
Apr 15, 2006 18:55

Week Name/Date/Time: Meeting of the Minds / Saturday 1st October / 2 pm
Location: Hogsmeade
Open To: Tobias
Currently Involving: Andra

Curse Lauren. )


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tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:01:38 UTC
Tobias didn't generally go to Hogsmeade. There wasn't anything in particular that he needed to buy, and the novelty had worn off a bit as he'd grown older. However, this weekend was a different story. He'd told Andra that he'd catch up with her in the town, so he now found himself on the street, glancing around slightly uncomfortably as he looked for her.

Had they planned on where they would meet? He didn't recall actually picking a place; no, as far as he knew, he'd merely said that he would see her there. Curse him, really.

Glancing about, he saw the sign for the Three Broomsticks. Ah, well that would be as good a place as any to sit and wait. The windows had a nice view of the street, so he'd be able to see her if she passed by. Pushing the door open, he stepped inside, immediately grinning as he caught sight of her.

"It appears we have the same mindset," he said as he stepped up to the table that she was sitting at. "Mind if I sit?"


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:04:46 UTC
'Of course I mind if you sit; I've been sitting here waiting for you and now I think I'd rather you just stand there.'

That was what she wanted to say; the attempt to be witty that her mind had come up with. However, her mouth refused to cooperate, and she gave a warm, nervous smile as she nodded and gestured to the seat.

Scoot. Scoot scoot; she slid around, making sure there was plenty of room.

Andra looked to him, still smiling, trying to force something out. "Hi!" she chirped, perhaps a bit louder than intended. She ducked down slightly as she saw a few faces glance her way.



tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:12:16 UTC
If she'd put any more room in the booth, Tobias believed that she would likely have fallen out the other end. Glancing down as though worried that he had some kind of rancid smell or perhaps some kind of mess all over himself, he slipped into the booth, grinning as she chirped a 'Hi' to him.

"Hi! Having fun here so far?"

He was actually kind of worried that he'd said something wrong; yes, even in those few first words that he'd said to her. He'd expected her to be a bit more verbal with her hello, but he supposed that she could be just tired. After all, she might have had a long day at Hogsmeade thus far, while he'd just gotten here.

Leaning his elbow on the table, he waited for the waitress to come over so that he could order a butterbeer. They were his guilty pleasure, and he didn't often get to enjoy them.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:15:10 UTC
Andra nodded, then shrugged. Indecisive? A little.

"Ah, I actually just got here not too long ago," she replied, minding to keep her voice down. "So yes? I suppose?" She gave a nervous laugh, then looked down at the grain of the wood in the table.

Oh, this wasn't good. She was thinking so hard about what to say that nothing of interest was coming out.

"You?" she finally asked, looking up again. "Fun, I mean? Having it?.."

He looked nice in his normal clothes, rather than school uniform and robes. It didn't help her nerves to admit that to herself, though.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:21:12 UTC
She sounded so incredibly nervous, didn't she? Looking down at the table again with a slightly furrowed brow, he nodded. "Well, I just got here too. I thought that the Three Broomsticks would be a good place to sit and look for you, so this is the first place I've come."

Running a hand over his neck (her nervousness was making him nervous, much to his dismay), he said, "But -- I suppose that I'm having fun so far, seeing as I found you in about a minute."

Tobias couldn't help but wonder why she was so nervous. Was it something he'd said? Something he'd done? He certainly hoped not; he'd felt that she could really be a good friend to him, but if he made her nervous...

The waitress arrived at the table and he ordered a butterbeer, glancing at her as he asked, "What would you like?"


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:26:35 UTC
"Oh!" she cried, trying to lighten up. "I'm good, thank you, nothing for--"

She waved her hand, colliding with the poor waitress' notepad, before gasping and dropping her fidgeting hands to her lap. "Butterbeer, please," she murmured, feeling utterly embarassed.

She bit her lip, then let out a slow breath as the barmaid nodded and left. She looked up to Tobias, giving him a rather sheepish grin. "Little twitchy today," she confessed, though she wasn't about to tell him why.

Although, that thought did pop something into her mind! Something they could at least talk about without her fishing for a topic.

"I didn't know that you and Lauren were such good friends," she said, seemingly out of the blue.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:30:58 UTC
Tobias couldn't help but grin as she thwapped the waitress' notepad. He let out a low chuckle as the woman left, before outright laughing as she said that she was twitchy. "That's fine, completely fine. I didn't even notice, well, until you just... hit the... woman."

His words were broken by light laughter which he hoped she would understand wasn't laughing at her, but rather at the situation.

And mention of Lauren?

That perked his interest, and with a raised eyebrow, he tilted his head to the side. "Really? Are.. you and Lauren good friends?" He didn't recall Lauren ever telling him about Andra, but then again, they didn't tend to talk about the people at Hogwarts, unless someone had been hassling them.

"She and I have been friends for... Merlin, almost four years now, I'd have to say."


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:34:19 UTC
She blushed lightly, but soon started to laugh as he did; it was easier to giggle about the situation than to be utterly humiliated by it. After all, it was an accident. It wasn't as if she had smacked the woman in the back of the head, or hexed her! Right. So just laugh. Easy enough!

As his interest peaked, she nodded. "Very," she replied, smiling. "I was pretty surprised to find out that she was such good friends with you, since I hadn't even known. Or that you guys dated or anything." She shrugged, then placed her hands on the table lightly, determined to not crack her knuckles or chew her nails or otherwise fidget.

