
Sep 12, 2007 18:50

 Week Name/Date/Time: 'Something's Missing Here' / Saturday, September 15 2006 / 4:56 PM
Location: Library
Open To: Andy
Currently Involving: Illiad

He didn't need the library. Not today. But this was where he met them-- the ones he paid to spy for him. They were always so helpful, young, bright faced, willing to share the darkest secrets of their ( Read more... )

illiad-hawkins, week-036, andrew-frazer

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andyfraz September 13 2007, 02:57:39 UTC
Andrew wandered through the library, picking up a book every now and then before putting it back in its place. He wasn't usually a reader. Not that he disliked it, he just preferred to watch movies. There was something about visually seeing something in front of your eyes that was much more appealing to him than having to imagine it in your head. But when times were tough at Hogwarts and he needed to escape, books were really the only option.

Andrew quickly stepped out of the way as a young boy ran past him at full speed. Hmm, was there trouble somewhere? He had (for the first time in his life) avoided getting into fights over the last few days because Wednesday evenings' 'incident' had left him quite confused. He couldn't stop replaying it in his head, and Thursday and Friday he was walking around as if caught in a dream. But today he had woken up and felt slightly better, he had finally managed to push the problem away deep into his mind. Which is why he was in the library. He needed to occupy himself with something that would keep it there, like a good book.

A fight might well do the trick too.

He went towards where the boy had run from but was disappointed when all he found was fellow 6th year, Illiad Hawkins. He knew little of the boy, apart from what Lou had told him, but he looked pretty harmless.

Andy turned away with a frown on his face and browsed the bookshelf on his left.


homely_illiad September 13 2007, 03:45:08 UTC
Flickering up, Illiad found the face of someone newly designated A Target. Andrew Frazer. He knew little of him, except when, over summer holidays, his cousin Louvika would blather on about her idiot friends. He supposed Frazer must be one of them. Anyone she held in high regard seemed to be worth little to Illiad, like that crazed child McFinn or that curious fool, McCarthy.

Frazer. a voice said in his head, eerily similar to a certian second-year girl. In the trophy room...with Brinley. the voice changed to his own. MY Brinley! A fire grew in his heart, melting the ice that usually encased it so well.

He leaned back in his chair, eyes slightly narrowed with dislike at the thought of Andrew Frazer naked. But he dismissed the thought from his mind. Mine.

"Well," he said aloud, his voice chilly and calculating, "if it isn't Master Frazer...come to survey your lands, my lord?" he asked, his eyes falling on the book Frazer had just set down with apperent dislike. "I am sorry it displeases you. I can have them remove it, those silly servents..."


andyfraz September 13 2007, 04:06:09 UTC


Andrew turned and glanced around the library confused until he realised the voice had come from Illiad.

"What?" His brow furrowed as he stared in complete disbelief at the other boy, having no idea what the hell he was on about.

"Is that what's passing for witty Slytherin banter these days?" His mind headed in the direction of Brinley's insults from the other night but he stopped himself just in time. "Go back to torturing kittens or whatever it is you guys do best."

And if Andy had known Illiad was thinking naked thoughts about him (in a bad way or not) he would have told him to stop. Brinley and him hadn't gotten naked, oh no no no! Andy had been adventurous that night, but he did eventually draw the line. Or it was drawn for him, he couldn't (read: didn't want to) remember.


homely_illiad September 13 2007, 04:14:44 UTC
A smirk came over Illiad's face.

"I'm afraid I rather like kittens," he told the other boy, crossing his legs. "But I can never eat a whole one," he said, a stoney look in his grey eyes that the smirk did not quite reach. "Not that you could. I hear you don't really go for pussy, either."

Ah there it was. The smirk hit his eyes, and brilliantly, as if someone had plugged in a very bright lamp. Illiad Hawkins was a very good reader of character, and while he might've suspected Andy's orientation earlier, now he knew for sure. Or, at least, knowing how things generally went when people did what he had done with Brinley recently for the first time, would be very uncomfortable when discussing it.

