2006 18:55

Week Name/Date/Time: Meeting of the Minds / Saturday 1st October / 2 pm
Location: Hogsmeade
Open To: Tobias
Currently Involving: Andra

Curse Lauren. )


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Comments 141

tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:01:38 UTC
Tobias didn't generally go to Hogsmeade. There wasn't anything in particular that he needed to buy, and the novelty had worn off a bit as he'd grown older. However, this weekend was a different story. He'd told Andra that he'd catch up with her in the town, so he now found himself on the street, glancing around slightly uncomfortably as he looked for her.

Had they planned on where they would meet? He didn't recall actually picking a place; no, as far as he knew, he'd merely said that he would see her there. Curse him, really.

Glancing about, he saw the sign for the Three Broomsticks. Ah, well that would be as good a place as any to sit and wait. The windows had a nice view of the street, so he'd be able to see her if she passed by. Pushing the door open, he stepped inside, immediately grinning as he caught sight of her.

"It appears we have the same mindset," he said as he stepped up to the table that she was sitting at. "Mind if I sit?"


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:04:46 UTC
'Of course I mind if you sit; I've been sitting here waiting for you and now I think I'd rather you just stand there.'

That was what she wanted to say; the attempt to be witty that her mind had come up with. However, her mouth refused to cooperate, and she gave a warm, nervous smile as she nodded and gestured to the seat.

Scoot. Scoot scoot; she slid around, making sure there was plenty of room.

Andra looked to him, still smiling, trying to force something out. "Hi!" she chirped, perhaps a bit louder than intended. She ducked down slightly as she saw a few faces glance her way.



tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:12:16 UTC
If she'd put any more room in the booth, Tobias believed that she would likely have fallen out the other end. Glancing down as though worried that he had some kind of rancid smell or perhaps some kind of mess all over himself, he slipped into the booth, grinning as she chirped a 'Hi' to him.

"Hi! Having fun here so far?"

He was actually kind of worried that he'd said something wrong; yes, even in those few first words that he'd said to her. He'd expected her to be a bit more verbal with her hello, but he supposed that she could be just tired. After all, she might have had a long day at Hogsmeade thus far, while he'd just gotten here.

Leaning his elbow on the table, he waited for the waitress to come over so that he could order a butterbeer. They were his guilty pleasure, and he didn't often get to enjoy them.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:15:10 UTC
Andra nodded, then shrugged. Indecisive? A little.

"Ah, I actually just got here not too long ago," she replied, minding to keep her voice down. "So yes? I suppose?" She gave a nervous laugh, then looked down at the grain of the wood in the table.

Oh, this wasn't good. She was thinking so hard about what to say that nothing of interest was coming out.

"You?" she finally asked, looking up again. "Fun, I mean? Having it?.."

He looked nice in his normal clothes, rather than school uniform and robes. It didn't help her nerves to admit that to herself, though.


tobias_kingston April 17 2006, 20:20:19 UTC
Good scuffed shoes -- that was the first part of his problem. Looking slightly wistful as he glanced down at the space between them, he shrugged. "Ah, but where would one get such handy shoes? I would assume the only way to get properly scuffed shoes would be to dance quite a bit, yes?"

And a partner who won't let you down -- that was the second, and much harder, part of his problem. Looking back up to Andra with a smile, he added, "And... well, other than you, I have no clue who would be willing to put up with me as a dance partner... so unless you'd be willing to be stuck with me, horrible dancer that I am, I don't see me getting much practice."

Of course, as she said that she didn't know how to properly fly, he grinned widely. Well, that sounded like she might have been offering a trade of their skills, didn't it? The coy smirk on her face was absolutely adorable, and he ammended his previous statement. "Actually... I think we have a deal there, don't we? I teach you to fly, and you teach me to dance?"


andraleigh April 17 2006, 20:26:11 UTC
"Ah!! See, you've an 'in' with the dancing, right here," she replied, placing a hand on her chest to emphasize that it was, well, her. "Scuffed shoes are an art, my dear Tobias. What do you think professionals do when they're forced into a brand new pair, one day before a competition?" She paused, then gave him a conspiratorial grin ( ... )


tobias_kingston April 17 2006, 20:47:34 UTC
Tobias knew that his face was probably highly intrigued looking as she said that professional dancers scuffed their shoes on rocks. "Really?" Always the Ravenclaw, he was greatly pleased to be learning this kind of thing. "I'd never have guessed that they cheated like that..." Trailing off with a grin, he took the final sip of his butterbeer, setting it on the table soundly.