"I was talking about you and she said that she knew you and, well, there you have it!" she added, smiling. Despite the fact that she had completely incriminated herself.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:40:46 UTC
Ah, there we go. That was much better, having her laugh instead of looking at her being completely nervous. His nerves ebbed as he smiled. Talk was turning to Lauren, but that was an easy conversation, especially if Andra was close to her as well ( ... )


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:48:25 UTC
Andra laughed as he said that they didn't have that kind of chemistry, recalling how the conversation between she and Lauren had been similar. Before turning to the question of whether or not Andra liked him in that chemistry-relationshippy-kinda-way.

But that wasn't something she could say, now was it? Of course not; she couldn't even tell him he had an adorable smile withou--


She blinked, as if trying to literally blink away the entire conversation. As if she blinked just enough, she could turn back time or take flight.

"I didn't... I was- We just were..."

There was a lump in her throat; she had absolutely no clue how to get herself out of that one. She finally looked down, shaking slightly. She was not good at this sort of thing!! "I just asked if she knew you," she said quietly. "I wanted to know what she thought of you."

Maybe that didn't sound too bad?


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:52:45 UTC
Oh, he'd embarrassed her again. Why did he manage to do that so often? He didn't mean to, and he hated making her stutter. He didn't think that it was a very good thing, just like making her nervous wasn't a good thing.

With a smile, he shook his head. "It's okay, I was just kidding. I know you girls have your secret conversations that we males just wouldn't understand."

Of course, when she said that she wanted to know what Lauren thought of him, he couldn't help but wonder what his best mate had said about him. Knowing her, she'd probably called him a tosser, in the most affectionate way possible, of course. "...did she say anything interesting? Anything that I might need to deny?"

He grinned, trying to lighten the mood, perhaps make her a bit less shaky, jumpy, etc., and more like the Andra that he'd walked to the library, and to her Common Room.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 00:56:38 UTC
Anything interesting?

Merlin, yes.

Anything he might want or need to deny...? She smiled wide, feeling completely happy in telling the utter truth. "Nope," she replied, shaking her head. "Nothing but good things, honest."

She took a deep breath, happy that he wasn't pushing to find out just why she'd even asked Lauren such a thing in the first place. She was sure there was no way she could answer that one without either wanting to crawl in a hole and die, or lying.

She felt like she should apologize for being so utterly nervous, but she couldn't explain it. So, she tried to calm down, looking a little more relaxed as their butterbeers arrived.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 01:00:57 UTC
"Nothing but good things," he repeated, nodding slowly. "Well, that's good then. You wouldn't lie to me about that, right? She didn't tell you anything embarrassing that I'd prefer you find out on your own if you find out at all?"

Like, perhaps, about his stupid little rocking thing. Of course, he'd not actually ever explained to Lauren why he rocked, so she just thought it to be a quirk of his. Or, well, he assumed that's what she thought, anyway.

"Good." He grinned as the butterbeers arrived, popping the cap on it. Taking a small sip, he looked at her with interest once more.

"So, what would you like to do? I haven't actually been to Hogsmeade in... almost a year now, I'd have to say. I didn't go much my sixth year -- are there any new shops that I should know about?"


andraleigh April 16 2006, 01:06:51 UTC
Andra wasn't quite sure if the colour completely drained from her face, or if her cheeks only burned brighter. She was so far past caring at the moment, anyway, because all she could do was put two things together in her mind, two things that were causing her to breathe erratically and fidget uncontrollably.

She didn't tell you anything embarrassing that I'd prefer you find out on your own?


He's a good kisser.

Oh, she might as well just go out into the streets, paint a big red 'X' on her forehead, and declare it open season. Someone just kill her now.

She closed her eyes for a second, determined to not stutter when she spoke. She did quite well, if she did say so herself. "N-no, nothing embarassing," she replied, giving him a warm smile. "So no worries." She nodded, then busied herself with opening her own bottle.

As he asked what she'd like to do, she gave him a sheepish grin. "I'm out of Sugarquills," she confessed, taking a long sip and feeling the warmth spread. "I've been out all summer and have just been ( ... )


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 01:10:52 UTC
That answer was certainly not as sure as Tobias would have liked it to have been, so he resolved to ask Lauren what, exactly, she'd told Andra about him. It was obviously something more than just if he was a nice guy or what-have-you.

He could only hope that it wasn't anything too terribly embarrassing, though from Andra's reaction, he could only assume that it was pretty bad.


"Okay, then." He decided to just let that subject drop, since she was looking so incredibly uncomfortable with it. Thank Merlin that he'd asked what they should do.

Nodding as he took another sip of the smooth butterbeer, he replied, "Sure! Like I said, I haven't been here in a while, so wherever you'd like to go is fine with me. I'll just trail along after you like a puppy or something."


andraleigh April 16 2006, 01:16:50 UTC
Andra nodded, then looked down thoughtfully to her butterbeer. She had to get a grip; she wasn't ever like this-- well, to be honest, she wasn't ever like this because she'd never really... liked anyone before.

Which was an absolute disaster, she knew; Lauren had teased her about it enough that it didn't sting as much to realize she'd never dated or had a boyfriend. It was merely that she'd never an interest in any of the guys around school. Most of the guys back home had little interest in her because of the fact that she was away all year, and.. well. It all sort of came together to create one pitifully inexperienced seventeen year old.

She didn't even think Tobias liked her in that way, so why was she spazzing over it so much? She took a deep breath, drank a few more large sips, then smiled and looked back to him. "The shrieking shack's always fun," she offered, giving a small shrug. "They say it used to be haunted, but no one's heard anything out of it in a long time ( ... )


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