"Of course, you know... they say opposites attract and everything. So, why would a pussy want another, anyways?" His tone remained even and chilly, like the sharpest bite of frost.


andyfraz September 13 2007, 05:08:17 UTC
Andrew narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. So Illiad knew then. He knew Brinley would have to tell some people which is why Andy was lenient when he threatened Brinley** after they'd done...what they had done. He just didn't expect anyone Brinley was likely to tell to have to gall to say something to his face.

"I've got no idea what you're on about, Hawkins," he said, glancing around. There weren't too many people in the library at this time but you never knew who was hidden behind a bookcase. He took a few steps closer, enough so that the following whispers could be heard by Illiad.

"Why don't you go back to whatever you were doing and keep your nose out of other peoples' business," he hissed.

((**OOC - This hasn't happened yet in the Brindy thread but it's coming as soon as the boys *ahem* finish up))


homely_illiad September 13 2007, 05:22:12 UTC
Illiad's eyes seemed to glow. "Hawkins. Please, you know my name," he said, still calm and almost sweet. "I do hate being called that dreadful surname. Makes people think I'm actually like the other Hawkins'. Like that bitch of a cousin of mine, Louvika. Can't have people thinking we're too much alike, can we?" he asked, elongating his drawl whenever he could. Truth be told, while he didn't always care for his family, he also didn't always mind being related to them. They had decent reputations in the wizarding world, even if their blood sometimes got a little diluted. But that was something Illiad seldom cared for, unless one of his housemates was listening in.

"Speaking of being alike... I'd like to ask you what makes you think that this isn't my business?" he asked, and now his tone had gone cold and the smirk was gone from his eyes.

"What you were doing in the trophy room with Brinley Watson, during your detention, that is," his eyes narrowed, almost as if he couldn't help it. His voice turned quickly to an excited hiss, an angry hiss as if he was losing control. "And don't play the fool and say you don't know what I'm talking about. You're already a fool, you don't need to act the part!" His upper lip twitched and his eyes narrowed into slits.

"You'll get off far easier with me if you're honest. And quick."


andyfraz September 13 2007, 05:37:36 UTC
"Your cousin has more balls than you, Hawkins " Andy snarled, deliberately reusing his surname. "You'd be lucky to be even half the person she is."

He grabbed a chair on the other side of the desk and sat down. To anyone watching them it might seem like they were buddies talking about schoolwork. Unless you happened to really look and see the intense dislike etched on both of their faces.

"Who I talk to in detention is no one's business but my own. And what makes you think you've got any right prying into your housemates' life?" Andy wasn't sticking up for Brinley, he just got very annoyed by busybodies.

"Jealous?" He said sarcastically because truthfully, Illiad and Brinley as lovers hadn't yet crossed his mind.


homely_illiad September 13 2007, 05:48:47 UTC
"If Louvika has balls, I don't want to know about them," was Illiad's simple reply. "But no wonder you champion her so. Doubt you'd like anything else God gifted her with."

He crossed his arms lazily over his chest, perhaps furthering the image that they were buddy-buddy, for his stance was not defensive but comfortable. "And as for talking, if what you did with my..." he searched for a good word to describe Brinley, "...housemate was just talking, how do you hold family conversations? Do you do the same things to your parents? Because that's sick mate, and illegal. What about when you talk to your professors? Do you do the same thing, because that's called exploitation. You can get them fired, you know. You..." his voice dropped low and his eyes looked mournful and compassionate,"...don't have to suffer that kind of abuse just because you can't keep up with the coursework, Andy-Pandy..." His voice dripped with mockery.

He ignored the remark about being jealous, although his lip twitched again, threatening to give it away. So he added, "...seeing as how you're only a Mudblood and everything."


andyfraz September 13 2007, 06:19:02 UTC
Illiad's posture might be that of a relaxed person, but Andy's certainly wasn't. His back was rigid, his teeth were clenched and his fingers were tapping on the desk impatiently.