He wasn't sure what she'd been about to say on the subject of being stuck with him, but he was almost sure that she'd probably been about to say that she'd rather he find someone else. After all, who in their right mind would want to teach him how to dance?

He didn't think anyone would.

But as she stuck her hand out to shake his, his face broke into a wide grin. "Really?" he repeated, this time sounding a bit shocked that she would be willing to strike such a deal. He wouldn't complain, that was for sure. He was finding that he quite enjoyed her company.

Taking her hand, he shook it, holding it perhaps slightly longer than he should have...



andraleigh April 17 2006, 20:54:21 UTC
Andra's smile softened as he grinned and agreed; wasn't this exciting! They could help each other out, and she definitely wouldn't complain about spending so much time with him. That was definitely a plus.

Learning to fly. Teaching to dance. Tobias. What could be better?

Nothing, that's what. She shook his hand, not really letting go after the shake, either. She should have been pulling back in embarassment, but quickly pulled it off by giving him a gentle tug.

"Want to go out?" she asked, finally letting go. There, that was good! She'd managed to play off holding his hand, and to be honest, she was ready to get out of there. The smell of the dried butterbeer was sickly sweet; besides, they had other things to do and see, right?


imthelobster April 22 2006, 18:05:20 UTC
Tobias could feel her trembling, but rather than attributing it to nerves or anything of that sort, he just decided that it was because they were headed for the Shrieking Shack. After all, the stories were slightly terrifying, even if no one had heard any noises from the Shack in years.

"Well, don't worry. I might not be the... bravest... Ravenclaw..." Tobias began, looking down at the road with a small laugh as he interrupted himself. "Actually, I'm not really a brave Claw at all..."

Trailing off, he realized that he'd just completely distracted himself. What had he been about to say? Something about bravery and her not worrying... ah yes.

"Anyway, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, so it'll just be an otherworldly experience, that's all." He nodded sharply and seriously as they got closer to the wooden, leaning Shack. It was looking a bit worse for wear, really.


andraleigh April 22 2006, 18:11:42 UTC
How cute. He thought she was shaking out of fear.

Well, in a way, she sort of was? Just not of the Shrieking Shack! She smiled to herself, looking down at the path as they moved closer. When they came to a stop, she felt a bit calmer, ironically. They weren't moving, she didn't have this strange fear of tripping down the slope and bringing him down with her.

Of course, there was now the pesky problem of her arm being looped in his, which she still failed to remove. She honestly wasn't thinking about it; despite her nerves, he was quite warm and comforting. And her mind was completely preoccupied with the Shack.

"It's smaller than I remember," she observed, head tilting. "But maybe because I was smaller then?" she added with a small laugh.


tobias_kingston April 22 2006, 18:19:17 UTC
Tobias didn't mind her arm looped through his; after all, he'd offered his arm to her, hadn't he? He barely even noticed it, really. When she said that it was smaller than she recalled, he chuckled, nudging her.

"When was the last time you were here?"

He stayed still for a moment, just looking up at the Shack. It wasn't small, by any means, but no, it wasn't that big either. Especially considering how massive Hogwarts itself was. "I think that it's been at least two years since I've been here," he continued as he stepped forward, tugging her gently along.

This was going to be fun, he expected. It was always better to go in with someone else; it added to the mystery and intrigue.


andraleigh April 22 2006, 18:27:35 UTC
She gave a laugh, then looked to him sheepishly. "I think I visited once, the first time I came. And it scared me half to death, so I steered clear. Mostly observing from afar."

She was blushing now, ashamed to be a scaredycat Gryffindor. "So yes, well, haven't really paid a visit in quite some time," she admitted, trotting along beside him nervously.

Wait, what?? Go in??

She blinked in surprise, her heart thudding in her chest. She hadn't been in since that first time... Of course, it had been a group of seventh years playing a prank way back then, but still. The fear didn't discriminate. It was associated with this place, not seventh years.

"Er, all-- all right," she said, trying to smile. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. He'd said that, just a moment ago. Right. It was alllll okay.


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