(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 23:49

Week Name/Date/Time: "Attack of the Wheezes" / Wednesday March 29th, 2006 / 9:45 am
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Open To: Fi
Currently Involving: Peter

Peter loved this week. Yes he had been muttering it to himself all week but he really couldn't say it enough. Why wouldn't he love it? ESPECIALLY since it meant that he got to run around spraying everyone with that awesome lovey perfume that made them go all gaga. And he didn't even get in trouble! CA-CHING!!!

He did admit that it wasn't very James Bondy of him. Probably more Pepe Le Peu than anything...but he was a romancer extraordinaire right? RIGHT! That other skunk was completely in love with him, especially since he had that skunky scent. Sure some might point out that that didn't exactly smell too nice and the girl skunk had always run away, but in the end Pepe achieved victory!! HUZZAH!!!

Doing some fake french little 'Huh-huuuhs' under his breath, he checked his supply of potions and candy. And why yes the perfect place to do that was in the center of the Quidditch pitch. Why wouldn't it be?

peter-quince, week-029, fi-mcfinn

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