(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 13:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Traitors in the Mist' / Saturday, 11th March 2006 / 4:14 PM
Location: Dervish and Banges
Open To: Troy
Currently Involving: Erik

Erik Valentin Cohen was at a complete loss for words. Sure, he'd been dreaming of being an auror since earlier in the term, but it didn't bloody mean he'd wanted to start now. Merlin had split them into pairs, but that was just a precaution! He'd not expected there to actually be an attack anywhere. Shouldn't he have been out there helping people at the Three Broomsticks? Oh no, because then no one would be left to protect the Quidditch Supplies. Erik didn't even play Quidditch, he was too... distracted by everything and anything!

After his unfortunate meeting with Wes the previous week, Erik wasn't exactly in a rush to get himself killed. Crucio was much harder to handle a second time, not to mention... if a Death Eater hit him with said spell today? It was likely his brain would be fried, and who was here to save him?

There wasn't much time to ponder it, for as soon as the thought entered his mind, Death Eaters were headed toward the door. He scanned the shoppe frantically, noticing that students were fleeing toward the back entrance, spotting only one person left browsing the shelves - a seventh year, Troy Frogley if he remembered correctly. Bloody hell, were they two of the only people too stupid to run for it?

"GET YOUR WAND OUT NOW!" Erik shouted, bracing himself as the doors opened.

troy-frogley, week-026

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