"Is there a point to this conversation? This mudblood has better things to do than listen to some whiny bitch. C'mom, what do you want? You wanna threaten me? Blackmail me? Get on with it," he hissed.

Jeez, this was just like every movie ever where the villan would go on and on about his plot to rule the world only to have the good guy escape and stop the whole thing during the exposition. Andy would have laughed at the image of evil!Illiad twirling his finger around his evil!moustache that popped into his head just now, if he wasn't deathly concerned about what the boy wanted. He was convinced he could keep Brinley fairly quiet with his threat, but how could he silence someone he knew nothing about?


homely_illiad September 14 2007, 03:07:45 UTC
Illiad had never fathomed growing a mustache, but he had considered investing in a placid cat that he could sit on his knee and stroke while blackmailing people. It would probably be white-- maybe a persian or some other long-haired little beast. Of course, he probably wouldn't look after it too much anyways until he needed it to intimidate people with... he could always loan it out to Mae or some other little child.

"Struck a nerve, have I?" he asked, a delighted smile on his lips. "Still in the closet? Perhaps that's where all filthy, queer Mudbloods ought to stay," he unfolded his arms and stared Andrew straight in the eye.

"After all, you're quite small. Someone like Brinley, on the other hand, could take a couple thrown punches when it came to his orientation. You... I'm not so sure about. Perhaps a harsh word might break you down." even his eyes seemed to sneer. "No wonder you hide in the closet. And you can stay there, provided you do precisely as I say," in all respects, Illiad was an excellent blackmailer. This was clearly not his first time. He'd been in practice since nearly his first year at Hogwarts, starting small with things like, "I'll not tell Snape you cheated on your Potions test if you give me half the pie your mother sends you each week," and progressing onward to things such as this--dangerous things, sometimes, too. He had a good eye for oppurtunity, Illiad Hawkins.

"Which is, keep your filthy little hands off of Brinley Watson."


andyfraz September 14 2007, 04:02:25 UTC
Andy blinked, unsure if he had heard properly. "You want me to stay away from Brinley?"

He felt relief flood through him and he banged his hands down on the desk excitedly. "Is that really it," he asked, smiling widely, "or is there a second part? Because if that's it..."

He gestured in a random manner, ran a hand through his hair and continued before Illiad could answer. "You've got yourself a deal."

He sat back in his chair, relieved. If only all blackmail threats could be this easy! Seriously. Andy would have stayed away for free, but he wasn't stupid enough to say that out loud. A question begging to be asked flitted through his mind and he opened his mouth to speak before catching himself in time and biting it back.


homely_illiad September 14 2007, 04:19:03 UTC
Illiad's lip twitched a little again and he seemed to be trying to figure out whether or not Andy was bullshitting him. His eyes narrowed a little and his mouth gave a second twitch. He almost asked, "Really?" but seemed to figure that that would be a sign of weakness.

"Deal, then," he said, extending a hand to shake Andy's. His grip was firm, all business. "I'm not one to feel pity for someone if they break their deal," he said, sternly, his stoney grey eyes matching his tone.


andyfraz September 14 2007, 11:24:37 UTC
Andy shook Illiad's hand with a bemused smile on his face. "You don't need to worry about that," he replied. He tried to sound as 'official' as the other boy but the truth was, he was over the moon. The dislike even faded from his eyes as he studied Illiad silently. Not that he felt friendly towards the boy, he was a Slytherin and had threatened Andy after all, but at that moment he didn't hate him. And despite his best judgement, he was feeling rather curious as to why this bitter looking fellow felt Brinley's best interests were a thing of his concern. As he stood to leave, several possible reasons ran through his head but only one made sense. He paused.

"So how long have you fancied him?"

Oh no, Andrew wasn't as stupid as he looked.


homely_illiad September 17 2007, 04:25:20 UTC
Illiad's olive skin seemed to go slightly pale and the top corner of his mouth twitched again. Used to Gryffindors like his cousin Louvika or his brothers, he obviously seemed to have asummed that Andy would be like them-- oblivious and unsuspecting, unless if got in the way of their doing something noble or something like that. He had little regaurd for the House of the Lion, it seemed. In his eyes, they were nothing more than fools, running around and looking for trouble, too intrested in their own glory to see what was really going on.

He bit the inside of his lip unnoticably and tried to think of a response. While he was naturally good at physically improvising, it was different with talking. His main goals relied completely on him looking smooth and cool-- something that was a lot harder on the fly. And now, second by second, he was losing him intimidation. He decided to go with the first thing that came to his mind.

"I do not fancy him," he said cooly, his tone biting and edging in on angry. "I do not think someone so simple as a Gryffindor, yet alone a Muggle Gryffindor could even comprehend such things," he spat.

He could've easily have said he was doing this for Andy's best intrests-- it was well known that brinley was not sparing with his emotions and more than once, someone had gotten publically upset over a ditching. But that would make it look like Illiad Achilles Laetus Hawkins had gone soft-- caring for a Gryffindor? It would take months to rebuild his reputation after that. It only stood on rickety stilts as it was. The truth was better-- he had nothing to lose. Enough people could guess the closeness bwteen Brinley Watson and Illiad Hawkins was more than it seemed, and if Andy said something accordingly to the manner-- perhaps taking a leaf from Illiad's book of fantastic blackmailing-- people would either ignore it as an over-used rumor, or know the pair well enough to know it was true.

"What is between Brinley and I," he said, glaring, "is none of your business. What must concern you now is the fact that if something is between you and he, your life will become far more miserable than it already is."


andyfraz September 17 2007, 05:26:36 UTC
Andrew's curiousity hit its peak as he ran Illiad's word over in his head. What goes on between Brinley and I....

"You're dating him?" He sat back down in his seat, trying to hide a smirk but failing miserably. "Ouch, that's gotta hurt, hey? I'm curious though, what smarts more, that he got off with someone else or that he got off with a mudblood?"

Andy was rarely cruel, mean, sure, but cruel was hard for him to reach. His brain however, called for some punishment for this boy. This arrogant Slytherin who just assumed he could threaten him and get away with it. Just assumed that Andy would take it.

Andy was sick of taking it.

"Cause he did get off. Fuck Illiad," he said, choosing finally to use the boy's first name, "he's so pretty when he comes. But, well, I'm sure you know that. Does he make those little noises for you too? Does he put his mark on you?" He pulled his scarf out of the way to show a still-clear bite mark. "Does he let you mark him?"


homely_illiad September 17 2007, 05:42:16 UTC
It did hurt.

It hurt so much, Illiad felt ready to vomit. It had been over a month since last he and Brinley had been together-- not since July. After that, it'd been next to impossible to hook up over the summer, what with Illiad in Ireland with his family and Brinley in England, and the both of them owing their duties to their respective, blood-traior families.

Illiad felt the bile rising in his throat at the thought of Brinley touching this boy, kissing him, biting him, doing what he should only do to Illiad. His eyes flashes and darted this way and that, clearly obvious now that he was letting Andy's words get to him. Around Illiad Hawkins' heart was a tough shell of ice-- and the love he felt for Brinley was the only thing that ever melted it away. But when Brinley was spoken of in such a manner, the fire grew in his heart and threatened to consume him.

He stood up in a flash, his wand in his hand as if he'd had it up his sleeve. He pointed it straight at Andy's heart.

"You'll...you'll not speak of Brinley like that!" he hissed, a couple of purple colored sparks flying out of the end of his wand and fizzing out on the desk. People were starting to stare now. Illiad was shaking like a tree infested with scampering chipmunks. In all honesty, he was tired of it. Tired of Brinley's cheating, tired of people talking about him like he was some silly cuckhold.

"OBSCURA!" a blindfold shot from the end of Illiad's wand and fastened itself tightly around Andy's mouth.

He was tired of the talking.


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